Descrição do Produto: Sunwarrior Creatine Monohydrate Powder for Women
Como mulher que persegue seus objetivos e paixões, você exige muito do seu corpo. É por isso que o Creatine for Her foi desenvolvido especialmente para você, para apoiar sua força, promover a saúde, restaurar a energia e melhorar a densidade muscular e óssea, tudo isso enquanto esculpe uma silhueta graciosa. Com o Creatine for Her, você eleva seu desempenho nos treinos e se empodera como uma força imparável.
Misture, agite ou bata 1 colher com 12-16 onças de água fria. Em seguida, desfrute de um refrescante impulso para o seu desempenho muscular e saúde feminina! Este produto não só promove a força óssea, mas também melhora a energia, o humor, o sono, o foco, a cognição e os níveis de energia cerebral. Pesquisas mostram que os benefícios podem incluir uma performance de treino aprimorada, aumento da força e recuperação muscular mais rápida.
Uma dúvida comum é: “O creatina vai deixar as mulheres muito musculosas?” A resposta é não. O creatina por si só não fará com que as mulheres fiquem volumosas. Ele pode ajudar a melhorar o tônus e a definição muscular, mas ganhar massa muscular significativa geralmente requer um treinamento intenso e uma dieta específica. Portanto, se você está buscando um corpo tonificado e definido, o creatina é uma excelente opção.
– Apoio à Saúde Feminina: Promove a saúde óssea e muscular, essencial para o bem-estar das mulheres.
– Aumento de Energia: Melhora os níveis de energia, permitindo treinos mais intensos e produtivos.
– Melhora do Humor e do Sono: Contribui para um estado mental positivo e um sono reparador.
– Foco e Cognição: Aumenta a clareza mental e a concentração durante os treinos e atividades diárias.
– Recuperação Muscular Rápida: Ajuda na recuperação após os treinos, reduzindo a fadiga e melhorando a performance.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 1 colher de sopa do pó de creatina com 12-16 onças de água fria. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir que o produto se dissolva completamente. Consuma antes ou após o treino para maximizar os benefícios de desempenho e recuperação muscular. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do creatina e combiná-lo com uma dieta equilibrada para otimizar os resultados.
Rebecca –
I’ve been using SunWarrior Sport Active Creatine for Her for a few weeks. I definitely feel that this product meets its claims. My hot flashes/night sweats have subsided which in turn has allowed more restful sleep. The restful sleep has led to better focus and reduced brain fog. Overall I feel better and have more energy to get through the day. The container comes with an easy to measure scoop. The flavor is nice and not overpowering. I have mixed directly into my ice water and used as a supplement to my morning smoothie. Very low calorie, no added sugar, and little sodium. This product is a keeper.
irishrose164 –
I’m always trying new supplements and as a vegan, finding products to fit my lifestyle can be challenging. This line is fantastic. It’s ethical, clean and delicious. Highly recommend whether you’re a Vegan woman or not, if you’re going to take supplements why not use cruelty-free products? Happy and healthy New Year!
Mvrs –
Refreshing flavor!
Thuy –
My friend and I both started taking this a few weeks ago. We have both noticed more energy, focus, and a better mood. For what it’s worth, I am on an HRT, and my friend is not. This is the best supplement I have taken which has helped ease perimenopause symptoms, and I have tried a lot. Not only that, Creatine helps build muscle, which most experts say is vital as we go through this transition.
April –
I purchased this product, due to ratings I read on how it helps with menopause systems and recovery with workouts. I feel like I keep struggling to balance the hormone part of me working out, so this seemed like something that could help with all of that. I can honestly say I was excited to try it and feel better
I received the product on Thursday, August 1st and took one scoop on Friday, August 2nd after my morning workout.
I took thirty minutes after my workout, and it made me feel jittery the rest of the day.
I felt like it put me in a blah mood, and I couldn’t wait for the day to be over.
I usually run at lunch every day, but after drinking in the morning I couldn’t even go running.
I sat at my desk feeling like I had no motivation. The after taste of this product also wasn’t good either.
I felt like I needed to eat to make me feel better, but when I did, I still felt as if it didn’t help. I tried to return it by going through the website, but it would not let me, so I spoke to customer service who gave me a full refund, but if I didn’t do that, then I would have been stuck paying for something I would never use again. AMAZON did not want the product returned to them, so in the trash it will go. I do appreciate the refund, but it does bother me that I was hoping for some type of relief and the product didn’t work. If I had a choice I would give it zero stars. Please! Please! Don’t invest your money in this product.
Mvrs –
This provides powerful fuel during my workouts and busy days. I usually just drink water during my workout, this is given me an extra boost during and after. It’s very easy to mix in my water bottle or just a regular spoon. The flavor is super tart yet refreshing, giving me the boost I need to keep pushing. However after a while the flavor does become a little overwhelming after a few sips, i would probably try another flavor next time. It also is targeted to help with monthly cramps and hormone balancing, which i find very beneficial. I’ve never had a workout product dedicated solely to women’s specific needs before, so this has been a refreshing change of pace. I feel much more energized and ready to face my daily routine and workout with confidence.
Marcie C. –
I began taking this supplement at 50, mostly for menopausal fatigue, and the results were amazing! I felt so good, great sleep, and great energy during the day. On the fourth month I began to have headaches, nausea, and symptoms of PMS! Shortly after these symptoms began, I had a menstrual cycle. It was very weird. In researching DIM, I found this can happen. I continued to get the headaches so I stopped taking it. It’s buyer beware for this crazy menopause stage in life, but as I said , for three months this stuff was five star AMAZING!!!!
Sara –
It tastes great and made me feel good, I really liked it but it made me start spotting within two days of starting it. I stopped taking it and stopped spotting within another two days. I have PCOS so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it but unfortunately I’ll have to find another creatine product to use.