Creme Revitalizante para os Olhos com Ácido Hialurônico, Cafeína e Chá Verde – Anti-Rugas, Olheiras, Beleza, Firmeza, Inchaço, Reduz Bolsas Sob os Olhos, 30ml
O Creme Revitalizante para os Olhos com Ácido Hialurônico, Cafeína e Chá Verde é a solução ideal para quem busca combater os sinais de envelhecimento na delicada região dos olhos. Com uma fórmula inovadora e ingredientes de alta performance, este creme atua de forma eficaz na redução de rugas, linhas finas, olheiras, flacidez e inchaço. Sua textura leve e de rápida absorção proporciona uma hidratação profunda, sem deixar resíduos oleosos, tornando-o perfeito para todos os tipos de pele, inclusive as mais sensíveis. Dermatologicamente testado e livre de crueldade animal, este produto é uma escolha consciente para quem se preocupa com a beleza e a saúde da pele.
- Reduz Rugas e Linhas Finas: O Ácido Hialurônico penetra profundamente na pele, promovendo hidratação intensa e minimizando a aparência de rugas e linhas finas.
- Ilumina as Olheiras: A Cafeína atua como um energizante, ajudando a reduzir as olheiras e a restaurar o brilho natural da pele ao redor dos olhos.
- Firma e Tonifica a Pele: O Chá Verde, rico em antioxidantes, ajuda a firmar e tonificar a pele, combatendo a flacidez e melhorando a elasticidade.
- Reduz o Inchaço: Formulado para combater o inchaço, o creme proporciona uma aparência refrescada e rejuvenescida à área dos olhos.
- Textura Leve e de Rápida Absorção: A textura leve do creme é rapidamente absorvida, garantindo hidratação sem deixar resíduos oleosos.
- Suave e Eficaz: Ideal para todos os tipos de pele, a fórmula suave oferece resultados eficazes sem causar irritação.
- Ingredientes Nutritivos: Enriquecido com ingredientes que acalmam e protegem a pele, deixando-a macia e flexível.
- Uso Diário: Recomendado para uso diário, de manhã e à noite, para maximizar os benefícios e manter uma aparência jovem.
- Dermatologicamente Testado: A fórmula foi testada para garantir segurança e eficácia na área delicada dos olhos.
- Livre de Crueldade Animal: Produzido sem testes em animais, permitindo que você cuide da sua pele de forma ética.
1. Redução visível de rugas e linhas finas, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem.
2. Combate eficaz às olheiras, proporcionando um olhar mais iluminado e descansado.
3. Firmeza e tonificação da pele, reduzindo a flacidez ao redor dos olhos.
4. Diminuição do inchaço, deixando a área dos olhos com uma aparência fresca e rejuvenescida.
5. Hidratação intensa com rápida absorção, garantindo uma pele macia e flexível.
Após a limpeza e tonificação da pele, aplique uma pequena quantidade do Creme Revitalizante para os Olhos na área ao redor dos olhos. Utilize a ponta dos dedos para massagear suavemente com movimentos circulares até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite. Evite o contato direto com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.
Vine Reviewer –
This eye cream comes in a pump which is convenient but the end tip portion hardens between the morning application and the evening. The cream itself is quite thick but absorbs quickly and has very little odor. It dries quickly and makes the under eye area look almost matte and airbrushed. I don’t have issues with puffiness nor circles but I have some fine lines that seem less noticeable after application. The product was received in September 2024 and expires in August 2027.
klvinci –
Comes fully sealed. Very nice, good-looking bottle (not sure why it’s important to me, but it is). The cream itself is light, absorbs easily, leaves the skin feeling moist. Very economical – you only need a little. Long-term effects are unknown, but short-term, I love it.
BrianRC –
I ordered this Revitalizing Eye Cream with Hyaluronic Acid, Caffeine, Green Tea – Anti-Wrinkle, Dark Circles, Firming, Puffiness, Reduce Under Eye Bags because in the mornings I have puffiness under my eyes and dark circles under my eyes. After reading the description, I hoped that this cream would help me improve the condition of the skin under my eyes and solve the problem of dark circles under my eyes. I applied the cream as recommended and after waiting for some time, about 2-3 minutes, I saw almost no visible effect. Neither the puffiness nor the dark circles disappeared or even decreased. Unfortunately, this cream did not work for me.
Vine Reviewer –
I was really skeptical about the 2 mins claim for this cream, but I had the spouse take a look at my eye area before and after using it. He admitted he could see a difference. I’m not sure it was as dramatic as the photos are, but it helped my eye to some extent.
The bottle states that how long the effect lasts is dependent on how quickly it rubs off, so I dont think this is the sort of thing that repairs the skin a lot.
It has a faint pleasant aroma, and there’s no stinging or other noticeable feeling.
A BookReader –
This eye serum comes in an elegant-looking shiny silver pump bottle. It is a pearly white, thick & cool cream that feels great on the skin when I am applying it. The ingredients include 2 compounds that I look for in an eye cream or serum – caffeine and hyaluronic acid – as well as green tea and some other ingredients. The label states that you will see a tightening effect in about 2 minutes after application and that it can last a few hours, depending on how long it remains on the skin. I tested this by applying it to the wrinkles near my eyes – I have some pretty deep ones – and then I stared into the mirror for 2 minutes. I saw the light and medium wrinkles gradually fade almost totally away. The deep ones at the corners of my eyes remained, possibly a bit less deep though it was hard to tell. This is a really impressive eye cream – the tightening effects last as long as you can still feel the cream on your face, so it didn’t last that long for me, but when I really need it to last longer I can just apply it again. This is an excellent moisturizer, and long-term use will hopefully result in more permanent improvements. Almost forgot – this has a light, floral fragrance – I love it.
Samantha Ford Taner –
I was initially skeptical about this cream because it was a brand I had never heard of and it left a sticky film on my skin as soon as I rubbed it in. A couple minutes later, the sticky film was gone and my skin was silky smooth with a soft powdery feel finish. I could see a slight difference in the texture and appearance on the first use. After repeated use I seen a bigger difference and I really like the luxury feel of this cream and how it makes my skin feel.
This eye cream comes in an easy to use pump. The cream is sold and absorbs quickly. I like how it makes my eyes look/feel. I highly recommend this product.
Disappointed Reader –
I’ll say it on every product I review that claims to be “anti-wrinkle”: rather, I will state reducing the APPEARANCE of fine lines and wrinkles using plumping and moisturizing. This Revitalizing Eye Cream goes on smoothly and absorbs well, providing a nice base for my concealer. I had no adverse effect after application,, and there is no apparent scent I could detect.