Produto Importado dos EUA

Creme de Mel de Manuka para Eczema – Hidratante para Pele Sensível, Psoríase, Dermatite – Pomada de Mel de Manuka, Sebo Alimentado a Grama

*R$324.99 Em até 6x de R$54.17 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$54.17 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$324.99 sem juros2x de R$162.50 sem juros3x de R$108.33 sem juros4x de R$81.25 sem juros5x de R$65.00 sem juros6x de R$54.17 sem juros

O Manuka Eczema Honey Cream é um creme hidratante para pele sensível, eczema, psoríase e dermatite. Feito com mel de Manuka, banha alimentada com capim e outros ingredientes naturais, ele oferece alívio e nutrição para a pele afetada. Suas principais características incluem propriedades calmantes, hidratantes e regeneradoras, ajudando a reduzir a coceira, a inflamação e a vermelhidão. Benefícios adicionais incluem a proteção da barreira da pele, a melhora da textura e a promoção da cicatrização.

(8 avaliações de clientes)
Creme de Mel de Manuka para Eczema - Hidratante para Pele Sensível, Psoríase, Dermatite - Pomada de Mel de Manuka, Sebo Alimentado a Grama *R$324.99 Em até 6x de R$54.17 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$54.17 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$324.99 sem juros2x de R$162.50 sem juros3x de R$108.33 sem juros4x de R$81.25 sem juros5x de R$65.00 sem juros6x de R$54.17 sem juros

Manuka Eczema Honey Cream – Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin, Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis – Manuka Honey Ointment, Grassfed Tallow

Manuka Eczema Honey Cream – Moisturizer for Sensitive Skin, Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis – Manuka Honey Ointment, Grassfed Tallow

  • 🌟 US Weekly Chosen! “Best for Healing Skin Conditions in 2023” – Intensive Skin Healing – após uma extensa pesquisa, desenvolvemos nosso creme mais poderoso até o momento. Alivie e cure sua pele sensível com nosso premium Manuka Eczema Honey Cream. Satisfaça sua pele com ingredientes ricos em nutrientes, como mel de Manuka, óleo de abacate e sebo alimentado com capim, juntamente com uma mistura exclusiva de óleos essenciais calmantes para a pele.
  • 💧 Experimente os benefícios transformadores do nosso Manuka Eczema Honey Cream. Hidrate profundamente e nutra sua pele, garantindo que ela fique macia, suave e completamente hidratada em um nível mais profundo. Rico em vitaminas essenciais para a pele, como A, C, D, E e K, este creme para eczema e psoríase de Manuka é prontamente absorvido e não oleoso. A maioria dos cremes é diluída, comprometendo sua eficácia, mas não o nosso! Experimente para uma hidratação de longa duração.
  • ❌ Diga adeus aos problemas de pele com nosso Manuka Eczema Honey Cream de ação rápida. Formulado cientificamente para amaciar e acalmar a pele seca e com coceira, incluindo os tipos de pele mais sensíveis, como eczema, psoríase, dermatite e rosácea, proporcionando alívio e conforto. Cuidados com a pele simples, eficazes e seguros, perfeitos para homens, mulheres e crianças.
  • 🍯 Infusão de Mel de Manuka + Óleo – feito com o exclusivo mel de Manuka da Nova Zelândia (UMF 16+ / MGO 573+) e óleo essencial de Manuka da Nova Zelândia – 20 vezes mais potente que o óleo essencial de árvore do chá. Nutra sua pele com a luxuosa mistura do nosso Manuka Eczema Honey Cream. Alivie rapidamente sua pele com essa hidratação infundida com mel e sinta-se rejuvenescido.
  • 💯 Nós apoiamos nosso Manuka Eczema Honey Cream. É por isso que oferecemos uma garantia de satisfação de 100%. Colocamos nossos clientes em primeiro lugar – se você não estiver satisfeito com nosso Manuka Honey Eczema Cream, nossa equipe está pronta para ajudar. Amigável para AIP | Para todos os tipos de pele – incluindo pele sensível, propensa a eczema e psoríase – Tudo Natural – Sem nada artificial – Generoso tamanho de 4 oz! Feito nos EUA.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  1. Alivia e cura a pele sensível, eczema, psoríase, dermatite e rosácea.
  2. Hidrata profundamente e nutre a pele, deixando-a macia, suave e completamente hidratada.
  3. Formulado cientificamente para amaciar e acalmar a pele seca e com coceira.
  4. Infundido com mel de Manuka e óleo essencial de Manuka, proporcionando benefícios adicionais para a pele.
  5. Garantia de satisfação de 100% – estamos comprometidos em fornecer um produto de alta qualidade e atendimento ao cliente excepcional.

