O Creme Orgânico para Área dos Olhos Queen Bee, 30ml, é a solução ideal para quem busca revitalizar a delicada pele ao redor dos olhos. Com uma fórmula orgânica e natural, este creme é especialmente desenvolvido para combater olheiras, rugas e linhas finas, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e descansada. Enriquecido com ingredientes poderosos como óleo de abacate e manteiga de karité, ele não apenas hidrata, mas também suaviza a pele, deixando-a macia e vibrante.
Produzido artesanalmente nas montanhas de Pocono, na Pensilvânia, o Creme Orgânico para Área dos Olhos Queen Bee é feito com ingredientes 100% naturais da mais alta qualidade, garantindo que você esteja aplicando em sua pele apenas o melhor que a natureza pode oferecer. Cada frasco contém 30ml de produto, ideal para um uso prolongado e eficaz. Ao contrário de muitos produtos convencionais que contêm aditivos e conservantes prejudiciais, este creme é livre de substâncias químicas agressivas, evitando irritações e promovendo uma experiência de cuidado suave e segura.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Fórmula orgânica e natural que remove olheiras, linhas e inchaço sob os olhos
- Não contém aditivos ou conservantes que causam câncer encontrados em outros produtos
- Hidrata e mantém a pele macia, vibrante e suave sem o uso de produtos químicos agressivos
- Feito à mão nas montanhas de Pocono, na Pensilvânia, com ingredientes 100% naturais
- Contém 30ml de produto por frasco, proporcionando um uso duradouro
O Creme Orgânico para Área dos Olhos Queen Bee oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Primeiramente, sua fórmula orgânica atua rapidamente na redução de olheiras e inchaço, proporcionando um olhar mais descansado. Além disso, a hidratação profunda que ele proporciona ajuda a suavizar linhas finas e rugas, promovendo uma pele visivelmente mais jovem. A ausência de aditivos químicos garante que mesmo as peles mais sensíveis possam usufruir de seus efeitos sem preocupações. Por fim, a aplicação noturna do creme potencializa seus resultados, permitindo que você acorde com a pele ao redor dos olhos renovada e revitalizada.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Creme Orgânico para Área dos Olhos Queen Bee, aplique uma quantidade suficiente do produto na pele ao redor dos olhos antes de dormir. Utilize a ponta dos dedos para massagear suavemente, garantindo que o creme seja completamente absorvido. A aplicação regular é recomendada para manter a pele hidratada e para reduzir a aparência de olheiras, linhas e inchaço, promovendo um olhar mais jovem e radiante ao longo do tempo.
HalfFullJulie –
I bought Queen Bee trying to find something that would work as well on the dark circles under my eyes as what I had been using & that had ingredients that are nontoxic. I checked it out using EWG’s website (Environmental Working Group). My current product (sweet almond oil), like so many others, causes my eyes to burn & water.
Right away, I noticed that Queen Bee worked at least as good as the sweet almond oil. After finishing my first jar of Queen Bee, I realized that I never notice dark circles under my eyes any more. Other products reduced the darkness but Queen Bee has made me forget that it was a problem. I’ve used other vitamin K products with no noticeable difference, so I really thought that without sweet almond oil, my eyes would still look awful. This has worked better than sweet almond oil & much better than every other dark eye cream, plus it’s working great as a moisturizer.
Because some reviews I read stated that Queen Bee was too thick & greasy, I thought I’d add how I use it. I wash my face & immediately apply it all around my eyes. It is quite thick, which is what dermatologists say is necessary to hold moisture in for wrinkle prevention. By the time I’m ready to apply makeup around my eyes, I know that my skin has absorbed all it can. I dap the upper lid with a tissue to remove most of the product, but under my eye I dab the skin with clean fingers so that a thin layer will remain. Doing that definitely causes my eyes to appear less wrinkly under makeup.
I love this stuff. No dark circles, less wrinkles, no burning eyes, no toxins.
I came here to update that this product still does not sting my eyes, & realized that I never added information about the problem I had with this product. I once received 2 jars at one time, & both of them had a gritty, rather than smooth product in them. The grit hurt the skin around my eyes when I tried to apply it. I contacted the company & they promptly replaced them. Since they said something about the cream possibly being too dry, I tried stirring distilled water in 1 jar, but that resulted in mildew. I threw it out & used the other gritty jar as cuticle cream. The company handled the problem with friendliness & speed.
Curtis Browning –
Ok as my header says. I’m a male. I used to never really care about taking care of my skin over as a youngin. But now at 23, over the past couple of years I’ve paid more attention to my skin. I’m filipino and european so the asian side of me has blessed me with, overall, good skin. BUT, on my dads european side of the family, they suffer from genetic under eye bags, and dark circles. He had surgery once to have his removed, but nonetheless, they came back in time. I had signs of it, especially when I got into nursing school and my diet, sleep, and anything that had to do with taking care of my skin went out the window.
Since I finished nursing school, I’ve tried to pay more attention to everything as a whole.
Ever since I was a highschooler (football and track athlete) I’ve always suffered from dry skin so I’ve learned to used body lotion. EVERYWHERE. Be that my face. Not thinking there was a difference in any particular moisturizer. But youtube video after video, article after article. I’ve learned a ton. I drink a ton of water, eat well, sleep good (haha), and as my daily and nightly routine. I use a cleanser (pore refiner), a toner, and moisturizing face lotion. but my dark circles and eye bags never went away. that was my routine for the last 7 years.
I bought this queen bee stuff and it’s been a week. I’ve used it every day, night and morning. righter after I do cleansing and toning and before I put moisturizer. and I am not lying when I say this. This stuff has worked really well. My eyes have cleared up really well. My family noticed as well especially my mother who always preaches to sleep well. since I do not.
I understand what people mean about the out of the box consistency being kinda like candle wax, but that’s just the top layer. I used my ring finger to apply this stuff being that it’s the gentle finger. but anyways. push into the “wax” hard enough and you’ll notices a very soft honey like texture. you gotta kinda break through the top layer and move it around. before each usage. once you do that and apply it. (I apply about a pee size under each eye and any excess I put on the top of my eye lid and any more excess I apply to my forehead.)
Yes it is a little oily, but it’s ok, in my opinion. I leave it on for as long as possible and if I go out, I just dab away the “oilyness” not all the way though, just enough so it doesn’t look like I finished crying.
-smells great
-easy to apply after broken layer
-WORKS (for me that is)
-can make your eyes feel weird if it gets in there
works well, especially if you have a good skin care routine. definitely recommend using a cleanser and toner beforehand and a moisturizer after.
NOTE: when applying any eye cream, apply it but dont mix any facial moisturizer into the area you applied the eye cream. certain chemicals can offset and therefor detour the eye cream from working. apply eye cream specifically for the eyes and facial lotions everywhere but the eyes. your eyes don’t have natural oil glands so thats why they look dark, because the skin layer gets thin and you can see the vessels under it.
definitely sold on this stuff. I already bought 3 more for the future. but this current jar will last me probably the next 6-8 months. so I’m set for the next 2-3 years if the company goes under. which i hope they do not.