Creme Antisséptico Tea Tree Therapy, 4 Ounce
O Creme Antisséptico Tea Tree Therapy é um produto inovador de 4 onças, formulado com óleo de melaleuca, conhecido por suas propriedades antissépticas e antibacterianas. Este creme é ideal para aliviar irritações na pele, como cortes, queimaduras e picadas de insetos. Além disso, sua eficácia se estende ao tratamento de acne e infecções fúngicas. Com uma fórmula suave e não oleosa, o creme é rapidamente absorvido pela pele, proporcionando alívio imediato e conforto.
- Creme Antisséptico Tea Tree Therapy
- Com Óleo de Melaleuca e Extratos Herbais
- Alivia Irritações na Pele
- Origem: Estados Unidos
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Eficácia Comprovada
O Creme Antisséptico Tea Tree Therapy é amplamente reconhecido por sua eficácia no tratamento de irritações menores da pele. Sua fórmula única, enriquecida com óleo de melaleuca e extratos herbais, proporciona alívio imediato e acelera o processo de cicatrização.
2. Versatilidade
Este creme pode ser utilizado em uma variedade de problemas de pele, incluindo cortes, arranhões, queimaduras leves, picadas de insetos e erupções cutâneas. Sua fórmula suave e não irritante é adequada para todos os tipos de pele.
3. Ação Calmante
O Creme Antisséptico Tea Tree Therapy possui propriedades calmantes que ajudam a reduzir a coceira, a vermelhidão e a inflamação da pele. Ele proporciona alívio imediato e ajuda a restaurar o equilíbrio natural da pele.
4. Qualidade Garantida
Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, este produto segue os mais altos padrões de qualidade. Ele passa por rigorosos testes de segurança e eficácia, garantindo que você esteja adquirindo um produto confiável e de alta qualidade.
5. Fácil de Usar
Com uma textura leve e de rápida absorção, o Creme Antisséptico Tea Tree Therapy é fácil de aplicar, deixando a pele com uma sensação suave e hidratada. Basta aplicar uma pequena quantidade sobre a área afetada e massagear suavemente até a completa absorção.
- Alívio rápido para irritações e desconfortos na pele.
- Propriedades antibacterianas que ajudam a prevenir infecções.
- Versatilidade no tratamento de diferentes tipos de lesões cutâneas.
- Fórmula suave que não agride a pele, ideal para uso diário.
- Facilidade de aplicação e rápida absorção, promovendo conforto imediato.
Para obter melhores resultados, comece limpando bem a área afetada. Aplique uma pequena quantidade do Creme Antisséptico Tea Tree Therapy sobre a pele e massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Recomenda-se repetir o processo duas vezes ao dia ou conforme necessário. Evite o contato com os olhos e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Patrick Crawford –
I live in the northern Midwest. During the summer, the mosquitoes can get really obnoxious. Put a little of this on and the itching stops. This topical cream goes a long way. Great to bring with you, for hiking, camping, and anything else being outdoors. Highly recommended.
I will say that you should be okay with the scent of tea tree. Although, the scent doesn’t last long, when first applied, it can be strong.
Random –
This is rather potent cream with clearly a lot of tea tree oil in it.
lesleythatsme –
Bought one in Canada and luckily found the exact same one here. Brilliant for bites, scratches etc
bd –
Lea –
My face might go back to normal because of this stuff. Smells horrible and stings like a mofo but skin started to scab the next day and continue clearing up every day after. Minor infections cleared themselves with this product. Cleaned prior with witchhazel and old scarring is beginning to go away as well.
Ant –
This product is a GODSEND!!!! I’ve had athletes foot for 10 years and have not been able to get rid of it. My foot would be really hard and have a thick layer of skin that looked liked calluses. I would try products and soak my foot and scrub it with a pumice stone it did seem to work but my foot would wind up looking the same after a few days. I’ve been using this product twice a day for 3 weeks and I have noticed a great improvement of my foot. I would say there is an 70% improvement, my foot looks and feels better, and my feet don’t stink even after wearing work boots for 8 hours straight. I have no more thick skin and deep cracks. If this product can greatly improve my feet after 10 years then it will work for anyone. My only small complaint is that it’s kinda drying so when you use it on your feet, follow up with a foot moisturizing cream so your feet won’t look dry. Also the formula is thick which is good and it coats your feet well and stays on all day and it’s also hard to squeeze out of the bottle, luckily I’m strong and can do it with one hand. Overall great product and everyon must have this.
We have had this stuff in our house for many years. It works so well. It only takes a little bit, and it’s very effective.
Lonestarlaurel –
I’ve been using this product for over 20 years and it’s never let me down. I’ve rubbed it on bee stings immediately. The site calms right down and of course the pain is likewise relieved. The bites didn’t amount to a hill of beans after that. I’ve used it on I a really serious bug bite infection where my whole foot was swollen up red and I thought I was going to go to the hospital and be on IV antibiotics but I massage it in all around the whole area and beyond the borders, put a cotton sock on and in the morning the swelling was gone and it was hardly red anywhere. Major zits threatening – site hard and very painful? They disappear, every time. Again rubbed the cream in, beyond the borders, and in the morning it was no longer painful, and reducing in size. Applied twice daily – gone within 3 days. I’ve used it on an abscessed tooth more than once – just by massaging the cream over the painful area and beyond the borders to where I didn’t feel the pain anymore – again – overnight the problem was resoved. It also clears up a serious diaper rash without ado. Infected cuticles, threatening to be a nuisance, ingrown toenails, scratches, just try it. I’ve always avoided mucus membranes and open flesh of cuts. In a pinch, I’ve used it as a face cream and found it’s non-comeodomic and I’ve rubbed some on my hands to calm down flyaway hair without a sign of greasiness. All these issues – resolved without a fuss! I continue to be amazed. Still smiling, after all these years! 👍 I now use it as a gift item for friends.
Bruce Archer –
This product is great on bug bites, itchy skin rashes. Great value. Glad it’s still available!
Dr. Sparkles –
I ordered this before. It can be kind of strong so be careful with sensitive skin. I like knowing that this is a natural antiseptic and will clean areas prone to infection. The smell is very tea tree oil. I like the bottle and it seemed to have alot of product in it. Don’t get in your eyes. I do remember it being moisturizing and didn’t really dry the skin out but I can’t say that prolonged use won’t dry your skin out.