– Sugestão de Uso: Aplique uma quantidade adequada do creme Manuka Eczema Honey na pele limpa e seca. Massageie suavemente até que seja completamente absorvido. Use diariamente, de manhã e à noite, ou conforme necessário. Para obter melhores resultados, utilize regularmente.

8 avaliações para Creme de Mel de Manuka para Eczema – Hidratante para Pele Sensível, Psoríase, Dermatite – Pomada de Mel de Manuka, Sebo Alimentado a Grama

  1. Af

    So I like this cream, but I don’t like the smell. It’s a weird waxy smell, but that’s understandable due to what it’s made of. The cream is very thick and it doesn’t take much to cover your skin as it spreads well, especially if you rub it between your hands and warm it before applying.

    I’ve used the cream on my face, legs and different problem areas on my body like scarring or skin irritations. I started wearing a smartwatch 24/7 recently and it started to rub my skin wrong underneath from wearing it to bed every night. I used this cream to heal the marks that it started to form on my wrist and applied it every day after I showered before putting on my watch and it made a big difference. My only issue with the cream other than the smell is that it does have a tendency to make me break out on my face off and on. I’ve been trying to figure out what makes it break me out whether that be applying too much at a time, tried not using it every day etc, but I haven’t found a perfect routine just yet.

    Overall I would rate the cream 7/10 for its moisture and healing properties. I’ve found myself using it less often than I planned to due to the consistency, smell and it causing breakouts. However, considering the ingredients and the properties it has I can see it being used once or twice a week on your face and still be effective. I have also used it on my legs after shaving and it helps a ton with bumps.

  2. cooemennia

    Omg this cream healed my son skin in 24 hours of him using it. That you to whomever made this cream it’s the best and something I will always order

  3. Amazing Customer

    Having had a recent eczema flare up and wanting to avoid prolonged use of cortizone creams, I sought for alternatives. Had high hopes for this product, alas, it did absolutely nothing to alleviate my eczema. After using this product exclusively for a week straight, I can say the dry cracking skin got progressively worse and the itchiness intensified. Had to go back to my tried and true regimen of colloidal and cortizone creams which provided great relief just after one day.

    Update: Had a recent bad flare-up and colloidal creams weren’t helping much. Tried a popular petroleum based ointment which turned out that I am allergic to. I gave the Manuka honey cream a second chance. It still doesn’t do much to alleviate itchiness, but it does work to reduce swelling and slowly healing a painful fissure caused by my allergic reaction to the petro ointment I was using. For areas that are just dry and itchy, and not swollen or cracked, I use Cetaphil Restoraderm which works better than other colloidal creams I had been using because of its thicker consistency and perhaps ingredients that just work better to relief itchiness keeping the skin hydrated. I do not use the Cetaphil on cracked skin though because it can sting pretty badly.

    Lastly, I really love the fresh citrusy, herb smell of this honey cream. The consistency is also perfect. It isn’t runny, nor is it thick and greasy like a petro based ointment. Raising this product to a well-deserved 5 stars!

  4. zachary johnstone

    Not only does it smell amazing but it has done wonders for my skin! I have little kids that like to kiss me all day long and I wanted an all natural product that would help my skin while it’s sade for muy kids if they get some on them. I’m also nursing so clean products are so important to me. I cant see myself buying any other product.

  5. Betty J. Melton

    I use this balm for LS and find it very soothing and healing

  6. PAM

    Nice balm, it spreads smoothly and you don’t need a lot to cover a decent amount of skin.
    I have only had it for 3 days, but really like it so far.

  7. KI

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     A friend recommended a diff more popular brand of this bc I’ve had lifelong issues with eczema. I’ve tried every potion and lotion and with extremely sensitive skin — this has AMAZED me! The ingredients are clean, natural and simple. This is the 1st kind of cream I’ve used that has made more than about a 10 minute difference. Also, it is wonderful for dry/saggy skin. Try it and you won’t be sorry! The price is easy on the wallet too 😉

  8. Jalok Xlem

    I try to chill it in the fridge before use so it goes on a bit like egyptian magic, but it comes on very oily and does not absorb into the skin. Been trying to use it to improve my eczema.
    Something in it is very aggravating to me. Within 5 minutes of application I feel an intense itch. But, if I wrap the area and cover the wraps with cloth the result is negligibly better. Not anything super impressive though. Not sure if it’s worth the intense itchiness which has had me on and off if I should return it.
    It has a somewhat strong smell to it which may give ppl with a sensitive nose light headedness, but it’s not a bad smell, I’d guess it’s from the tea tree oil.
    I will try a bit longer.

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