Descrição do Produto: No Hair Crew Intimate/Private At Home Hair Removal Cream for Men
O No Hair Crew é um creme depilatório inovador, desenvolvido especialmente para homens que buscam uma solução eficaz e indolor para a remoção de pelos indesejados em casa. Com uma fórmula suave e poderosa, este creme de 100ml é ideal para áreas íntimas e outras partes do corpo, proporcionando uma experiência de depilação sem dor e com resultados impecáveis.
- Eficaz e Seguro para Diferentes Tipos de Corpo: O creme é projetado para atender às necessidades de diferentes tipos de pelos. Enquanto pelos finos podem exigir menos tempo de aplicação, pelos grossos e espessos podem necessitar de um tempo maior. A recomendação é experimentar para descobrir o tempo ideal de manscaping para cada parte do corpo. Embora seja especialmente recomendado para homens, o produto também pode ser utilizado por mulheres.
- 24 Horas de Hidratação da Pele: Após a aplicação e remoção dos pelos, a pele fica sedosa e suave por até 24 horas, graças à presença de algas marinhas e outros ingredientes calmantes na fórmula.
- Satisfatório para Todos os Tipos de Pele: O creme depilatório íntimo é o mais gentil da linha, sendo seguro para uso em áreas privadas e íntimas. Diga adeus às queimaduras de lâmina ou cera!
- Vegan e Cruelty Free: O No Hair Crew é uma opção que não causa dor ao corpo humano e também respeita a vida dos animais, sendo uma escolha ética para quem se preocupa com o bem-estar animal.
1. Remoção Indolor: Proporciona uma experiência de depilação sem dor, eliminando a necessidade de lâminas ou ceras que podem causar desconforto.
2. Hidratação Prolongada: Mantém a pele hidratada e suave por 24 horas, evitando ressecamento e irritações.
3. Versatilidade de Uso: Adequado para diferentes tipos de pelos e áreas do corpo, tornando-o uma solução prática para todos os homens.
4. Fórmula Suave: Ideal para peles sensíveis, minimizando o risco de reações adversas e desconforto.
5. Compromisso Ético: Produto vegano e livre de crueldade, permitindo que os consumidores façam escolhas conscientes.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o No Hair Crew, siga estas etapas:
1. Antes da aplicação, faça um teste em uma pequena área da pele para verificar a sensibilidade.
2. Aplique uma camada uniforme do creme na área desejada, cobrindo completamente os pelos.
3. Deixe o creme agir pelo tempo recomendado, que pode variar de 5 a 10 minutos, dependendo da espessura dos pelos.
4. Após o tempo de espera, utilize uma espátula ou pano úmido para remover o creme e os pelos, enxaguando a área com água morna.
5. Seque suavemente a pele e aplique um hidratante, se necessário, para maximizar a suavidade e a hidratação.
Com o No Hair Crew, a depilação em casa se torna uma tarefa simples, rápida e sem dor, permitindo que você se sinta confiante e confortável em sua própria pele.
Klinn –
Me gustó el producto, en mi caso el vello es muy grueso por lo que solo 8 minutos parecían no ser suficiente, aparte hay que usar bastante producto para notar los efectos.
Por otro lado, no se irrita ni deja la sensación de picazón que pasa con la cuchilla, le daré 5 estrellas porque es buen producto pero me gustaría que fueran más específicos con la cantidad que se debe usar.
Yahya –
انصح به
CharlesM –
Let me start by saying this is a milage may very depending on how sensitive your skin is. Testing can get very expensive. Over the past 5 years I have tried just about every type of cream Amazon carries. They all have their issues with a combination of the following things.
1. Some are very strong and remove the hair great, Downsides working time and burning the skin.
2. Weak and the time it has to be left on burns the skin or maybe I should say irritates it in a bad way. like there is not enough Aloe vera sunburn oil dumped in a pull on men’s diaper to stop the discomfort. Worst of all 99 percent of the hair is still attached to your body and do over is required 2 weeks after you grave enough to try it again.
For the most part all of them I have tried fit into those categories.
