O Creme Resgatador de Mel Manuka Orgânico Bioativo para Cuidados com a Pele (50ml) é um emoliente intensivo hipoalergênico que combina a pureza do mel Manuka orgânico com uma fórmula de retenção de umidade, projetada para nutrir, restaurar e acalmar a pele. Este creme se destaca por suas propriedades bioativas, que ajudam a regenerar a pele, reduzindo a vermelhidão e promovendo uma aparência saudável e radiante. O mel de Manuka, rico em metilglioxal, um potente antioxidante, purifica a pele de maneira eficaz, tornando-a ideal para quem busca uma solução natural e eficaz para cuidados diários. Certificado orgânico pela Associação do Solo em conformidade com o padrão COSMOS, o Creme Resgatador é livre de parabenos, sulfato de lauril de sódio (SLS), corantes sintéticos, óleo mineral, DEA, BHT ou isotiazolinonas, garantindo um produto seguro e de alta qualidade. Experimente o Creme Resgatador de Mel Manuka Orgânico Bioativo e descubra como ele pode transformar a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele, proporcionando uma hidratação intensa e uma sensação de suavidade incomparável.
- Purificação Natural: O mel Manuka orgânico possui propriedades purificadoras que ajudam a limpar e desintoxicar a pele, promovendo uma aparência saudável e radiante.
- Hidratação Intensiva: A fórmula de retenção de umidade proporciona uma hidratação profunda, nutrindo a pele e restaurando sua vitalidade, ideal para climas secos ou pele desidratada.
- Hipoalergênico: Adequado para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis, minimizando o risco de reações alérgicas e irritações.
- Certificação Orgânica: Garantia de um produto de alta qualidade, livre de substâncias prejudiciais, promovendo um cuidado consciente e sustentável.
- Ingredientes Naturais: Com uma composição livre de ingredientes sintéticos, o creme é formulado com ingredientes naturais cuidadosamente selecionados, proporcionando resultados eficazes e seguros para a pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Creme Resgatador de Mel Manuka Orgânico Bioativo para Cuidados com a Pele diariamente, de manhã e à noite, sobre a pele limpa e seca. Utilize uma quantidade adequada do creme e massageie suavemente até que seja completamente absorvido. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe do alcance de crianças, para garantir a integridade do produto.
Amazonabiker –
Je la pensais plus onctueuse après quelques minutes sensation de tiraillements désagréables
Kim –
This cream actually worked to heal my harsh eczema on my chin. But be warned this BURNS. I’m hoping my long review will help someone as it is what I was looking for when researching my eczema.
Backstory: It has been a 2 yr battle with my eczema coming completely out of no where (no history whatsoever). It started on my eyes, which is why I originally got this cream after seeing reviews from a blogger as I see others had. It burned badly on my eyes and didn’t seem to help. Fast forward I found out I have an intense nickel allergy and I believe my eyelash curler ( metal aka nickel) was causing it ( please consider if you have eyelid eczema).
Actual review:
My eczema spread to my chin and was extremely harsh. After applying Tacromilus and experiencing the most intense itching of my eczema experience, I washed it off itched the shit out of my face with a towel and I applied this cream. It BURNED- like a 9 out of 10 burn for about 15 minutes but that was better than the itching to me. Then it subsided and over the course of 2 or 3 days it started to dry up and flake off with the help of this cream. I applied it about 3 times a day maybe more. It did still burn until maybe the 3rd day but only for a few minutes each time. I honestly cannot believe it worked. The only thing before this that made any type of difference was hydrocortisone which I’m not going to ever consistently use for obvious reasons.
So my tips are to try to leave it even if it burns. I couldn’t do this on my eyes but I could stand it on my chin. I believe the medicinal properties of the Manuka are what makes it burn because I tried a nose spray made with manuka in the past and it burned so badly as well. Also expect it to heal in a “dry up and flake off way” and not be moisturizing initially. This is what stopped me in the past I was looking for immediate relief and this cream doesn’t do that but it does till heal it! Looking back this may have been what it was doing with my eye area but since that is such a sensitive area I got scared and didn’t continue using it. After your skin flakes off it will start actually moisturizing the new skin.
