O Creme Facial Nutritivo CICA Magic Clear AC da THE PLANT BASE é uma verdadeira revolução no cuidado da pele, trazendo a sabedoria milenar da natureza para a sua rotina de beleza. Com 60ml de pura nutrição, este creme é formulado com 55% de Centella asiatica, uma planta conhecida por suas propriedades curativas e calmantes. A Centella asiatica, ou Cica, é um ingrediente amplamente utilizado na medicina tradicional de diversas culturas, sendo reconhecida por sua capacidade de acalmar a pele irritada e promover a cicatrização de feridas.
A proposta da THE PLANT BASE vai além da eficácia; a marca é comprometida com a sustentabilidade, utilizando uma embalagem inovadora em tubo de papel, que minimiza o impacto ambiental. Este creme é livre de produtos químicos agressivos, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para quem busca uma beleza limpa e consciente.
Além da Cica, o creme contém pó de chá verde, rico em vitaminas A e C, que protege a pele contra os danos dos radicais livres e contribui para uma aparência saudável e radiante. O óleo de árvore de chá, conhecido por suas propriedades antibacterianas, ajuda a manter a pele livre de acne, enquanto o Neoendorphin, um neuropeptídeo, proporciona uma sensação de conforto e alívio para peles sensíveis. A mistura Multifruit BSC, composta por cinco extratos botânicos, promove a renovação celular, resultando em uma pele mais suave e jovem.
1. Cuidados intensivos para a pele: O AC Clear Magic Cica Cream acalma e alivia a irritação, protegendo a pele contra agressões externas.
2. Ingredientes naturais: Formulado com extratos botânicos como Centella asiatica e chá verde, que oferecem benefícios comprovados para a saúde da pele.
3. Proteção ambiental: Embalagem em tubo de papel, reforçando o compromisso da marca com a sustentabilidade e a proteção do meio ambiente.
4. Efeito esterilizante: O óleo de árvore de chá possui um efeito esterilizante 12 vezes mais forte que outras plantas, mantendo a pele limpa e livre de bactérias.
5. Renovação celular: O Multifruit BSC promove uma renovação celular acelerada, resultando em uma pele mais suave e com aparência rejuvenescida.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma quantidade adequada do AC Clear Magic Cica Cream sobre o rosto limpo. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Recomenda-se o uso duas vezes ao dia, pela manhã e à noite. Evite o contato com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Phoenix –
This cream provides relief when my face gets raw from exfoliation and AHA/BHA. The consistency is thick and it feels a bit greasy on my sensitive oily skin. But it’s non-comedogenic.
MJ –
THE PLANT BASE AC Clear Magic Cica Cream
This cream is pretty amazing. I think it can work for a lot of different issues. I have super dry and sensitive skin and this made my skin feel wonderful. What I really like about this cream is that it dries down to a matte finish and is perfect for when you don’t want to be shiny. I know that is the look but sometimes I just don’t want to glow. This cream is pretty hydrating while not being greasy.
Veronica B –
This CC cream is so nice, light and moisturizing and it dries quickly but doesn’t dry my skin, nor make it greasy. My skin has several uneven patches that look red and tends to look dry, but this cream evens out my skin tone and I forget about it, which is exactly what I want to happen. I wait a few minutes and then apply my regular foundation on top of it and I love how my skin looks. My husband also uses it occasionally when his skin gets dry and looks blotchy and he also likes it!
haku –
As stated above I think my tube was defective and I have good reason to think so. To start off it was a different color/texture than advertised but also smelled a bit fowl. At first I thought that was normal but the smell got stronger and changed more colors when I was using it. Other than that I kind of got to scared to keep using it. I haven’t seen any complaints like that so I think maybe Mines just faulty or something.
Naqam –
The cica cream moisturizer is very good for troubled skin. The cream comes in what feels like a cardboard tube which I thought was kind of interesting. It dispenses easily and is a tannish brown in color. It actually looks very similar to a BB cream but I didn’t notice that it provided any make up like coverage. The cream absorbed pretty well even though it is a pretty thick moisturizer. You do not need much to be able to cover your face with ease. It is a little heavier then some facial moisturizers but this makes it a nice choice for colder months. The cream smelled nice and did not cause any irritation. In summary, this is a great choice for a fall or winter moisturizer for troubled skin as it is gentle but very hydrating and moisturizing.
AC –
So I’ve been using this for a couple months and though it’s thin, non scented and spreads ok – I couldn’t tell you what ingredient is in this plant based cream, but I’ve been getting small pimples all along my jaw line and chin. Now I do have acne prone skin, bit never anything like this. I had to stop using it.
AC –
I’ve never tried a “cica” cream before, but am always up for trying new skincare products, so was excited to try this THE PLANT BASE AC Clear Magic Cica Cream!
Korean skincare is where it’s at right now, so I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed! It’s a thicker cream but really feels nice and hydrating going on. And although it’s thicker, a little goes a long way.
It has some great ingredients including: Cica (Centella Asiatica extract) 55% / Green Tea Powder / Neoendorphin / Tea Tree / Multifruits BSC
I’m not a HUGE fan of tea tree scented products, and this definitely does smell like tea tree BUT it works well and feels good so I can get past the scent.
So far, I’m super happy with this cream and although I have not used any other product like this and have nothing to compare it too, I still would recommend!
colebiancardi –
This is a really nice cream for the skin. This contains healing and soothing centella and blemish busting tea tree oil. This does smell like tea tree but not as a powerful fragrance.
This is not a lightweight lotion as it is thick. I like using this at night to prevent my skin from getting irritated, allow it to repair itself and also adding a protective moisturizing layer on my skin. This is a really great for the cooler months