Descrição do Produto:
O Lotrimin Ultra Antifungal Jock Itch Cream é a solução definitiva para quem sofre com o desconforto causado pela coceira na região da virilha e nas coxas internas. Com uma fórmula poderosa que contém butenafina hidroclorídrica, este creme antifúngico é clinicamente comprovado para curar a maioria das infecções de jock itch, também conhecidas como tinea cruris. Ao aplicar o Lotrimin Ultra, você não apenas alivia a coceira, mas também combate a causa raiz do problema, eliminando o fungo que provoca essa condição incômoda.
- Proporciona Alívio Calmante para a Pele Itchada: O creme Lotrimin Ultra é ideal para tratar o desconforto da pele coceira na virilha e nas coxas internas, proporcionando um alívio rápido e eficaz.
- Comprovado para Curar a Maioria das Infecções de Jock Itch: Estudos clínicos demonstraram que o Lotrimin Ultra Antifungal Cream é eficaz na eliminação da maioria das infecções de jock itch, garantindo resultados visíveis.
- Fórmula: A fórmula do creme antifúngico Lotrimin Ultra contém butenafina hidroclorídrica, que atua diretamente no fungo causador da infecção na área da virilha. Armazenar entre 20° a 25°C (68° a 77°F) para manter a eficácia do produto.
- Seguro para Crianças Acima de 12 Anos: Este creme é uma excelente opção para ajudar adolescentes atletas a lidarem com a pele ardente e irritada causada pelo jock itch nas coxas internas e na região genital.
- Ideal para Homens e Mulheres: Embora muitos pensem que apenas homens sofrem de jock itch, as mulheres também estão suscetíveis a infecções fúngicas na pele da região genital, tornando este produto uma escolha universal.
1. Alívio Rápido: Proporciona alívio imediato da coceira e desconforto, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem interrupções.
2. Tratamento Eficaz: Comprovado clinicamente para eliminar a maioria das infecções de jock itch, garantindo resultados confiáveis.
3. Fórmula Segura: A fórmula é segura para adolescentes acima de 12 anos, tornando-se uma opção versátil para toda a família.
4. Uso Universal: Adequado tanto para homens quanto para mulheres, atendendo a uma ampla gama de necessidades.
5. Fácil Aplicação: A aplicação do creme é simples e prática, permitindo que você trate a infecção de forma rápida e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Lotrimin Ultra Antifungal Jock Itch Cream, aplique uma camada fina do creme na área afetada duas vezes ao dia, de preferência pela manhã e à noite. Certifique-se de que a pele esteja limpa e seca antes da aplicação. Continue o tratamento por pelo menos duas semanas, mesmo que os sintomas melhorem antes desse período, para garantir a completa erradicação do fungo. Evite cobrir a área tratada com roupas apertadas até que a infecção esteja completamente curada. Armazene o produto em temperatura ambiente, entre 20° a 25°C (68° a 77°F), para manter sua eficácia.
bill harris –
Good product works fast, no sticky residue, no smell and most of all dose not cause any skin irritation which for me is a big deal I have very sensitive skin so for me this product is a home run!!!!!
Alan D. –
I tried another over the counter cream and it didn’t work, it didn’t relieve itching and it got worse. But this product actually has an almost immediate cooling effect and relieves itching. It doesn’t have a strong odor and you start seeing a difference within a matter of days.
Alex –
Worked wonderfully. Perfect size to complete treatment. Didn’t have any leftovers lying around.
Calvin and Hobbes –
Pamela Currie –
Very effective. No smell. Easy to use. However, the size is too small for the price
The Key Master –
I love this product and how quickly it works. There is no smell and easy to apply. Very happy with it.
Angie –
Smell great. Heat retention. Effective. Great size. Heals fast.
Tab –
You cannot get this formula in Australian pharmacies, I find the ones in pharmacies here are too weak. I found this definitely worked faster. Second purchase.
Hoosier Hysteria –
Lotrimin Ultra Antifungal Jock Itch Cream is an excellent choice for athletes seeking quick relief from itching and discomfort. This cream is specially formulated with Butenafine Hydrochloride to target and eliminate the fungus that causes jock itch. It’s easy to apply and provides fast-acting relief, allowing athletes to get back to their training and performance without distraction. The non-greasy formula ensures that it absorbs quickly into the skin, making it convenient for daily use. Overall, Lotrimin Ultra is a highly effective solution for athletes looking to stay comfortable and itch-free during their active routines.
