Creme para os Olhos Vernal Anti Rugas – Vitamina C e Ácido Hialurônico Infundido com Colágeno
O Vernal Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream é um creme para os olhos que combate rugas, olheiras e bolsas sob os olhos. Infundido com vitamina C, ácido hialurônico e colágeno, este creme ajuda a reduzir os sinais de envelhecimento, hidrata a pele e melhora a aparência das olheiras e bolsas. Seus principais benefícios incluem a diminuição das rugas, a redução das olheiras e o combate à aparência de cansaço ao redor dos olhos.
A Vernal Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream é uma poderosa solução para combater olheiras, bolsas e rugas ao redor dos olhos. Com a combinação de Vitamina C e Ácido Hialurônico, este creme para os olhos é formulado para fornecer resultados eficazes e visíveis. Este creme não é apenas um tratamento para olheiras, mas também um potente redutor de bolsas. O Ácido Hialurônico presente em nossa fórmula ajuda a reduzir linhas finas, rugas e pés de galinha, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem.
A fórmula com Vitamina C age efetivamente como removedor de olheiras, proporcionando um aspecto rejuvenescido. Além disso, este creme para os olhos também funciona como um hidratante e redutor de inchaço. A estimulação de colágeno e o Chá Verde presentes na fórmula ajudam a hidratar a região dos olhos e reduzir instantaneamente o inchaço, proporcionando um olhar renovado. Procurando pelo melhor creme para os olhos para rugas, inchaço e olheiras? Não procure mais! A Vernal Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream irá ajudar a eliminar as bolsas sob os olhos de forma eficaz.
Esta é a crema para ojeras y bolsas definitiva. Projetada para combater bolsas e olheiras, é a adição perfeita para a sua rotina de cuidados com a pele.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Reduz efetivamente olheiras e bolsas sob os olhos
- Combate rugas, linhas finas e pés de galinha
- Hidrata a região dos olhos e reduz o inchaço
- Estimula a produção de colágeno para uma aparência mais jovem
- Resultados visíveis e duradouros
- Redução significativa das olheiras, proporcionando um olhar mais descansado e vibrante.
- Minimização de bolsas sob os olhos, resultando em uma aparência mais firme e tonificada.
- Combate eficaz às rugas e linhas finas, promovendo uma pele mais suave e jovem.
- Hidratação profunda que melhora a elasticidade da pele ao redor dos olhos.
- Resultados visíveis em pouco tempo, ideal para quem busca soluções rápidas e eficazes.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade de Vernal Anti Wrinkle Eye Cream ao redor dos olhos, de manhã e à noite. Massageie suavemente até que o creme seja completamente absorvido pela pele. Use regularmente para obter resultados visíveis e duradouros. É recomendável evitar o contato direto com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um dermatologista.
Kara J. Ayala –
Life-changing. I have never been compelled to review an eye/anti-aging product before. Some have been worthless, some “might have” made a difference, but all in all — they ended up in my embarrassingly-large wrinkle/eye-cream graveyard probably worth a small fortune. I truly believe I have tried every single eye cream out there on the market (feel free to email me, I’d be happy to discuss any of them). I try to give each one at least a week. Within FIVE MINUTES, I was literally astonished at my reflection after using this “Vernal Repair” for the first time. I kept turning my head to see how it did what it did: wrinkles were much less noticeable (fine lines and the deeper crow’s feet), and almost puzzling, my prominent dark circles and puffy under-eye bags had almost disappeared. (For those of you with the genetic, deep dark greenish blue/purple dark circles and under-eye bags, the most we ever hope for is minimal camouflage. This gel went on clear, so I was skeptical, yet somehow tightened everything up, in just a couple minutes!) I immediately thought, “Ok, but then when I put concealer on the area, the miracle gel is going to rub/peel off and look ridiculous.”) Well, guess what? Somehow it doesn’t. It manages to tighten everything and you can put canceler or make-up over it, as if it were a moisturizer!
