O Sorion Cream é um produto de cuidados com a pele baseado na Ayurveda, especialmente desenvolvido para proporcionar conforto à pele seca. Esta fórmula poderosa pode ser usada como creme facial, creme para as mãos, creme para os pés, creme corporal, entre outros, proporcionando suavidade e nutrição de longa duração.
O Sorion Cream contém óleo de coco, um ingrediente natural que acalma, regenera e protege a pele. Além disso, é enriquecido com valiosos óleos essenciais ayurvédicos, como o óleo de neem, a cúrcuma, a rubia cordifolia e o indigo pala. Esses ingredientes ajudam a aliviar a pele seca, proporcionando uma sensação de conforto. A fórmula também é enriquecida com vitamina E, que possui propriedades antioxidantes e hidratantes.
Uma das principais vantagens do Sorion Cream é a alta concentração de ingredientes vegetais tropicais em sua fórmula. Diferente de outros produtos, o Sorion Cream não se espalha facilmente, garantindo uma ação mais eficaz. Além disso, é 100% livre de esteroides, o que o torna uma opção segura para uso diário.
A fórmula herbal do Sorion Cream é baseada em scripts originais da Ayurveda, combinando uma tradição milenar com a biotecnologia do século XXI. Essa combinação única resulta em um produto que oferece cuidado extra para a pele seca, proporcionando alívio e conforto.
O Sorion Cream possui uma formulação rica e tem uma validade de até 3 anos. No entanto, é importante verificar todos os ingredientes para confirmar o uso seguro do produto antes da compra.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Fórmula Ayurvédica
- Ingredientes Poderosos
- Concentração Ativa
- Livre de Esteroides
- Tradição e Tecnologia
- Hidratação intensa que combate o ressecamento da pele.
- Alívio imediato da coceira e vermelhidão, proporcionando conforto.
- Propriedades anti-inflamatórias que ajudam a acalmar irritações.
- Regeneração da pele, promovendo uma aparência saudável e radiante.
- Fórmula segura e natural, ideal para uso diário em toda a família.
Aplique o Sorion Cream na pele limpa e seca, massageando suavemente até a completa absorção. Utilize diariamente, de preferência após o banho ou sempre que sentir a pele seca e desconfortável. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
Thrift Shop Reviews –
I’ve been dealing with a scalp condition for several years now. Been to the doctor multiple time with various prescriptions. First dermatologist did just a tad more than the doctor and more prescriptions. Nothing changed. Went to second dermatologist and actually had a biopsy done. I wasn’t sure if psoriasis or eczema or other skin condition, so biopsy was a must. I have tried literally everything on amazon and in store plus homemade concoctions. The first thing that worked for me was non-alcohol witch hazel. Use it for several weeks and then start to add glycerin to aid with keeping the skin moist. The burning and itching will be gone. Then start the Sorion cream, yes I use it on my scalp and use the shampoo. Use it at night to start and then build up to wearing 24/7. My hair looks oily, but it looks like styling gel. You can feel it start to dry out after 6-7 hours so be ready for another application. After a couple of days you will feel exfoliation like you never experience before and all without pain and being dry like after acids. This will make a difference but you cannot just use once a day. Some days I still use the witch hazel as it feels amazing on the scalp.
Ann D. –
I have suffered from psoriasis on the bottom of one foot for decades, to varying degrees. In more recent years, it has gotten more difficult to control, and has started on bottom of other foot. I have minor issues around cuticles, as well, but not as much. I have regular care from a dermatologist I have gone to for years, we both are reluctant to resort to shots or oral meds, as there are many side effects, but the last few years this has gotten out of control, the itching, the tears in skin, actually bleeding at times. I have learned to exfoliate, use a gentle file, to keep the dead skin from getting so thick. I have used steriod creams and ointments, etc.
And, then, this summer, from googling, and researching, I heard about Neem and Turmeric. And I ordered Sorion Cream. This stuff is amazing, it heals, it softens, and the dead skin is easy to exfoliate. The instep of the most affected foot is completely clear, although I still have calluses on the ball of foot in a few places that are harder to treat. I’m not sure if it’s ok to mention another product, but I also use another healing ointment with Petroleum jelly. This is a good supplement to the Sorion. Alone, it is not enough, I have tried it for years, but now the two are keeping my feet almost clear. I’m not embarrassed to wear sandals or flip flops now. There is a bit of redness, but fairly normal. I absolutely havet NO itching, that alone is worth any med. This condition is controllable, more than what I was able to do decades ago before it got serious.
A little goes a long way, I’m still using the original tube, from July 10, I believe. I use it several times a day. I’m going to order more soon, in case this goes off the market or is no longer available on Amazon. Whether you love or hate the concept of Amazon, it is amazing that we can research pretty much on here along. The reviews are anecdotal, but invaluable. Try this for any eczema or psoriasis, or other aggravating skin condition you might have. It is especially soothing, calming, and effective.
Charles Beard –
I almost never leave a review but I think this one can help people.
I started using the creme about a week ago and in that time the pealing skin on my hands and around the top of the sock area around both legs is dramatically better. I would estimate 97% less flaking skin and I’d say 90%+ better on the redness. I have tried a lot of different things and none have worked too good except for this one.
It doesn’t stay greasy like some do. It does have kind of a smell but it’s not bad. I’m sure when this tube gets low I will order another one.
Daisy’s mum –
Gave Sorion cream a try because of the high rating by others, even though a few ratings said, “Didn’t work; save your money.” It seems some products work for many people, and yet not for others, and I’m willing to spend a lot of money if a product will actually work.
I’m so very grateful that Sorion cream works very, very well for me. For years, I’ve tried plenty of products, including nutritional supplements/herbs and also Rx creams and ointments (most with steroids) after visits to dermatologists since late 2019. In early 2020 there appeared the biggest patches of eczema I’ve ever had (lower legs and one arm, mostly). The Rx ointments helped over many months to reduce the irritation, itching, and soreness, and SLOWLY diminish the large areas — good moisturizers and time do that as well, I’ve found. Since then, there has been a continuing status of mostly small, round circle spots of eczema, one large patch as well as a smaller one, both on the lower right leg. But, the Sorion cream, used now for about five weeks, has not only greatly eased itch and soreness but also worked quickly to heal the eczema spots, in days instead of weeks or months it used to take on any patches or circles of eczema.
Aromas can hit human noses in different ways, and I don’t mind the herbal smell of the cream at all. After the results seemed consistently quick to soothe and heal, the aroma became something that indicates relief, and I like it fine. I try to use it on affected places twice a day, as that seems to work best. As the itch diminishes, at times I forget — but, steadily applying 2x/daily as a fast and excellent effect.
Upstate –
It works great on the psoriasis patches, but for the scalp it made my thin fine hair very oily, and it was difficult to wash out.