O Creme para Dermatite Seborreica e Eczema é um produto eficaz para aliviar a coceira e vermelhidão da pele. Sua fórmula de ação rápida proporciona alívio imediato, enquanto ajuda a reduzir os sintomas da dermatite seborreica e eczema. Com este creme, você pode desfrutar de uma pele mais calma e confortável.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Formulado por especialistas – O creme para dermatite seborreica da Dermoscribe foi desenvolvido por nossa equipe de dermatologistas. Esse creme para eczema em adultos é especialmente formulado para funcionar melhor em áreas produtoras de óleo, como o couro cabeludo, rosto e centro do peito.
- Resultados rápidos – Nosso creme para dermatite seborreica proporciona alívio rápido contra dor, inchaço e coceira. Ele trabalha para aliviar os sintomas da dermatite, como vermelhidão, descamação e desconforto.
- Melhora a condição da pele – Alivie o desconforto da pele com a alta concentração de ingredientes ativos em nosso creme seborreico. Este creme contém 3% de enxofre, 1% de hidrocortisona e 3% de ácido salicílico para acalmar e melhorar rapidamente a condição da pele.
- Hidratante e sem fragrância – Este creme para alívio do rosto e couro cabeludo estimula a hidratação natural por meio de seus ingredientes inativos, como Aloe Vera, Óleo de Coco e Extrato de Semente de Toranja. Nosso creme para erupções cutâneas também não contém fragrâncias artificiais.
- Garantia de devolução do dinheiro sem condições – Entre em contato conosco através da Amazon se você não estiver completamente satisfeito com nosso produto. Reembolsaremos a compra – sem perguntas (Limite de um tubo por cliente).
- Alívio imediato da coceira e desconforto, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem interrupções.
- Fórmula dermatologicamente testada, garantindo segurança e eficácia para todos os tipos de pele.
- Redução visível da vermelhidão e descamação, promovendo uma aparência mais saudável e equilibrada da pele.
- Hidratação profunda que previne o ressecamento, mantendo a pele macia e suave.
- Facilidade de uso com aplicação simples, tornando o tratamento prático e acessível para o dia a dia.
Aplique uma camada fina do creme para dermatite seborreica na área afetada, massageando suavemente até que seja absorvido pela pele. Use duas vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite, ou conforme recomendado por um profissional de saúde. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, interrompa o uso e consulte um médico.
Alyciabaleesha –
UPDATE: April 2021:
Four years in and this cream is a staple. Sometimes I’ll stop using it and shift to other creams only for my skin to slowly go back to its rough, flaky, red state. That’s when I remember this cream and why I love it so much.
I can’t tell you if this will work for you, but I can tell you that nothing else helped me… not other sulfuric ointments, not salicylic acid, not super “clean” products formulated for super sensitive skin that cost way more than they should – nothing.
This cream works for me. A single tube, even with daily use, lasts me easily six months or so, so it’s an economical buy to try out.
Whether it’s this product or another, I hope you find something that works for your skin!!
UPDATE: June 20th, 2019:
This is still a must-have for me. It’s the only thing that helps keep my skin free of scaly patches and all sorts of redness. At this point I just mix it into my moisturizer right before applying and it “melts” into my skin perfectly and without drying me out.
Really fantastic product – literally the only thing I’ve found that works so well.
UPDATE: April 16th, 2018:
This cream is still working for me! I’ve been pairing it with a gentle salicylic acid scrub and an oil-free moisturizer, and the change in my skin is amazing. Mixing the cream with the moisturizer works just as well and seems to help me avoid some of the dry-skin issues that can crop up. I highly recommend it!
I purchased this cream on September 25, 2017, and have been using it ever since it arrived. It’s been a fixed presence in my skincare routine for about four months, in other words, so I feel like I’ve used it long enough to leave an accurate review.
I adore this stuff, to put it simply. My skin used to be very easy to take care of – acne wasn’t an issue, I didn’t need a lot of skincare products to keep it clear… it was just sort of naturally fine. Not amazing, mind you, but there were no significant issues until a few years ago. I don’t know what happened, but my skin went crazy and has never really recovered. More specifically, I’ve been dealing with patches of flakey, scaley rashes/acne (it seems like both, to be honest), particularly across my forehead, above my eyebrows, down my nose, and around my mouth.
This has been a nightmare for me. I’ve tried so many creams and lotions trying to find something that would calm my skin down. I even went off of all skincare products for several months to rule out an allergic reaction to something, but there was little change.
