Descrição do Produto: Creatina para Mulheres | Booty Gain
Descubra o poder transformador da Creatina para Mulheres | Booty Gain, uma fórmula inovadora projetada especialmente para atender às necessidades femininas. Este produto não é apenas uma creatina comum; é uma solução completa para quem busca maximizar o crescimento dos glúteos e reduzir a visibilidade da celulite, proporcionando um visual liso e esculpido sem adicionar volume indesejado. Com a ajuda de ingredientes de alta qualidade, a Creatina Booty Gain se destaca no mercado, oferecendo resultados visíveis e duradouros.
A fórmula é enriquecida com Verisol, um colágeno que, segundo estudos clínicos, demonstrou reduzir a aparência da celulite em um período de seis meses. Isso não só promove uma pele mais firme e suave, mas também aumenta a confiança e a estética corporal. Além disso, a Creatina para Mulheres inclui colágeno Verisol, que melhora a elasticidade da pele, reduz rugas e fortalece cabelos e unhas, apoiando uma aparência saudável e radiante.
Para quem busca recuperação rápida e energia duradoura, a combinação de creatina ultra-fina 200-mesh, BCAAs e L-glutamina acelera a recuperação muscular, reduz a dor e aumenta a resistência, permitindo treinos consistentes e eficazes. A fórmula de alta solubilidade e sabor neutro se mistura facilmente em qualquer bebida, proporcionando uma experiência suave e sem inchaço, ideal para o dia a dia.
Produzida nos EUA com ingredientes veganos e testados por terceiros, a Creatina Booty Gain é livre de enchimentos, aditivos artificiais e alérgenos, garantindo resultados puros e eficazes. Invista em sua beleza e bem-estar com um produto que combina ciência e natureza para resultados excepcionais.
– Aumento do Crescimento dos Glúteos: Fórmula projetada para maximizar o desenvolvimento dos glúteos sem adicionar volume excessivo.
– Redução da Celulite: Ingredientes clinicamente comprovados que ajudam a melhorar a aparência da pele em apenas seis meses.
– Apoio à Beleza e Bem-Estar: Melhora a elasticidade da pele e fortalece cabelos e unhas, promovendo uma aparência saudável.
– Recuperação Muscular Rápida: Acelera a recuperação e reduz a dor muscular, permitindo treinos mais intensos e frequentes.
– Fácil de Usar e Digestão Suave: Mistura-se facilmente em qualquer bebida, sem causar inchaço ou desconforto digestivo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção de Creatina para Mulheres | Booty Gain em 200-300 ml de água ou sua bebida favorita. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente após o treino, para maximizar a recuperação muscular e os ganhos. A alta solubilidade da creatina garante que você tenha uma experiência agradável e sem grumos. Mantenha-se hidratada e combine o uso do produto com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios adequado para potencializar os resultados.
RiK –
Overall Rating: 4 stars (above average) – I consume 15g of Creatine per day. Creatine is Creatine , and I don’t think that the inclusion of Verisol collagen is going to miraculously make your “buns look BOLD”. When I see unproven claims like this it makes me question the veracity of everything else. How exactly does taking these supplements target your buns, as opposed to general fitness? Value is above average compared to individual supplements if you want all of the ingredients.
Individual Ratings:
INGREDIENTS: above average – Generally high quality ingredients but does contain silicone dioxide, which I avoid if possible (TBH it’s hard to avoid this in supplements).
QUALITY: Average – Made in a GMP facility in the US. No indication of country of origin or 3rd party testing
USAGE: above average – mixes easily in water and is tasteless, so it’s easy to add to your protein or electrolyte drink. And while I’m a big fan of most of the ingredients, I find the claims questionable.
Note: Supplements are regulated like foods by the FDA, and claims regarding efficacy often aren’t backed by science. So I don’t review supplements based on those claims, and instead rate them based primarily on ingredients and quality. Prices and budgets can vary so I usually leave it to the reader to determine value for themselves.
Jay Knack –
I got this hoping my wife would try it, and the name and the pink packaging worked like a charm. I wasn’t worried, because I think this is a good supplement for men to take too. I mean, creatine, BCAAs, glutamine and . . . collagen. Collagen is not a women’s-only ingredient, so far as I can tell. In any case, she has been using it and liking it. Too soon to notice any difference, I think, but I’m hoping by the end of the jar she notices it starting to work. We’ll see. This supplement is a bit pricey if you are looking at it as just creatine. it almost is that, but not. The amounts of the other ingredients are small but still there. Is there a bit of a pink tax going on? Perhaps, but it’s more of a convenience tax for multiple ingredients in a single product. Either way, I’m glad she’s taking it.
Kate –
My doctor recommended I ad creatine to my intake in addition to my protein in my daily routine so it just takes one scoop and that gives me 5 grams. It’s easy to ad this one extra ingredient to my smoothies.
Angry Face –
I use creatine daily, and also use collagen and L-Glutamine. I usually scoop all three into my smoothie separately. This saves a step, with all three in one scoop plus 1g of BCAA.
The branding for creatine that’s marketed to women is hilarious to me. Sure, if you do squats you’ll get a nice bum. They suggest working out at least once a week. If your goal is a seriously nice bum, try 3x a week. You might get it a little faster and with slightly less pain if you use creatine, but it’s not magic. Studies point to it supporting muscle and brain health as well as a host of other benefits, so even though I work out, I don’t use creatine to get Bold Buns.
Like all creatine, it’s flavorless. Collagen sometimes causes clumping in cold water. Adding this to icy water does cause some clumping, so either mix and add ice after or use a blender.
It’s a good combo product with nothing extra that doesn’t impact my smoothie’s flavor. I like it, even if the packaging and claims make me roll my eyes.
jodielay –
Taking this before the gym really gave me the boost of energy I needed. There’s no flavor so you can easily add it to your water or anything else.
Abbadon –
This creatine/collagen mix is just what my wife wanted. It gives her the extra boost she was looking for while working out. Plus with the included amino acids and collagen its even better.
JudieeK –
My wife takes 5 grams of creatine monohydrate a day. She prefers powder over capsules or gummies. This one is a bit pricey compared to the others she’s used. It dissolves pretty well in her protein shake and is unflavored, so she doesnt taste it. This is a months supply if you take 5 grams a day. She does like the fact that there is BCAAs, L Glutamine AND collagen peptides in it too. I dont know so much if it’ll actually make your glutes specifically enhance like it says it will (thats hard to believe) , but she is taking it for all over muscle growth so she doesnt care. It came sealed well and with a scoop inside.
JudieeK –
I have already been taking approximately the same dose amounts of each of these items (including the trademarked collagen) most days of the week so to find this ready mix is very, very nice! Much less for me to search for and measure and mix. The taste is mild for what the ingredients are, but not flavored. Not bland enough to drink alone. I was able to mix it with just a nice feemented beet juice and a drop of stevia and it was not bad tasting. Nice combo of clinically supported ingredients!