Descrição do Produto: EZDtox Cream – Heavy Metal EDTA Detox – 1 Month Supply – 4 oz. Jar
O EZDtox Cream é um creme detoxificante inovador, formulado com EDTA (ácido etilenodiamino tetra-acético), que auxilia na remoção de metais pesados do organismo. Com um fornecimento para um mês em um frasco de 4 oz, este produto é ideal para quem busca desintoxicar o corpo de forma prática e eficaz. A aplicação tópica do EZDtox permite que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele, promovendo uma desintoxicação localizada e sistemática. Este creme é especialmente indicado para pessoas expostas a ambientes poluídos, que consomem alimentos contaminados ou que desejam melhorar sua saúde geral. Com uma textura leve e de rápida absorção, o EZDtox Cream proporciona conforto e facilidade de uso, tornando-se uma adição essencial à rotina de cuidados diários.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Remove metais pesados acumulados no organismo, promovendo uma limpeza interna.
2. Fórmula Avançada: Contém EDTA, um agente quelante reconhecido por sua eficácia na eliminação de toxinas.
3. Uso Prático: Aplicação tópica que facilita a incorporação na rotina diária sem necessidade de ingestão.
4. Melhora da Saúde Geral: Contribui para o aumento da energia e bem-estar, reduzindo a fadiga e o cansaço.
5. Apoio à Pele: Além da desintoxicação, o creme também pode ajudar a melhorar a aparência da pele, deixando-a mais saudável e radiante.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma quantidade generosa do EZDtox Cream na área desejada da pele, preferencialmente à noite, antes de dormir. Massageie suavemente até que o creme seja completamente absorvido. Recomenda-se o uso diário durante um mês para maximizar os efeitos detoxificantes. Evite a aplicação em áreas com feridas abertas ou irritações. Para resultados otimizados, combine o uso do creme com uma dieta equilibrada e a ingestão adequada de água.
RPbySC –
I haven’t noticed any difference but I bought it because I want to clear out a small amount of buildup in an artery and that will take several months and another test at the cardiologist to see how it works.
I’ve been using this cream for a month and still there is a week or more left in the jar. I’m giving it 5 stars because I’m hoping for great results, but I really do not like having to use a whole teaspoon each day. That’s a lot of cream to find places to put it. I wish Ona’s would put the same amount of product in less cream. It turns out that I wasn’t using a whole teaspoon at first so this jar will last me longer than a month.
Btheiss –
I have been using this product for almost a month along with my 11 year old son. He uses 3 pumps a day and I use 4. Now, I haven’t notice a lot of things physically but I must say one crazy thing that happened to me was my period that normally drags on for 10-12 days ended on day 6. This is probably the first time in almost a year that I had a normal period. I don’t know if it’s connected or not but it was pretty crazy!
This product is also clearly quality. It is so wonderfully creamy even though I put it on in the morning when I go to take my bath at night the areas I rubbed it on are STILL soft and moist!!!! It’s really incredible.
The smell isn’t the greatest- so I always just rubbed it on my feet, wrists and inner thighs. That helped not smelling it.
It is so awesome just knowing I’m cleaning out my body of toxins even if I can’t feel results right away. I look forward to continuing to use the rest of this product!!
Amazon Customer –
Seems kind of pricy for 4oz. cream.
Amazon Customer –
I have only used for a few days, so mo results yet. Order came promptly.
Rivka –
*Update: I have used multiple containers of this EDTA chelation cream over many months and the last one has something wrong with it. Normally I have dosed as the label directs which is 2 pumps per each inner arm. The last container is not the thick cream that I have always used in the past but is very watery and one pump is almost too much as it comes out a lot more and is liquid. I don’t know if this is even the same product which is concerning!
I have used this for several months as part of a detox program to remove heavy metals and toxins from my body. As far as I can tell, it helps along with other things such as diet and other nutritional supplements.
Bangbang –
Been thinking of buying Dr. Mike’s detox products, but many reasons have kept me from actually purchasing.
Recently my health took turn for the worst (recently diagnosed with autoimmune diseases which I suspect from my dental exposure to amalgam and certain antibiotics) and saw this opportunity to use this. I paired it with everyday detox bath (epsom salt) and detox smoothie recipes. It seems to be working. I’ve been doing detox bath and detox smoothie before I started using this cream, so I know it is helping. After a week of using this cream, I feel a little less tired, a little less exhausted, and a little less pain. I just wished it has more detailed instruction on how much to use. It says 1 teaspoon/day to thin-skin areas such as inside of wrists, sides or top of feet/ankles. Does it mean total of 1 teaspoon? or 1 teaspoon each on wrists and another on feet/ankles. Since my skin is so dry having been recently diagnosed with Sjogren’s on top of other autoimmune, I’m just not sure if I’m putting enough, too much, or too little, as my skin just suck the cream right in and it still feels super dry.
Scott –
I have used Ona’s Natural Chelation Cream before, and it did take some time to rub it into my skin. But, it did work well on everything with the exception of mercury. I know that is a tough metal to remove, and was told it will take a few jars to do the job. I purchased the new formula and I am very happy to say that it is quick to absorb, so I will finish the jar and hope that the mercury in my system is eliminated.
Spope –
This product is one I highly recommend. There are too many benefits to mention here, but it is well worth your time to look into it. You’ll find you should also use daily. (Although I’ve never used a pump. Just get the regular jar.) It’s amazing!