I am still a little baffled. Every eye gel that truly “tightens” seems to rub off almost like an eraser as soon as I try to put cover up. I have no idea how this stuff soaks in to the skin, but it does, and left me looking at least 5 years younger. As far as the colorful, saggy bags, well — consider them at least 50%, maybe 75% diminished. By far, the best results I have ever seen. I have used $150 eye gels and creams that seem to do nothing. This was a steal, and a game-changer. Now instead of worry about leaving the house without some makeup and eye lashes curled, all I do is slop some of this Vernal gel on, and go. I can’t believe what a difference it makes in my overall facial appearance. I knew the dark circles/bags and wrinkles were out of control, but had no idea (a) there truly was a product to help or (b) how much my overall self-esteem and facial appearance was boosted. Without changing anything else in my routine, I swear, I look in the mirror and actually smile!
I could go on and on, but hopefully the fact that I took a good chunk of my morning to write an unsolicited, unbiased review of an eye gel will be enough to get some of you 40+ year-old ladies (who may have given up hope) to at least try it. If you don’t like it, heck, I will buy it from you … lol!
Mjwill –
I bought this Vernal Eye Repair because I have puffy eye bags.. Which cause dark circles.. The dark circles are a shadow not from anything else so I need to alleviate the puffy bags to eliminate the dark circles..I have had this problem since I was 20 years old and I am now 56 .. I have tried tea bags.. Ice.. Cold compress…Coffee Grounds.. Numerous Eye Creams too many to mention .. Oh yea I for got .. And Peruvian Sheep Doo.. Lol… I bought this product ONLY because of the couple positive reviews that I found here claiming positive results.. Even the lady that claimed her “eyebrows” seemed to be growing back in impressed me so much I had to try it .. The price was right and certainly less than I have spent in the past for products that were WORTHLESS!! . I too have a puffy eye product graveyard! Uggh!.. LOL..
Now for the results… WOW! Absolutely everything these ladies said in their reviews was true.. Unbelievable results.. After 2 days of using once in the morning once at night covering my entire eye area from entire eyebrow area completely covering total under eye area… The puffy bags were COMPLETELY ELIMINATED!!
Did you get that.. COMPLETELY ELIMINATED !
my puffy eye bags are gone.. AND my eyebrows are filling in like you wouldn’t believe.. I’m not a big plucker but I do have an arch .. I had decided I wanted to thicken my eyebrows up a bit and was trying to
” Let them grow in a bit” but they wouldn’t grow after 6-8 months I only had a couple scraggly hairs that looked awful and I had to pluck them out.. But after using this product I immediately started filling in and not only in the bare space but my brows actually got THICKER.. I’m thrilled!! You know as you grow older you tend to lose your eyebrows… Not the case now my eyebrows are as thick as ever like I was 19 or 20 years old this is an unbelievable product…… Would I buy it again absolutely… But a little will last a long time… But I am getting more only because I don’t want it to expire… I am thinking about putting it in my refrigerator to extend the life of the product, and the coolness will feel nice.
RW Retail –
I purchased this product at the end of April, started using it in May – it’s now the first week of August
I still have about 2 weeks or more left int the bottle.
This is supposed to be what? A 4 to 6 week supply?
With my schedule & traveling etc…I have obviously not used the product as directed since it has lasted approximately 3 1/2 months and I have more to go, but I will say I am extremely satisfied with it!
It goes on nice and smooth like a gel should and there is no unpleasant odor or burning like other products I have used in the past.
You can feel it tightening a few minutes after applying.
I have read some reviews here stating that it makes the skin fell dry – I have not noticed this at all. Perhaps they are confusing the tightening with dryness?
I have not notice a miraculous change around my eyes, but like I stated – I have not used as directed.
I have, however, noticed a change – especially when I use it for several consecutive days.
The fine lines have diminished, the crows feet have softened but are still there.
I just placed another order and this time I will use it properly.
Like I said, this has lasted for over 3 months and I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but when I use it daily, it some how makes me look younger – I have a ‘glow’ that’s noticeable.
I have a relative in Amway, their top eye cream is pheonominal and definitely makes a major difference, but even with the discount, it’s almost THREE TIMES the price of this product.
For someone looking for a solution better than a department store eye cream but not looking to spend over $100 or more a month, I would highly recommend giving this a try.
I’ll make it a goal to use the next bottle as recommended by Vernal and update!