Butt Acne Clearing Cream com 2% de Ácido Salicílico
A Butt Acne Clearing Cream é um produto revolucionário desenvolvido para tratar a acne na região das nádegas. Com uma fórmula poderosa e suave, contendo 2% de salicilatos (salicina), esta creme esfolia as células mortas da pele e desobstrui os poros, permitindo que a pele respire e combata efetivamente os fatores que causam acne, suavizando e deixando a pele propensa a acne mais macia.
Enriquecido com óleo de melaleuca australiano e Complexo A/100 derivado de 4 fórmulas herbais, este creme possui uma ação poderosa que penetra profundamente na pele, agindo nas raízes da acne para defender efetivamente contra a acne nas nádegas. Além disso, ele equilibra o pH e os níveis de umidade da pele, acalmando-a e deixando-a com uma aparência saudável, delicada e macia.
Este creme para acne corporal também possui niacinamida, que possui propriedades hidratantes que não apenas combatem a acne, mas também hidratam a pele, fortalecendo a barreira cutânea que a protege contra o estresse ambiental.
Desenvolvido especificamente para a pele das nádegas, este creme é rapidamente absorvido pela pele em apenas 10 segundos após a aplicação, graças à sua textura refrescante, não oleosa e de fácil aplicação. Deixando a pele com uma sensação delicada e suave.
Como usar:
1. Aplique uma quantidade adequada deste creme nas áreas propensas a acne nas nádegas.
2. Espalhe o creme uniformemente e massageie suavemente até que seja completamente absorvido.
3. Repita a aplicação 3-4 vezes ao dia, ou 4-6 vezes em casos mais graves.
4. Após a remoção da acne, continue usando o produto por um período de tempo até que a acne não volte a aparecer.
5. Este creme também pode ser usado em pele saudável como medida preventiva.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Fórmula poderosa e suave com 2% de ácido salicílico
- Ação rápida e eficaz contra a acne nas nádegas
- Hidratação dupla com niacinamida
- Absorção rápida em apenas 10 segundos
- Prevenção de futuros surtos de acne
– Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma quantidade adequada deste creme nas áreas propensas a acne nas nádegas, massageando suavemente até que seja completamente absorvido. Use o produto 3-4 vezes ao dia, ou 4-6 vezes em casos mais graves. Após a remoção da acne, continue usando o produto por um período de tempo até que a acne não volte a aparecer. Este creme também pode ser usado em pele saudável como medida preventiva.
Yesenia –
I rated it 3stars to start because I like the consistency. The smell is tea tree oil mostly. I showered with the dial gold bar and then lathered this cream on. Right away I felt it tingling on my skin but not in a bad way. I will update this review in a couple weeks. I have high hopes for this cream but we will see.
Ok so I’ve been using it consistently now especially after shaving to prevent bumps. This really works. I used to get ingrown, bumps, acne, hypertension on my thighs and butt. I no longer get bumps on my butt. After shaving I felt a bump coming in and I applied this cream looked for the bump the next day it was almost completely gone, the inflammation went down that much! I still have a couple dark spots on my butt (post hyperpigmentation) but that’s all I have left and they’re fading. This cream has really done wonders for my thighs and butt. It’s worth the try, it worked for me, might work for you.
Austin Young –
I’ve been using this cream for about 2 days and already can tell a huge difference. I am so glad and happy about this product I will be purchasing more!! I tried several products that were not working and I saw this and decided to try it since nothing else was working. I am someone with sensitive skin as well and did not break out to it. That’s also a plus. Thank you to whoever made this!!!!!
Steph –
I was so skeptical but thought it couldn’t hurt to try because nothing…literally nothing else worked. My inner thighs and backs of the legs no longer have dark, bumps. It gave me more confidence and smells nice too
Leidy –
Mejor crema que he probado
Steph –
Bin überzeugt nach knapp zwei Wochen unregelmäßiger Anwendung sind alle Unreinheiten weg 🙂
Anniedee –
I was very skeptical when purchasing this cream. Honestly figured it was going to be a waste of money. Been using it for about 2 weeks and it’s definitely working. I’ve tried everything including prescription medication and so far this is the only thing that has worked. My spots are flatter and the old dark marks are fading. Smell is light and pleasant. A little bit goes a long way. I have noticed that a thin layer is better. If you put too much on it doesn’t dry and feels uncomfortable.
Andrea Yusta –
I had high hopes for this lotion, but unfortunately, it made things worse. Instead of improving the appearance and texture of my skin, it actually caused more breakouts than I initially had. Within a few days of use, I noticed increased irritation, redness, and bumps.
I followed the instructions carefully, but the product didn’t deliver on its promises. It left my skin feeling uncomfortable—it seemed to worsen the irritation.
I wouldn’t recommend this lotion
Tina –
It’s a pretty good product. Could tell a small difference within about two weeks. Not sure if it’s exactly what I expected.
Karmi –
I’ve never used a butt acne cream before – I don’t really have a lot of butt acne. But ever since I started doing laser hair removal and shaving everywhere, here come the booty bumps. So I got this on the prime day to try it out. It’s interesting. I thought it was a booty scrub so when I got it I was like, “Oh I put it on afterward..ok” so I would rub it in and get a slight sensation and then, here is the weird after-effect for me – it made my booty like, sweat. Like the bottom of my cheeks would feel wet, I don’t know, this is so weird to say but I discontinued the product because i didn’t see any clearing of the acne (I used it a little more than 2 weeks) and so it was not worth continuing.
Laura J. Urrutia –
I was skeptical about this product, but it works very well. I was so surprised. Disappeared pimples and zits too. It is smooth as ever with moisture is perfect. Thank you so much. I don’t have to be ashamed of my butt in front of my old man, lol. I am going to try on my arms too. I had pimples and zits going on for a long time, and I tried many other products, but it didn’t work. I will keep you informed!