I have purchased this 3 times in 5 and it gives plenty of working time and will las when you get into maintenance mode. If it says leave it on 6 min and you leave it on 10 because that is what it takes for you it’s all good, diapers are not going to be needed to cool the burn. I can’t say I have ever had a burn from this and it gets 85 to 95 percent of the big stuff. Most of the time what gets left behind has to do with missed spots due to fear of burning yourself.
Use cheap surgical gloves. Get a comb or wet brush and comb it in. Sounds weird but it works.
Around that skin of the B Hole, cheeks and Sac I just make sure it’s well covered using my hand and surprisingly I have yest to have an issue with burning my skin. I do use surgical gloves to be on the safe side and it lets you work the product in without stinking up your hands.
If for some reason it does not get it all on the 1st try, I go lighter the next time I shower and I am good for a while. Once you have the big stuff, removed its maintenance mode every week or so during a shower. This along with a razor for the flat spots Belly button down to well you know and thing stay smooth as a (well smooth) a little gold bond here in the south to help with sweat and humidity and I never give it a second thought.
Again, be warned everyone’s skin is different so test and please do not buy because of the price. At the price of 17.00 and the right approach, this is a great value, has worked great for me.
Francisco –
Recién la usé y me quitó todo el vello de las zonas íntimas sin problemas, aunque tengo que reconocer que ardió mínimo (2/10) y olió feo (pero es parte de las cremas depiladoras). Excedió mis expectativas.
Dan –
Bon produit pour epiller les parties intimes de l’ homme fonctionne très bien
Placeholder –
I received and tried this product today and, wow! No iratation, worked damn good, my hair was easily a inch plus long and it got 90% on the first go. I’ll be doing a second application tomorrow because I don’t want to push things. I’m much more confident wearing thongs now that I don’t have hair everywhere. I will definitely be purchasing this again as I used about a half a tube, but I think much less will be needed now that I’m nearly hair free. Highly highly recommend this product.
سيء جدا
xtrememayhem –
It works pretty well, smooth after first use easy instructions.
Second and third use a month or two later after the hair grew back it seemed to lose it’s effectiveness. After following the instructions the hair was still there so I shelved it wondering why it didn’t work.
Last time decided to give it one more go another month or so later, followed the instructions again, at the recommended time the hair still wasn’t coming out so decided to leave it in beyond the recommended time then started to see results again. Washed it off and still had patches but did take care of some areas.
I can only speak for the bottle I had and what worked/didn’t work for me.
I can also only speak for my body/hair because I don’t know if my hair gained a resistance to it or if it actually loses its potency
Would I buy it again? Yes, it was easy to apply and does its job on the first go and also mainly for testing with another bottle and see if I can get multiple uses as intended
Lee –
I’ve tried many hair remover products and within 2 minutes of application, I get serious burn due to my very sensitive skin; however, this product exceeded my expectations – I had fun while shaving. What is even more, I was able to shower afterwards with soap and was able to use deodorant after shower, something I dare not do for at least two days after shaving in the past. For best results, especially if you have coarse hair like mine, use generous amount (don’t be stingy with it) and you can exceed the recommended 3 minutes if you have to. I had it on for almost 8 minutes, and I had the best shave ever!!!
I’m not sure there’s need for the plastic spatula that came with it, please save our planet and ocean – discontinue the inclusion of the plastic spatula. I used my hand to apply and when I was ready to remove the dead hair, a hot wash towel did a better job. This is a must have product for me going forward!!!!!!
Anthony G. –
I can only speak for myself in regards for how this product worked as different people have different skin types. When used correctly this product won’t burn my skin while effectively removing the hair( not quite as well as nair) but still getting the job done. And it doesn’t stink like nair does. That’s a bonus.
I choose to only use it in the shower for preparation of a thorough rinse after wiping it away just in case there’s leftover residue after wiping. I use it on the rear and nowhere else as it is gentle enough for me to use there without getting burned(as long as I do everything perfectly) which is almost every time.
At the time of writing this review. I’m on my second tube.( my second purchase)