Another tip is to pat on your moisturizer do not rub. I thought this tip was dumb but I find it makes it at least half as itchy as when I rub on a cream.
Love this cream going to use/ have it forever. Amazing, pure ingredients. The smell is very strong but this is the natural smell of the ingredients used. Good luck on your eczema journey all!
Amazon Customer –
He probado muchísimas cremas al trabajar en este sector y una amiga me dejó la suya, He conseguido curarme las manos, ya que tenía mucho padrastro y la uña me salía con capas, Además que vale, para cualquier parte del cuerpo en el que tengas algún problema , es fabulosa Calidad, precio, además sus ingredientes naturales y orgánicos, aunque no es el mismo formato es el mismo producto. 👌🏽
Amazonabiker –
Adoro questo marchio avevo già comprato più volte la loro crema all aloe e quella alla canapa. Nella stessa linea manuka invece sono fan dello scrub. Anche questa crema si è rivelata ottima: idrata bene, non fa i pallini e lenisce. In più ottimo profuma meravigliosamente di miele senza irritare. La ricomprero
Kim –
I rarely leave reviews for items, but this cream is AMAZING! So amazing everyone needs to know about it. I live in Michigan where the winters are dry and cold and looonggg. There becomes a time during the season where you sorta accept your fate and deal with the static and dry skin no matter how much water you drink or lotion you use. This year when I settled in to accept my fate, my eyes decide to bring my eczema with force. I’ve always struggled with skin ailments; contact dermatitis, eczema, hives…you know, sensitive skin that’s allergic to pretty much every. So the return of eczema was not too surprising, however what was surprising is NOTHING WOULD WORK to calm the skin and put moisture back in. I tried all my usual products for a good 2 weeks with it only getting better slightly for a day here and there, then it would go straight back to bad. Most mornings I woke up looking like someone punched me in my left eye (the one that had it the worst) and went to work late most days during this time because my eye was so swollen. I scoured the internet for any relief, I was desperate and would have tried anything….I (thankfully) stumbled upon a blog by a woman who struggles with eye eczema as well. She praised this cream like it was a diety, so I figured why not give it a shot. I was slightly perturbed that my Prime membership didn’t make this item come faster – but it was out of stock so a 2-week wait was understandable.The restock date came a little early than projected and I actually got my item the day Amazon projected it being shipped out. From other reviews and trying to find this item other places, it seems like it goes quick! – And I understand why now.
When my item arrived my left eye was still really irritated, flaky and super itchy. As with most items to heal eczema, I wasn’t expecting much in terms of itch relief, I just wanted the inflammation and dryness to heal. BUT Y’ALL THIS STUFF. Something in it is magic. Within 40 minutes I completely forgot about my eye. It did not hurt, or itch nor was it swollen so much that it bothered me. By the next day, the dry skin was starting to fall off while I was applying more because the skin underneath was healed! Upon initial application, it hurt a little bit, but my eye was so dry and chapped I expected it. The container doesn’t hold much, but a little goes a looong way. I also noticed the parts of my hand that applied the lotion to my eye was super soft so I put a little of the cream on the dry spots of my face and omg, my face is no longer shedding dry winter flakes.
After less than a week of use, applying 2-4 times a day, my left eye is almost completely healed. The constant itching, burning and inflammation are gone. My right eye is good to go! NOTHING has ever healed any of my skin problems so quickly and without some sort of irritation/pain. I HIGHLY encourage you to get this. If you’re on the fence of trying *yet another* product that probably won’t work, do it. Buy this. It will change your life.
Andrea –
Really good cream. I use it for facial dry skin and it’s exceptional
D. aline –
i have eczema on my eyelids and face , i currently take accutane also so i cant use anything thats harsh because it burns and water based creams normally arent thick enough my face just absorbs it whole…. it doesnt cause pimples and it hydrates well ! one downside is the smell is mediocre but you get used to it.