GENTLE, YET SERIOUS HELP: Especialmente desenvolvido para a pele delicada das crianças, este creme hidratante oferece alívio para a pele irritada e utiliza ingredientes suaves – para que não cause queimaduras!
DA CABEÇA AOS PÉS: Ajuda no tratamento de eczema, erupções cutâneas, dermatite, assaduras, bochechas ressecadas, pele vermelha, áspera e com protuberâncias, coceira, rachaduras dolorosas, alivia picadas de insetos, queimaduras, urticária e queimaduras solares… só para citar alguns.
PROTEJA SEU PEQUENO: Penetra profundamente para proporcionar alívio e hidratação significativos e de longa duração.
SEGURO E PURO: Elaborado cuidadosamente com os melhores ingredientes naturais da natureza: Aloe Vera Orgânico Certificado, Óleo de Jojoba e Manteiga de Karité Selvagem. Fabricado nos EUA com ingredientes adequados para crianças.
VOCÊ PODE CONTAR CONOSCO: Livre de esteroides, fragrâncias sintéticas, corantes, parabenos, glúten e ingredientes de origem animal. Sem petrolato ou óleo mineral. Acompanha a garantia da Gilden Tree – se você não estiver satisfeito com sua compra, ofereceremos uma substituição ou reembolso. Observe que estamos mudando para uma nova embalagem de bisnaga, portanto, durante o ciclo de estoque, você ainda pode receber um pote.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio suave e eficaz para a pele sensível das crianças
- Ajuda no tratamento de várias condições de pele, como eczema e dermatite
- Hidratação profunda e duradoura
- Ingredientes naturais certificados e seguros para crianças
- Garantia de satisfação da Gilden Tree
Mack’s Mom –
I have purchased multiple jars of this. They have all been amazing, until this last jar. They have helped my sons eczema and we have shared it with friends and family members and all have loved it. It has been thick and creamy and has worked to reduce my sons eczema flare ups. This last jar is very watered down and he tells me that it’s burning. I don’t know what they changed. I even put it in the fridge to try to thicken it up. It didn’t work.
David Hernandez –
All I can say is WOW!! My daughter has perioral dermatitis and I believe she had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics the dermatologist gave her. Her cheeks swelled up and turned really red, almost purple and was so irritated. We couldn’t schedule an appointment for her right away so we came across this cream and it’s been 3 days and her cheeks are pretty much cleared up! Her cheeks are back to her skin tone and they’re peeling now. Definitely worth buying!
Connie Kelly –
Between my husband and I, we’ve purchased at least 15 tubs of these since my initial review.. this last order we received is NOT what we have always gotten.. it’s no longer the cream they advertise on their page as of today, it’s a gritty, greasy oil.. my now 5 year old says it feels like I’m rubbing sand on her.. I’ve tried to message them through here but Amazon said unable to contact.. I’ve messaged them on Facebook and they are looking into it.. the ingredients label is slightly off from our jar from last month so we are wondering if there is a knock-off out there. If you received a jar that is NOT a white cream, please return it immediately! I’ll leave my 5 star because they responded on Facebook quickly. Hoping for a resolution soon!
Original Review: Okay.. so, I waited a bit to write this review to see exactly how well this worked. Within two days, my 3 year old daughter had zero scaley bumps on her belly! We are still working on the backs of her arms (but only recently decided to use only this product religiously, so I have high hopes). I hate spending $16 on what I consider a small tub of lotion. BUT, my daughter and I call this her “magic cream” and that is because IT DOESNT BURN! She has very sentivie skin, eczema, and allergies. We have doctor prescribed steroid cream on hand that dries her skin out very badly (but works).. we also have Vanicream, aquaphor, cetaphil, gold bond, coconut oil, and have used at least 4 other specialty “boutique” type creams that we have purchased out of desperation or a family member has purchased to try to help. I don’t want to rely on using the steroid cream because it’s only for hot spots and flare ups and we need something to prevent and manage her skin so that it doesn’t get to that point. After I saw the bumps on her belly clear up, I wanted so badly to somehow ration this product and so the next night I used the Vanicream.. this kid cried in pain that it burned and I had to wash her down and apply the magic cream. My husband recently ordered our second tub and we’ve decided THIS IS WHAT WE WILL BE USING FROM NOW ON!! It’s not a fight to put this on because it feels good on her skin and, might I add, smells really good (I joke that she smells like pinesol).
ONE WORD OF ADVICE TO SELLER: Please put in your product description that this product contains tree nuts. LUCKILY, we “only” have a peanut allergy over here or I would have been freaking out after I put it on and THEN read the bottle to her at her request. I honestly did not know tree nuts would ever be an ingredient in lotion. Color me educated today!
Because I think this product works so well on sensitive skin, we’ve started using it on our 9 month old. Although, sparingly as she does not have the same skin issues as her sister. I didn’t think to take any before or after pictures because it cleared up so fast on her belly that I honestly did not realize how bumpy were skin was until it was SMOOTH.
I would be willing to purchase this in a much larger tub so we have more on hand at any given time without putting in multiple orders of the smaller tub.
NShell –
LIKES: Very soft, creamy, and moisturizing cream. A little bit of cream goes a long way and can last for months when using once or twice daily. The scent of the cream smells good and fresh (but not overpowering). You can see actual results after a day of use.
DISLIKES: I’m trying so hard to think of something, but nothing comes to my mind at the moment.
I’ve used this product for at least four months or so, and it has done wonders for my son’s skin. He was battling random bumps and baby acne. His skin is sensitive to his drools, milk, and other things that irritated his skin that wasn’t clean. I used many other creams and ointments, and they seemed to make it worse. When my sister introduced this product to me, I wondered if it would help or not. At first I thought it would make it worse, because after a few minutes to an hour the bumps became redder and more pronounced. But, I decided to wait a little bit longer. And then realized, it got redder because the cream was going deep into skin to treat the bumps. The next day, the bumps were less apparent and some even disappeared. Depending on the severity of his bumps, they would go away after a day to two weeks. When he first started using it, it would take up to 2 weeks for them to get better because his bumps and dry skin was so bad. Now, that his skin has improved, it only takes a day or two for the bumps to vanish.
Morgan Landburg –
I will be leaving the 5 star because I’m assuming I got a bad product, after reading others reviews.
The first day we used it in my daughters skin it got red and very puffy, and she complained of burning. While it was on my hands I noticed a similar reaction to the tops of my hands as well. It felt gritty and not very easy to smooth in. she could possibly be allergic to an ingredient so I don’t want to say anything bad, because I think we might have gotten a bad batch? It was an off white color as well, not the same as described in the product pictures.
Kieli Treadway –
My daughter has battled patchy eczema since she was a toddler. I was in dire need of a new product when her old trusty lotion stopped doing the trick. I can not express how much I love this product. It started working the night I applied to the affected areas. My daughter no longer cried when I was putting products on the areas. Her condition is considered mild-moderate, but I think this product would work for a more advanced condition as well.
Rhonda –
Really like using this on my 2 year old and my 2 month old both have exzema and it goes on smooth and smells really good and moisturizing