Creme para as Mãos Udderly Smooth 118 ml (pacote com 4)
O creme para as mãos Udderly Smooth de 118 ml (pacote com 4 unidades) é a solução ideal para quem busca hidratação intensa e duradoura. Com uma fórmula suave e não gordurosa, este creme é rapidamente absorvido pela pele, proporcionando uma sensação de maciez e suavidade que dura o dia todo. Ideal para o uso diário, ele é especialmente formulado para aliviar a secura e a aspereza das mãos, oferecendo um conforto inigualável. A combinação de ingredientes hidratantes garante que suas mãos fiquem protegidas contra as agressões do dia a dia, como o frio, o vento e o uso frequente de produtos de limpeza.
A textura leve do creme permite que ele seja utilizado em qualquer momento, seja em casa, no trabalho ou em viagens. Sua fragrância leve e fresca não apenas proporciona uma experiência sensorial agradável, mas também garante que suas mãos não fiquem com aspecto oleoso após a aplicação. O creme Udderly Smooth é versátil e pode ser aplicado em outras áreas do corpo que necessitam de hidratação, como cotovelos, joelhos e pés, tornando-se um verdadeiro aliado na rotina de cuidados com a pele.
1. Hidratação Profunda: Proporciona uma hidratação intensa, ideal para peles secas e ásperas.
2. Absorção Rápida: Sua fórmula leve é rapidamente absorvida, evitando a sensação pegajosa.
3. Versatilidade: Pode ser usado em diversas partes do corpo, não apenas nas mãos.
4. Fragrância Agradável: Aroma leve que não interfere no uso de outros produtos de beleza.
5. Qualidade Comprovada: Produto testado e recomendado por especialistas em cuidados com a pele.
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Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma quantidade generosa do creme Udderly Smooth nas mãos e em outras áreas do corpo que necessitem de hidratação. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido pela pele. Recomenda-se o uso diário, especialmente após a lavagem das mãos ou sempre que sentir necessidade de hidratação. Para uma experiência ainda mais eficaz, utilize o creme antes de dormir, permitindo que a fórmula atue durante a noite, proporcionando mãos macias ao acordar.
Martin –
All statements made within this review reflect only my personal experience, however you choose to value it.
My Situation: I have this quirk where it is incredibly uncomfortable to touch paper products when my hands are dry. I’m talking shivers-down-my-spine levels of uncomfortable. Worse yet, I get dry hands frequently, especially so during the ever-dry Ohioan winter. Other moisturizers tend to carry similar problems with me: They take a long time to absorb into my skin, and leave my hands an oily mess. Plus, they achieve little progress in actually moisturizing my hands.
Summary: Udderly Smooth Hand cream is a quality product that, while generally slightly pricier, is worth the buy for people who have issues with other industry products. It absorbs quickly, and doesn’t leave an oily mess. Exceptionally dry skin may call for a second coat, and, on rare occasion, a third. However, there has been a recurring issue with Amazon actually sending the right product.
Quality (Effectiveness in Moisturizing)
[_] Will probably leave you off worse than you started.
[_] Found in a hotel room.
[_] On-par with larger industry brand-names.
[X] Notably and/or significantly better than the average.
[_] Carries a significant reputation based on quality alone.
[_] Major design oversights.
[_] Minor, possibly not unexpected, problems.
[X] Meets expected standards. Nothing wrong, nothing above-and-beyond.
[_] Design takes customer needs seriously, and innovates on standard squeeze-bottle design convention.
[_] Its innumerable features & functionality makes its mere presence send TSA agents into psychotic episodes.
Lifespan (Single Bottle)
[_] “Single-use” sample packet you get in the mail.
[_] Regular re-stock may be required.
[X] Lasts less than you’d hope, but not inconveniently so.
[_] You don’t need a back-stock of bottles.
[_] Is actually a portal to a pocket dimension of moisturizer.
Effectiveness (Amount of Time Moisturized)
[_] Infinitesimal, at best.
[_] If it was hand sanitizer, people would call you a germophobe.
[_] Frequent application may be needed.
[X] Single application is effective for multiple hours, or a single major dry issue.
[_] Single application protects even the most severe conditions for even a day or more.
Overall Product Rating
[_] Cheap knockoff with serious product issues.
[_] Named “2nd Best Budget Moisturizer” by a news site nobody’s ever heard of.
