CREME COMPLETO PARA OS OLHOS: O Creme Completo para os Olhos da Babyface é o produto ideal para quem busca uma solução eficaz para a delicada área dos olhos. Com uma fórmula especialmente desenvolvida, ele combate olheiras, rugas e bolsas, proporcionando uma hidratação intensa e uma aparência revitalizada. A pele ao redor dos olhos é mais fina e sensível, exigindo cuidados específicos. Este creme é a resposta para quem deseja um olhar descansado e jovem, mesmo após noites mal dormidas.
RESULTADOS COMPROVADOS: Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes, o Creme Completo para os Olhos hidrata profundamente, suaviza as linhas finas e repara danos celulares. Ele atua na redução do inchaço e das olheiras, iluminando a região dos olhos e garantindo um visual renovado a cada aplicação. Os resultados são visíveis e comprovados, tornando este produto um aliado indispensável na rotina de cuidados com a pele.
FÓRMULA ANTI-ENVELHECIMENTO: A fórmula espessa e hidratante do creme não é oleosa, evitando a formação de milia, o que a torna ideal para todos os tipos de pele. Com ingredientes como Matrixyl 3000, Haloxyl, Eyeliss e extrato de Uva-Ursi, o creme estimula a produção de colágeno, reduzindo visivelmente a aparência de rugas e bolsas. Mime-se com este creme dos sonhos, que foi cuidadosamente formulado para atender às necessidades da sua pele.
COMO USAR: Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade do creme sob ou ao redor da área dos olhos, duas vezes ao dia. Utilize o dedo anelar para aplicar suavemente ao longo do osso da órbita ocular, evitando o contato direto com os olhos. Como o creme é uma fórmula concentrada, apenas uma pequena quantidade é necessária. Pode ser utilizado tanto na parte superior quanto na inferior dos olhos, e deve ser aplicado sobre soros e sob outros cremes.
INGREDIENTES DESTACADOS: Haloxyl, Matrixyl 3000, Eyeliss, Ácido Tranexâmico Tópico, Uva-Ursi, Culturas de Células-Tronco Vegetais (Cultura de Células Meristemáticas de Echinacea Angustifolia, Cultura de Células Meristemáticas de Leontopodium Alpinum) e Cafeína.
- 1. Fórmula especialmente desenvolvida para a área sensível dos olhos.
- 2. Resultados comprovados na hidratação, suavização de linhas finas e redução de inchaço e olheiras.
- 3. Fórmula anti-envelhecimento com ingredientes poderosos para estimular a produção de colágeno.
- 4. Fácil de usar, com aplicação duas vezes ao dia.
- 5. Ingredientes de destaque, como Haloxyl, Matrixyl 3000 e Eyeliss, para uma aparência renovada dos olhos.
Eleanna –
My favourite eye cream (and I have tried a good few!). This has been the only eye cream that has actually lightened my persistent dark circles a lot. I am not sure which ingredients do most of the heavy lifting in this cream, but I have tried some in isolation in or in combination with others (caffeine, trenaxemic acid) and they have not been effective. This cream, on the other hand, has had quite a dramatic effect on my eye area. It’s a must for me and I will cry if it is ever discontinued!
The product spreads beautifully and it is very moisturising. I apply it before any other creams, so it comes into direct contact with the skin (maybe after a lightweight serum underneath it), and I spread it around a wide area including my upper cheeks. It takes slightly longer to absorb versus other products, but totally worth it. Cannot recommend it enough!
Ali –
Oh my goodness this is a little pot of magic. I’m 56 and have used eye creams religiously for over 20 years so there is not too much damage – however this really does seem to be actually reversing any signs of ageing around my eyes! After 2 weeks of use the under eye darkness has gone, the skin under the eyes and on the lids is smoother and plumper and the general eye area looks so much better, I can really tell the difference. I have not received any free products or been paid to do this review but I will definitely not use anything else now and will look at other skin products from the same company as they are reasonably priced. A very happy customer
Happy E –
Took me a while to write this review, I wanted to see if it worked. It does, it takes time but I have noticed that the dark circles under my eyes have diminished since using this eye cream. Additionally, the puffiness under my eyes has decrease as well. Patience is the key to using this product, it doesn’t work over night. Give it two to three weeks to see improvement . I recommend this cream and it’s well worth the price of admission.