The Key Master –
2 things happened at the same time, and I was ignorant on both items. Unknowingly, the dr prescribed an anti-biotic that resulted in a full body rash. If you google the images of a drug allergy, that is what it looked like. The dr wanted me to take Advil, and let it run its course.
With covid cases down, I was getting ready for a beach vacation and I tried on my 2-year old bathing trunks. It fit well and I planned to use them. A few days later, my jock area was red, bumpy, and itchy. It was more red and more itchy then the rest of my body, but I thought it was part of the allergic reaction to the anti-biotics, so I continued with the Advil.
By the 4th day, the agony was unbearable. It looked like jock itch so I bought 10+ tubes of Lotrimum Ultra from amazon because the local CVS was sold out (so was the grocery store). I started to use it, but it was almost too late as the fungus spread to my hands, arm pits, and elbows. It spread because I thought that the fungus rash was the allergy rash, and I did not treat it with anti-fungal medicine right away. Plus, I did not think it was possible to catch a fungus infection from a 2 year old pair of swimming shorts. I was paying the painful price of not immediately treating the fungus with the correct medication.
The product is sold in tiny tubes, and I was using a tube a day with no improvement. Because of the drug allergy rash, I did not know what was fungus and what was allergy. I was using a ton of medicine, and nothing was getting better. I was in so much agony, I was in tears when I called the dr. The rash just kept spreading, it was now on my wrist and forearms. After another 3 days of this pain, and no improvement, the Doctor finally agreed to prescribe me “professional medication.” He gave a steroid for the drug allergy rash, and prescription medication for the fungus rash. Please See the picture. I can say that the medicine that starts with a “K” helped my hands, chest, belly, and forearms. But it did not seem to work anyplace else. Any place where the skins rubs against itself, it did not seem to work. By the 8th day, the steriods cleared up the drug allergy rash, and the remaining rash was fungus. At least now I knew where to put the anti-fungus medication. But then I ran out of anti-fungal cream, and my insurance said it was too soon to refill the prescription. So I had to go back to OTC medicine. The Dr felt sorry for me, and he prescribed Nystatin powder, and advised me to use Lotrimum until the prescription can be refilled. I used the Lotrimum spray, and it went on dry and cold. It was very soothing, and gave complete coverage. But it was like a smoke bomb going off in the house. The over spray went everywhere. What a mess. Even with the open windows, it took a long time to clear the air. My wife made me apply the next few treatments in the privacy of our back yard. So I needed to switch to the Lotrimum Ultra Jock Itch Cream.
Meanwhile, I am upset with Bayer from my original purchase and I see that they have a 100% satisfaction policy (or your money back). I call them, and I speaking with a nice young girl of 18 from the Philippines- this is what she told me, and she is asking me questions for the next 25 minutes. She says that I will be contacted by Bayers Quality department, and they will refund me for my purchase. It’s been over a month and Bayer has never contacted me. So much for the integrity of this huge company.
Getting back to my agony. I am now using Lotrimum Ultra cream in the tiny tubes, and I am using the Nystatin powder. I apply one coat of the the Ultra, with a top coat of the Nystatin. Every day, I notice the rash is shrinking in size, and fading in color. It is a powerful combination because the Ultra is a lotion that goes on sticky, and the Nystatin is a powder that is designed to dry up the places where men will sweat.
I am going broke buying dozens of tubes of Lotrimum Ultra, it is such a tiny tube. I research anti fungal medicine and I learn that it is the same fungus for jock itch and athlete’s foot. Lotrimum Ultra is sold in a much larger tube, and it is 50% less expensive, but the box says “for athlete’s foot”. However, the fine print on the package says that this also cures jock itch, and that it uses the same active ingredient. I feel cheated. I could have saved $100s by buying that larger tube, but I did not know better. Please see the attached picture, it shows all of the medicines that I have taken. You can save a small fortune by buying the larger tube.
To make sure that my family does not catch this, I was my clothes separately. I soak them in white distilled vinegar, and then wash them in a sterilization setting on the washer, along with a white vinegar as the fabric softener. I threw away all of my old swimming clothes and bought new. Every year, I will now throw away my swimming trunks, the pain is not worth the savings from re-using my swimming trunks.
I am going on 6 weeks of treatment. The rash is almost gone. Only my arm pits have the rash, its been very hard to get rid of it, My Dr says that I should use the medicine for 5 days after the rash has disappeared to make sure that it does not come back.
This has been a 6 week period of agony.