O Newborn Salve é um creme suave e puro à base de ervas, ideal para manter a pele do bebê saudável a longo prazo e livre de erupções cutâneas, irritações, inflamações e ressecamento causados por eczema, acne, assaduras e crosta láctea. Também é perfeito para uma limpeza simples e sem sabão das dobras de pele. Sua fórmula não contém zinco nem cortisona, tornando-o adequado para uso a longo prazo.
Este produto é verificado pela EWG e testado clinicamente, oferecendo ingredientes confiáveis para cuidados com o bebê, tratamento de crosta láctea, eczema e acne, como calêndula orgânica, raiz de alcaçuz e óleo de mamona livre de hexano. Sua segurança para uso com fraldas de pano foi comprovada por mães em testes. Recomenda-se fazer um teste de sensibilidade antes de usar.
O Newborn Salve é sem perfume e livre de fragrâncias, parabenos, coco, glúten e milho. Sua fórmula contém apenas 6 ingredientes: óleo de semente de uva italiano, calêndula orgânica não transgênica, raiz de alcaçuz orgânica, óleo de mamona prensado a frio livre de hexano, cera de abelha doméstica e tocoferol (vitamina E não transgênica).
Este produto é fabricado nos Estados Unidos pela Ora’s Amazing Herbal, uma empresa de propriedade materna, em nossa própria instalação em Nova Jersey. Queremos que você e sua pele nos amem. Entre em contato conosco se tiver alguma dúvida ou preocupação.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Cuidados seguros para a pele do bebê: O Newborn Salve é verificado pela EWG e clinicamente testado, garantindo ingredientes confiáveis para tratar eczema, acne, crosta láctea e assaduras.
- 2. Fórmula suave e pura: Com ingredientes como calêndula orgânica, raiz de alcaçuz e óleo de mamona livre de hexano, este creme é ideal para manter a pele do bebê saudável e livre de irritações.
- 3. Livre de substâncias indesejadas: Sem perfume, parabenos, coco, glúten e milho, o Newborn Salve é seguro para uso em bebês com pele sensível.
- 4. Fabricado nos EUA: Produzido pela Ora’s Amazing Herbal, uma empresa de propriedade materna, este produto é fabricado com cuidado e qualidade em nossa própria instalação em Nova Jersey.
- 5. Recomendado pela Vitaminer Shop: A Vitaminer Shop confia no Newborn Salve como uma opção confiável para cuidados com a pele do bebê, garantindo sua eficácia e segurança.
– Para usar o Newborn Salve, aplique uma quantidade adequada nas áreas afetadas, como eczema, acne, crosta láctea ou assaduras. Massageie suavemente até a absorção completa. Recomenda-se fazer um teste de sensibilidade antes de usar pela primeira vez. Consulte um médico se os sintomas persistirem ou piorarem. Todos os direitos reservados.
PK –
I love this. I bought the 1 oz jar initially because my baby had terrible baby acne, I noticed a big difference the next day after putting it on. It continued to improve and was nearly gone within a week. I told my sister-in-law about it and her 3 & 6 year olds still struggled with cradle cap, she used it on her 3 year old and noticed a difference the next day. Wow! That jar went with my sister in law and I have bought a 4 oz jar and another 1 oz jar. I tell everyone about how well it works. I had a little bump on my finger (have no idea from what), I put the newborn salve on it and it was gone the next day. So good for so many things. The reason I gave it 4 stars instead of 5 is the fact that when you put it on it is very oily for awhile and it has ruined any shirts that I was wearing while holding my baby from his face being against my shirt and I tried all I could to get the oily spots out of my shirts and no luck so far, any suggestions?? I wish I could have given it 4.5 or 4.7 stars because the product really is amazing, just the slight downfall of the oil spots staying in the clothes.
PK –
My 3rd babe is not quite a month old, and I’ve noticed many blemishes covering her beautiful face. After Google searching, I found this salve on Amazon, and I could not be more happy! It WORKS! All those little “pimples” or “milk bumps” are gone in just 3 uses. As someone did mention in a previous review, it is a relatively greasy product, so just be aware of that with what you’re wearing. Her skin eventually absorbed it, and I can’t believe the results. I would definitely recommend this product to clear up the delicate newborn skin blemishes. Before and after photos are just 1 day apart.
MadSkill –
I was looking for something gentle that I could put on my baby’s chapped face; his face & the area around his hairline was becoming extremely dry from cold, dry winter air. I bought the 1oz bottle first to try; I’ve been using this for about a week and am already seeing improvements! I apply once in the morning & another time before bed on his whole face, and spot treatments throughout the day as needed. Not only is it helping with the chapped skin, but it’s also making the skin itself much softer! I really love how simple & natural the ingredients list is, and feel at ease applying it to my baby’s skin. Haven’t used it as a diaper rash cream yet, but will definitely be purchasing a 4oz bottle next!
Amanda D –
We tried the smaller size first and really love it for our newborn. It has the safest ingredients, smells heavenly, and my baby’s skin maintains soft despite all the drooling she’s been having. We use it also for her bottom as diaper balm. So far so good, no redness or anything. We normally use a Qtip to get the salve and apply with it as well, so we can use it for both her face and bottom.
Ada Saei –
It helped
Danielle Barszcz –
My infant has had what her dermatologist called extreme cradle cap all over her hair, face & body for about 6mos. She would rub her cheeks when tired or hungry and take off her skin. I was using a prescribed 1% steroid but it would just come back. Since using ora’s balm it would slowly stay gone longer. And then longer and longer. This stuff is so lush. I just purchased my 4th jar. I think if was able to keep her drenched in this stuff we would have been over this a month ago. I had been applying at morning and night. We are just on the very tail end now but I wanted to be sure I had some back up. This stuff instantly calms. It’s just lovely. And no chemicals- super clean product. I will be recommending this in all my moms groups. Nothing else we tried ever touched it aside from the short recovery then rebound from the 1% hydrocortisone. And I tried every lotion under the sun. Thank you Ora.
Audreanna –
Very surprised at the small size of the jar for the price. Good quality ingredients, and did not aggravate eczema which is nice, but my 6 month old baby’s skin looks the same after applying this as it does when I apply Vaseline, so I will be sticking to Vaseline.
JuJu –
Works, but jar is small! You need to order maybe 2. Light fragrance, but a good one.