So. I’ve spent a lot of time over the years trying to figure out what is wrong with my face. Finally I decided to try an option for seborrheic dermatitis. The symptoms and pictures fit, and I really didn’t have anything to lose. To be quite frank, I didn’t expect this to work at all.
You guys, it worked so well.
When you read reviews and people say that there was an “immediate” change, you roll your eyes, right? How dramatic – not to mention impossible, since your skin takes around a month to fully acclimate to a product… so even if something seems like it’s a good option at first, it might end up being worse for your skin after a few weeks. I’m going to say the following even though I’m fully aware of the reaction these words would inspire within me: there was an almost immediate change in my skin when I began using this cream. And when I say “almost immediate”, I mean that I used it at night, went to bed, and when I woke up the next day my face was significantly less red and less flakey and just looked healthier and clearer.
I don’t know exactly what it is in this cream that works for me – maybe the sulfur. It’s been working for me consistently since the first night I used it, so whatever is in it works well for my skin. It doesn’t turn my skin into a porcelain mask or anything – it’s not flawless. But the difference between how it was before and how it is now is night and day.
With all of that said, there are a few things you should be aware of when making the decision to purchase (or not) this cream. It does smell like sulfur. No one aside from me is able to smell it once it’s on my face, and it’s not overwhelmingly strong. I can smell it a bit even after it is on my face. Again, it’s not an overwhelming scent and doesn’t bother me.
This cream does dry out my skin. To help combat this, I’ve been using a gentle facial scrub in the shower, using this cream when I get out, and then covering my face with an oil-free moisturizer for sensitive skin. This combination leaves my skin softer than I ever remember it being.
That’s it, to be honest – there aren’t many downsides to this product for me. I’m still on the same tube I originally purchased – a tiny bit of this really does go a long way. As long as I stay up on moisturizing my face every day, my skin feels hydrated.
If you’re dealing with some of the same issues I described above, then I’d recommend trying this cream. It’s not cost-prohibitive to do so, and it seems like it really does work wonders for at least some of us. I know it’s not a well-known skincare brand and you might be wary of the integrity of the reviews, but it just works so well… give it a shot if you’re so inclined.
Gabrielle Martin –
This had helped my scalp much better than some of the meds given to me by the doctor. Keeps things under control
StaceyGe –
Does it have a rather abrasive smell? Yes.
Oh my goodness…YES.
I wish I had before and after pics. I knew what was in it, so I wasn’t surprised by the smell of it. What surprised me was that it worked.
I have had SD for as long as I can remember. In my teen years and beyond it was primarily my scalp and I would get scaly patches behind my ears. As I got older, it moved to my face. I had no idea what it was until I was later in life, past my 50’s. I thought I had a sun sensitivity. I thought I had an allergy…I thought I had…
Who knows what.
All I knew was that I would get red down the sides of my nose, to the corners of my mouth and down my chin. It would burn. It would start to flake, it would spread.
I tried creams, moisturizers, everything.
Nothing worked permanently. I could ease it for a bit but it always came back.
On my own, I started doing research and figured out what I had.
I was horrified to learn there was no cure, nothing I could do except suffer in silence.
Until now.
This is NOT a “moisturizer” that’s why my rating is so low. I don’t know why that’s listed as something you rate, when that’s NOT what this is for.
I rated the scent low…because yes, it has a strong, sulphuric smell. It’s not pleasant but it’s also not something I can’t work with.
When I got it, I was in the middle of a vicious outbreak.
I use “Simple” face wipes for sensitive skin to clean my face. I immediately cleaned my face and with just the tip of my finger, I put a tiny dab on my face and caught my breath because my skin was raw and it stung. I gritted my teeth and kept working, one tiny dab at a time. A very little of this goes a long way.
For those complaining that it doesn’t “soak in” my question would be, how much are you using? If you glop it on like a moisturizer, yes, you’re going to have problems because it will look like you put on white clown makeup or zinc ointment. A tiny dab will do. Work with just the tip of your finger and gently wipe it on to the affected area. Dab it on and gently smooth it around. It will disappear into your skin.
