Creme Skin Deva com Ácido Glicólico – Esfolia a Pele Durante o Sono, Clareia e Corrige Manchas Escuras – 50g
O Creme Skin Deva com 10% de ácido glicólico é a solução ideal para quem busca uma pele renovada e iluminada. Este creme facial atua enquanto você dorme, promovendo uma esfoliação suave que remove as células mortas e revela uma pele mais fresca e radiante ao acordar. Com sua fórmula avançada, ele não apenas clareia manchas escuras, mas também melhora a textura da pele, proporcionando um aspecto mais jovem e saudável.
Enriquecido com uma combinação poderosa de vitaminas e nutrientes, como vitamina C, que ilumina a pele, e vitamina E, conhecida como a “vitamina da pele”, este creme também contém ácido hialurônico, que rejuvenesce e hidrata profundamente. O retinol presente na fórmula potencializa ainda mais os efeitos de renovação celular, tornando-o um tratamento completo para a pele. Sua textura leve e não oleosa permite uma rápida absorção, garantindo que você acorde com uma pele revitalizada e com um brilho natural.
Além de ser eficaz para o rosto, o Creme Skin Deva é seguro para uso em todo o corpo, incluindo áreas delicadas como pescoço, axilas e regiões íntimas. Ele também ajuda a reduzir rugas e a desvanecer linhas finas, tornando-se um aliado indispensável na rotina de cuidados com a pele. Com proteção antioxidante tripla, este creme combate os radicais livres, mantendo a pele saudável e jovem por mais tempo.
1. Eficácia comprovada na esfoliação suave da pele durante o sono.
2. Corrige manchas escuras e sombras, proporcionando um visual mais jovem e bonito.
3. Rico em vitaminas e nutrientes essenciais para a saúde da pele.
4. Seguro e eficaz para uso em todo o corpo, incluindo áreas íntimas.
5. Proteção antioxidante tripla para manter a pele saudável e jovem.
Para obter os melhores resultados, comece limpando e tonificando a pele. Aplique uma pequena quantidade do Creme Skin Deva com ácido glicólico no rosto e no corpo, evitando a área dos olhos. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Para maximizar os benefícios, utilize o creme todas as noites antes de dormir. É altamente recomendável o uso de protetor solar durante o dia, pois a pele pode ficar mais sensível à luz solar após a aplicação do ácido glicólico.
Cheryl Perry –
I really love this product. The glycolic acid really helps dry up blemishes
Faby Galván –
Algo grasosa, aún estoy con poco uso pero lo poco se nota muy poco cambio seguiré usándola
S.K –
I am really unsure if this works. I have been using for weeks now and have not seen any visible results. I end up just using it as s moisturizer at nights
Nancy –
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I ordered Skin Deva after neglecting my skin on vacation. My entire face was in need of some TLC and the promise of evening my skin tone had me clicking the order button. I am in my mid-30’s with a lot of hyperpigmentation, scarring, and delayed effects from living the early 2000’s in a tanning bed. I generally do not have sensitive skin.
The moisturizer is thick but creamy. The consistency is same as a good lotion and there is an aroma that smells like the old Avon lotions. I like the consistency of this moisturizer and I can feel a slight burning sensation in some areas after applying after my nighttime toner. I tried applying directly to my face without the toner and did not have the same tingling effect. Honestly, since the tingling only lasted a minute, the next night I went back to using with the toner that helps slow my daily oil secretion. I apply to my entire face with an extra layer around my eyes. Using small circular motions, the moisturizer absorbs completely and leaves my skin feeling supple. I have not seen any obvious exfoliated skin effects like flaking, even after using twice a day for a weekend. My skin tone has evened out some but the most noticeable difference is the reduction in pore size around my nose. I spent 2 weeks slathering on sunscreen and I hadn’t really noticed what that did to my pores until I could see an improvement after using Skin Deva. The product works really well and seems to be gentle enough for daily use on my oily skin. My face tends to get used to products easily so I will reduce use in the future and add this to the weekend routine to keep it actively working for me. Overall, I am pleased and so glad I ordered! It has only been 5 days and my face is almost back to my pre-trip tone and texture.
Regina –
I bought this cream about a year and a half ago. The night cream I used to use was discontinued. I was heartbroken but needed to find a replacement. I searched for other night creams that had similar ingredients, so I decided to try it. I’m glad that I did. It’s doing the job of keeping my skin in good shape and even-toned. I’d recommend it if you end up in a spot like me and are searching for something new.
Nancy –
Recommended by a wonderful aesthetician to keep your feet soft and callous free!!!
Shaniqua Mitchell –
I was actually surprised by how well this product worked for me. I started using it 3 times a week, now i use it every night. I saw results in the first 2 weeks.
Amazon Customer –
I used to think that good skin products had to be expensive. NOT ANYMORE! I love having a new layer of skin but without the ordeal chemical peels , like shedding and the time consumed with before and after care . With this cream I get peel while im sleeping and don’t have to worry about all the concerns of harsh peels. I have sensitive and super dry skin so I’m always worried about trying new products but they covered that part too. My face stayed hydrated and so so soft during and after using this product. I would recommended to anybody who would like to see immediate changes in their skin because the results are visible right away with the first of second use not months. Like with Any glycolic acid creams , avoid direct sunlight and use plenty of sunscreen. I will be posting pictures soon