Creme Facial Bruizex Drenagem Linfática, Anti-Envelhecimento, Hidratante
O Creme Facial de Drenagem Linfática Bruizex é uma solução inovadora que combina propriedades anti-envelhecimento e hidratantes, proporcionando uma drenagem linfática facial eficaz. Este produto foi desenvolvido para facilitar a drenagem linfática natural, eliminando toxinas e promovendo uma pele mais saudável e rejuvenescida. Com uma fórmula rica em ingredientes naturais, como Manteiga de Manga, Manteiga de Karité, Aloe Vera e Óleo de Esqualano, o creme oferece uma hidratação intensa, deixando a pele macia e radiante. A presença de Vitamina E e óleos essenciais orgânicos, como Gerânio e Lavanda Francesa, potencializa ainda mais os efeitos benéficos, melhorando a circulação e reduzindo o inchaço facial.
Indicado para todos os tipos de pele, o creme é ideal para quem busca uma rotina de cuidados que promova a renovação e restauração saudável da pele. Desenvolvido por um Cirurgião Plástico Certificado, o produto é uma escolha confiável para quem deseja resultados visíveis e duradouros. Para maximizar os efeitos do creme, recomenda-se utilizá-lo em conjunto com técnicas de massagem facial, como a drenagem linfática manual ou o uso de ferramentas como Gua Sha e rolo de jade, que potencializam a absorção dos nutrientes e a eficácia do tratamento.
Os ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados não apenas hidratam, mas também nutrem a pele, proporcionando uma sensação de frescor e leveza. O uso regular do Creme Facial Bruizex pode transformar a aparência da pele, promovendo um aspecto mais jovem e saudável.
- Facilita a drenagem linfática natural e elimina toxinas da pele facial.
- Melhora o fluxo linfático dérmico e a limpeza da pele.
- Fornece nutrientes essenciais para a renovação e restauração saudável da pele.
- Hidrata profundamente a pele facial, promovendo maciez e luminosidade.
- Desenvolvido por um Cirurgião Plástico Certificado, garantindo qualidade e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, inicie sua rotina de cuidados com a pele limpando suavemente o rosto. Aplique uma pequena quantidade do Creme Facial Bruizex sobre a pele do rosto e pescoço, utilizando movimentos circulares e suaves para uma massagem eficaz. Este creme pode ser utilizado diariamente como parte da sua rotina de cuidados ou como um creme noturno, permitindo que a pele se desintoxique e se regenere durante a noite. Para potencializar os efeitos, recomenda-se o uso em conjunto com ferramentas de drenagem linfática facial, como Gua Sha ou rolo de jade, que ajudam a maximizar a absorção dos ativos e a eficácia do tratamento.
Emmie Joe –
This is very moisturizing and it smells good. I can smell the essential oils. It goes on smoothly and it’s not heavy or greasy. I like the way it made my skin feel. I also like the way it comes out- you don’t have to touch the lotion with your fingers except for the amount you are using. Would recommend.
Astrid –
Before I get into this, I have to admit that I have no idea how to tell if this does anything at all for lymphatic drainage. Don’t have a clue how to tell. But what I can tell you is that this is quite a nice skin cream to moisturize the skin. It’s clean and full of healthy ingredients that moisturize the skin.
Though this is full of emollients, it doesn’t leave oily or greasy residuals on the surface of the skin. Absorbs well and good to use along the neck so that you aren’t getting messy substances on your jewelry, clothing, or in your hair. Will make the skin softer, as well as more supple and elastic. Works well on both the face and the neck. Good as a night cream because once you let it set, it will not be messing up your pillowcases. To me, that’s a very important part of a night cream outside of what it does for the skin. Can be worn either day or night.
Sherrylv –
I did a patch test of this product on my arm and it broke out in tiny rash-like bumps. Because of that reaction, I decided not to use the product further. From the little bit I did use, it seemed very oily with a strong odor. I am not able to determine whether it did help with lymphatic drainage.
Runjbells –
This lymphatic drainage moisturizer smells absolutely delicious (very citrusy) and is very creamy. After receiving it and reading the ingredients again, I realized I would not be able to use it on my face because aloe Vera causes me to break out with acne. However, I did use it on other parts of my body, and it works like the absolute bests of body butters. I was unable to judge its effects at lymphatic drainage. How is that measured? But, it did feel luxurious, and one pump goes a long way. If you need a moisturizer for very dry skin, for scarring or for use with a massage tool, this is definitely one you should consider.
Sarah Grape –
If you’ve ever used “cactus juice” bug spray, it smells like a lighter and more fruity/floral version of that. It’s not chemically or heavy. If you haven’t don’t know what I’m talking about- the scent has a lot going on, but it’s not too heavy and it’s got no chemical-y notes in it. It’s got one of those fun push-button dispensers where you press down and it pools into the button top. Easy to get too much! Works really well on various skin things- moisture? Check. My acne? Check. My mom’s skin and mine being different but I working well for both? Check!
Siobhan Aller –
I really like the scent of this cream. It has a nice light consistency and absorbs into the skin quickly. Does not leave you feeling too greasy. I liked this cram and the scent. It was nice to rub into a sore tired neck with downward strokes helping to further drain the lymph nodes.
Deep in Thought –
Most notable are the scents of citrus, orange and grapefruit, but gentled by vanilla, lavender and geranium so it is not too bright.
The cream is soft, one pump gives you enough coverage for face and neck. It liquifies as it goes on, and I used a gua sha tool to thoroughly massage it into my skin. It was liquid enough to keep the tool gliding, but once absorbed did not feel oily or heavy. It did take a few minutes to fully soak in.
This is a pleasure to add to my bedtime routine and I would use it for the scent alone.
Aloha017 –
Only drawback is I have allergies and the fragrance is way too strong for me. I had to give it away.