Keep working it in a little at a time. I can’t speak for anyone else but that first day I used it 3 times…and it stung. Each time, I cleaned my face and put it on again. Fortunately, I wasn’t working that day although I did the next day. The next day, I went through the routine and while my face was still very red, the flaking had stopped and the stinging was minimal. I told the kids I teach that I had medicine on my face to help with the problem I have and that it didn’t smell very nice. They all smiled and said it was okay, they hoped it helped my “sunburn”. (That’s what they call it. They know it’s a rash, but they always said it looked like I was sunburned).
By the 3rd day, I could see improvement. The worst spots were still red but the “blistery” look I always had was gone. The other parts were fading.
4th day…all bright red, raw skin was healed, no flakes…redness on outer part was markedly faded.
By the end of a week…totally gone.
Skin looked normal.
I looked in the mirror and cried.
The kids I teach were all crowded around me telling me how nice I looked!
They said the medicine smell didn’t bother them at all.
That night I skipped the cream. Just cleaned my face.
In the morning, no red splotches or flakes. I went through my day. No outbreak.
That night, I cleaned my face before bed and used a tiny amount. In the morning I cleaned my face and had no smell and no SD.
That’s been my routine ever since. I’ve been doing this for a month now. I go 1-2 days without using it…then AT NIGHT I use a tiny bit on the area by my nose where it always starts.
Not one outbreak in a month.
Okay…here’s a heads up. I use a My Pillow that can be washed and I did wash it to get the smell out since I’m a side sleeper and my face is on the pillow. You can buy a plastic pillow protector that zips on and I HIGHLY suggest you do that if you sleep with your face in the pillow. Put 2 pillow cases on your pillow, especially if you have a pillow that can’t be washed or needs to be dry cleaned.
The plastic pillow protector can be wiped off with a damp cloth and you can use some soap if you need to, to get the smell off. If you double-case your pillow on top of that, you’re good. You can change the pillow cases as needed, even every night and toss the others in the wash. I could go 2-3 days and then I’d switch the inner case with the outer. It smelled faintly but I could go another couple of days. Toss those two in the wash…wipe down the pillow…start again.
Being as how my pillow is washable and I generally washed it about once a month when I would wash the blankets…(I have a cat and a dog…the dog doesn’t sleep on the bed, but the cat does) my sheets and pillow cases usually get changed once a week, the blankets and bedspread would go a month. I’d toss my pillow into the wash along with everything else when I washed blankets.
That’s the same schedule I keep now, if only because the “fill” of my pillow plumps up better after a wash.
Anyway…protect your pillow if you sleep with your face in it.
It works, it works, it works.
I knew when I tried it that it MIGHT not work for me. Not everything works for everyone. I had read the reviews and knew it hadn’t worked for some people. I read the reviews carefully. I had also lived with this dreadful condition for years. I won’t go into the horrors I suffered over the years, because the story is the same as so many you can read here in the reviews. It’s miserable.
Is this a miracle cure?
It might not be for you.
But it was for me.
Thank you so much to the developers. That’s such a small word…but it’s all I can say.
From the bottom of my heart…thank you.
StaceyGe –
I was using a prescription cream but this actually works much better. It cleared up the flaky skin between my eyebrows and around my nose. It smells terrible and tube was split open at the bottom it arrived. I tried to exchange it but the system is stating that it cannot be returned.
Overall, great product! Works better than prescription creams, just wish it smelled better and wasn’t split open when it arrived.
David Reeves –
I have seborrheic dermatitis just under my eyebrows. While the redness improved a little, it made my skin much flakier and made my skin all wrinkly! Beware, the active ingredient hydrocortisone makes you skin thinner and therefore wrinkly.
anniece hemphill –
Best I could find.
Gabriela C. –
I got a rash like area on my scalp maybe 6 or 8 months ago. I thought it was brought on by a reaction to aerosol dry shampoo and I stopped using it to try to get it to go away. It would get red and then flaky. I tended to want to touch it and mess with it but I tried to leave it alone to help it heal. I tried antibiotic ointment, dandruff shampoo, scrubbing with a salt scrub seemed to get rid of flakes temporarily. I tried washing my hair more or less but it didn’t improve at all.
I couldn’t get it to go away and was about to go to a dermatologist but looked up some products and some Basic searches online and came across this. After comparing cost and reviews I purchased it. I applied it twice a day for 2 days and my rash appears almost completely cleared up. Almost as if it never happened! I was really shocked because I have had it for so long.
It has a small tingly or burning sensation when I first applied it but it doesn’t feel that way with more recent applications. It soothes the spots on my scalp, removes any redness and gets rid of the flake.
Highly recommend to anyone struggling with this!