Instant Eye Firm Cream: O Instant Eye Firm Cream é um creme para os olhos que contém mucina de caracol, que efetivamente trata problemas como olheiras, linhas finas e bolsas sob os olhos. Sua fórmula exclusiva ajuda a firmar e levantar a pele ao redor dos olhos, proporcionando um aspecto mais jovem e revitalizado.
Para todos os gêneros: Este creme para os olhos é adequado para uso diário tanto por homens quanto por mulheres. Ele age de forma eficaz nas bolsas sob os olhos, enquanto firma e levanta a pele ao redor dos olhos, proporcionando resultados visíveis.
Reduz o inchaço na área dos olhos: O Instant Eye Firm Cream ajuda a reduzir o inchaço e a fadiga ao redor dos olhos, proporcionando um efeito hidratante e refrescante. Sua fórmula exclusiva ajuda a revitalizar a área dos olhos, deixando-a com uma aparência mais descansada e rejuvenescida.
Hidratação de longa duração: Este creme para os olhos anti-idade é enriquecido com mucina de caracol, também conhecida como filtrado de caracol, que hidrata profundamente a pele. Sua fórmula exclusiva ajuda a manter a pele ao redor dos olhos hidratada por um longo período de tempo, prevenindo o ressecamento e a aparência de linhas finas.
Dicas de aplicação: Ao aplicar o creme para os olhos, caso algum resíduo branco apareça, recomendamos remover suavemente o excesso com um cotonete umedecido ou com a ponta do dedo. Massageie suavemente o produto na pele ao redor dos olhos até que seja completamente absorvido.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Eficaz no tratamento de olheiras, linhas finas e bolsas sob os olhos
- Adequado para uso diário por homens e mulheres
- Reduz o inchaço e a fadiga ao redor dos olhos
- Hidratação de longa duração para prevenir o ressecamento e linhas finas
- Dicas de aplicação para obter melhores resultados
Does not do anything at all to the undereye area. I applied it around one eye and waited for a while. I did not feel any tightening effect. Then I checked the skin around that eye and compared it to the skin around my other, untreated eye. There was no difference. I have slight lines under the eyes, and they remained as did the slight puffiness. I tried it again the next day. Same results. It is moisturizing though, which is why I give this cream two stars. I am disappointed.
sukiro atakame –
Thick eye cream. Goes on smoothly. Definitely helps in the mornings!
We reviewed that! –
I was so excited to get this product. It does absolutely nothing. Do not waste your time or your money.
A. Robbins –
The top is at my home in my bathroom, bottom is two hours later at work. I applied a drop to both my upper and lower slides an each side, so a generous amount in my openion.
I got crapey excess skin around my eyes after suffering septic shock. I fear my only option will be to get laser surgery.
A. Robbins –
Arrived as pictured.
Shipping was great.
It arrived as I was getting ready and I have to say I use very expensive stuff as it works.
I see no difference other than i’ve been way over paying!
I’m a fan of this for sure.
Easy to use- not a lot needed. Results within minutes.
Let it dry before adding more products to that area. Takes just a minute or two.
Absorbs very quickly. Priced more than fair.
Disappointed Reader –
Just a good eye cream. With creams, I look for a few thing: texture (does it apply easily or requires effort to get it on), smell (light to none is preferable), absorption (does it absorb easily or looks like a mask on the face). Other things, such as wrinkle reduction, etc., are long-term and are really hard to attribute to a particular cream, unless you are only using just that one product and have clear “before” and “after” photos.
This eye cream checks off all the positive marks. I love how it’s very light, but effective: I can immediately feel the moisture. But most importantly, I love the applicator: it’s metal, so it has a cooling effect, and immediately reduces the puffiness. Very easy to use it to roll the cream around the eyes. The immediate short-term effect is clearly noticeable, and that’s really all I am after. Great value for money, too!
We reviewed that! –
I just started applying this eye cream on a cleansed face. It was easily absorbed without noticeable scent. There was no irritation that occurred. It hydrated the area around the eyes. I’m not sure about the tightening and firming effects yet. It may occur with consistent use.