[_] Interchangeable with brands you can assume to find in a store you’ve never been in.
[X] Better than most other options.
[_] Totally superior & universally applicable.
Cost (Relative to Other Products & Sellers)
[_] Expensive to the point of being a status symbol.
[X] Expensive, but not unreasonably so.
[_] Shares a similar cost to most other industry options.
[_] Affordable, but not significantly cheaper than other industry options.
[_] Absurdly cheap, almost to the point of suspicious.
Cost (Relative to Product Rating)
[_] Gambling is a better financial decision.
[_] Expensive, but justifiable in specific circumstances.
[X] Cost is an accurate reflection of the product.
[_] Particularly cost-effective, especially in relation to the product’s quality.
[_] Cost is so cheap that you question reality.
Order Handling (Product Condition & Delivery)
[X] Delivery was bad, and/or product condition was severe (damaged beyond use, items missing, etc).
[_] Delivery was bad or product arrived in poor condition.
[_] Delivery was slow or product’s condition was somewhat sub-par on arrival.
[_] Both product received & delivery met expectations.
[_] Product received was beyond what was expected, & delivery had no issues.
Overall Seller Rating
[_] Seller is as bad/worse than an MLM (predatory pyramid scheme).
[X] Seller’s cost and/or handling consistently fails to meet standards & expectations.
[_] Seller’s cost and handling are unremarkable (accounts for the rare yet inevitable hiccups in logistics or quality).
[_] Seller exceeds expectations of pricing & handling.
[_] Seller is an industry leader of competence & customer server, and deserves brand loyalty.
Additional Notes: 2 out of 2 times I’ve ordered the product through Amazon, I ordered a 4-pack of 4 oz. bottles, yet received only 1 4 oz. bottle. Once, the single bottle even had an inventory sticker on it labeled “4-pack”. Other reviews have indicated me to believe that this is a startlingly normal occurrence.
Phyllis E. –
I accidentally discovered this little gem. The very best ever. I pass on small tubes to everyone as a stocking gift. No odor just smooth sailing. No grease at all. Instant smoothness. Will never b without it. Price is rt and delivered quickly.
Tina Colación –
I have an auto immune disease and blood cancer; both conditions leave my hands VERY dry. So dry they crack and bleed. A few solid days of applying this cream and my hands aren’t flaky dry anymore! I’ve tried A LOT of products this one is nice and without fragrance! The specialty pharmacy sent me a tube with my first order so I’ve been using it ever since.
Sammy W –
Keeping your hands moisturized and soft. I love that it is not greasy and absorbs into the skin promptly.
Melanie, RN –
Coats skin well . Feels good . Smells good . Reasonable price .
Vikas Chandra –
Amazon site mentions 4 pieces. But I got delivered only one piece.
Amazon Customer –
Fantastic for very dry hands, non greasy and good value 👍
pirateslovejazz –
Some details specific to the travel sized version: 2oz size fits well in my purse. Cap screws on tightly so I am not worried about leakage (other brands I have had to keep in a ziploc bag). Arrived packaged well, again no leakage or damage. Plastic seems durable enough to withstand some bump and key scraps in my bag without being punctured.
I’ve written a review for this handcream before – I love this brand. This is my original review for this brand hand cream:
My mother has psoriasis and always has hand lotion or creams around the house. The last time I was visiting I noticed that she has switched from lubriderm (her old standard fav) to this brand, with its cute, silly cow packaging. When I tried it I could see why. After only one use my hands already felt softer and smoother. Now that I have my own I’ve seen dramatic improvement in a short period of time – my hands were really dry after this past winter and they are so much better now. Now I’m hooked. More expensive that cheap suave or drug store brands but certainly less than some of the expensive ones I’ve tried – and quite frankly works better than the high end stuff.
Some (hopefully) helpful notes: this cream is fragrance free, its pretty thick, a little goes a long way, and it contains lanolin oil which I assume is why it works so well. it also comes in travel sizes that can be found on amazon and there is a body cream version that I really like too.
Monica L. –
This lotion works great and doesn’t feel greasy
Amazon Customer –
I have been in the restaurant business my whole life and I’m 59 years old. I am allergic to the sanitizer that is put in the sink. Waters my fingers crack. This is absolutely the best cream for that. It is the only one that I have found and trust me I have tried all of them, this one actually works