Heather Hendrickson –
This is a very nice eye cream (a little on the expensive side for a cheap girl like me). I got it because it had the “eyeless” ingredient. My allergies have been killing me and my eyes have been on the puffy side. This hasn’t worked miracles – but I also haven’t used it that long either. It is very soft and non-irritating to my eyes and I will continue to use it and see what happens!
ann –
Seemed to work well on minimizing puffiness although I didn’t see any real change to my dark circles under my eyes.
BrazBird –
Cream has no noticeable or unpleasant smell.
Is thick but creamy so its absorbed well.
It gives lots of moisture but I didn’t notice anything else different in terms of under eye dark circle or under eye bag. I’ve being using it every morning and night for about 4 weeks.
manny t. –
I am surprised at how well this cream works for the price.. I came close to purchasing a cream with the same ingredients for over $100 dollars but that product did not get good reviews. I searched further and found this product which I am very happy with. A little goes a long way and does not irritate the skin. Highly recommended.
Book Lover –
Got the product and opened it. The cream was a puce color…tan…seemed old, but I used it. It did absolutely nothing for me. I wanted to return it but it was opened (obviously) therefore, I do not get my full refund back. I do not recommend this product because you don’t know what you will get and that is not good because it is expensive!!!
Laurie Smith –
I am 45 and have crows feet and small lines under my eyes. I use Baby face on my eyes after using the babyface nightcream. While I have never used Babyface in the past I believe this may be my lifelong beauty regime. I have tried every eye cream out there and have spent a fortune. Babyface makes my skin dewy without being greasy. My fine lines are extremely dimished and I have only been using it for two weeks. This is the best eye cream out there today in my opinion. My face absorbs it quickly which is the sign of a good eyecream. It has no perfume which is great for my sensitive skin, I just cannot say enough about this cream. Though I should or everyone will find out the secret and it will be sold out everywhere. I even use it around my mouth where I don’t have fine lines but have developed a slight droop off the corners of my mouth. Not anyomore they are gone in less than two weeks. Love, Love, Love it.
Imme –
I am on my second jar of this. I love it. I have puffy eyes and dark circles as well as crinkly lines in my eye inner corner.
My bags are pretty bad, but they are caused by fat pad loss as we age. This product took care of the puffiness from water, started hydrating away the cracks and over the 4 month period i say enough change to get a second jar.
I also have dark circles. These are MOSTLY caused by shaddows from the bags and collegen loss that this the skin. Fillers and surgey can fix that, no eye cream can.
You can use a serum with peptides and also EGF (Babyface makes too) to help add some collagen back to the area. It is Not going to be good as a procedure, and it takes several months to see a difference.
You can do some stuff with cosmetics.
One thing i learned is that it is really, really important to exfoliate including under eye. This will help the cream and also any creasing.
I use their 40% Lactic acid peel on my face and use 13 drops water to 10 drops acid for under my eye.
HUGE difference.
If that scares you, you can get a chemical/fruit peel for under the eye specifically.
I also use their DMAE to get a temporary extra tightening unde my eye.
Babyface uses high quality science backed ingredients.
Since i have been using their products my skin has turned around. It glows, less redness, scarring and hyperpigmentation gone, bye-bye adult acne.
I use their Microdermabrasion microfiber Cloth (best thing ever)
Super-C 20% Vitamin C Serum with C+E+Ferulic, EGF & Matrixyl 3000,
Millionaire Cream (10% glycolic Acid)
Complete eye cream
Lip miricle anti aging lip treatment.