Descrição do Produto: Creatina Monohidratada Sem Açúcar para Homens
A Creatina Monohidratada Sem Açúcar é um suplemento inovador que se destaca pela sua alta biodisponibilidade e eficácia. Produzida naturalmente pelo corpo, a creatina é um componente essencial para a produção de energia, mas seus níveis tendem a se esgotar rapidamente, especialmente durante atividades físicas intensas. Nossas gomas de creatina oferecem a forma mais eficaz de monohidrato, proporcionando suporte integral para energia, resistência, força e potência, tornando-se um excelente aliado para quem busca resultados no bodybuilding.
As gomas de creatina monohidratada não apenas promovem o crescimento muscular, mas também melhoram o desempenho em esportes, reduzindo o risco de lesões relacionadas ao treinamento e aumentando a energia muscular. A adição de magnésio desempenha um papel crucial na regulação da excitabilidade neuromuscular, enquanto a creatina também atua como um agente anti-envelhecimento para pessoas de meia-idade e mais velhas, resultando em músculos mais fortes e flexíveis.
Além disso, as gomas de creatina são projetadas para impulsionar a energia e a função mental. Combinadas com Ashwagandha, essas gomas não apenas ajudam a reduzir a fadiga e a tensão, mas também promovem a recuperação da aptidão física. O efeito calmante da Ashwagandha melhora as habilidades cognitivas, ajudando você a tomar decisões mais acertadas e a manter um humor positivo.
A fórmula superior das gomas de creatina monohidratada, com sabor de abacaxi, oferece uma alternativa conveniente aos pós que podem ser bagunçados e de gosto desagradável. Feitas com pectina sem açúcar, são fáceis de mastigar e digerir, sem sobrecarregar a absorção. O magnésio adicionado também promove uma melhor saúde gastrointestinal e pode ter um efeito sedativo, além de aumentar a imunidade com a presença de zinco.
Experimente um mês de energia ininterrupta simplesmente consumindo 2 gomas diariamente. Diga adeus às manhãs lentas e olá a uma rotina produtiva com nossas poderosas e deliciosas gomas de abacaxi.
– Aumento de Energia: Melhora a disposição e combate a fadiga, permitindo treinos mais intensos.
– Desempenho Superior: Aumenta a força e a resistência, reduzindo o risco de lesões durante atividades físicas.
– Saúde Muscular: Promove o crescimento muscular e a flexibilidade, especialmente em pessoas mais velhas.
– Função Cognitiva Aprimorada: Melhora a memória e o humor, ajudando na tomada de decisões.
– Fácil de Usar: Gomas práticas e saborosas, sem a necessidade de misturas complicadas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se o consumo de 2 gomas de creatina monohidratada sem açúcar diariamente. As gomas podem ser ingeridas a qualquer momento do dia, preferencialmente antes ou após o treino, para maximizar a absorção e os benefícios energéticos. Mantenha uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do produto e combine com uma dieta equilibrada para potencializar os efeitos da creatina em seu desempenho físico e mental.
M –
I have to say this is maybe the 3rd or 4th brand of creatine gummy that I’ve tried, and honestly so far they’ve all been pretty good, but flavor-wise, this is my least favorite I think. Although I generally like pineapple flavor, for these gummies I don’t think it’s working. The other flavors I’ve had are generally more like cherry and strawberry, and seem to be an easier flavor to make “good enough.” My complaint on these is the serving size – creatine is pretty much always a 5000mg serving size, so suggesting that you only take 2000mg with these seems pretty low. I do like that you get some extra magnesium and zinc with these though, adding in those important vitamins is a great practice. I don’t know enough about ashwaganda to say if I’m for or against it here, but I’m personally not sold on it being anything I want to go out of my way to take.
James –
These creatine gummies came with a delightful pineapple flavor and were a hassle-free alternative to powder supplements. Each gummy was easy to eat and required no mixing, which simplified my supplement routine. The bottle contained 60 gummies, with each serving offering a blend of creatine, magnesium, zinc, and ashwagandha. While the serving size of 2 gummies provided 2000mg of creatine, which is lower than traditional doses, the gummies were still enjoyable.
Eddy –
Great way to take your creatine! I always hated taking powder creatine. Always clumped, was a pain to mix and typically did not taste good.
They taste great! It has a real good pineapple flavor and is easy to eat. Furthermore, it does not require any sort of involved process. Just grab and eat. Never getting powder again. Definitely going to stick to these. Only downside it is not 0 calories like the powder. It does have a small amount of calories from the sweeteners, but overall it is worth it for me.
Bryan M –
These Alliwise Sugar Free creatine gummies are delicious and easy to take. They are stated to contain 1000 mg of creatine monohydrate per gummie with the addition of ashwagandha, magnesium and zinc. Suggested serving size is 2 gummies per day which should equate to 2 grams of creatine.
I normally take powdered creatine added to water or a protein shake. These gummies are much easier to take and are pretty tasty. At 60 gummies per bottle, these are a little on the pricy side if you tend to take 5 grams per day.
Overall, the quality and taste are good and I didn’t have any noticeable stomach discomfort. I like that they do not contain added sugar, although they have a nice sweet pineapple taste. Worth a try if you’re looking for an alternative to powder creatine.
Angel Galindez –
Unlike the usual powder form, these pineapple-flavored gummies are delicious and so much easier to take. I love that they’re packed with additional vitamins like magnesium and zinc, which help with muscle growth and overall energy.
Taking just two gummies a day has made a noticeable difference in my workouts and energy levels. They help reduce fatigue and improve my recovery, making my mornings much more productive. These gummies are a tasty, convenient, and effective way to boost my fitness and health. Highly recommend!
Eddy –
I have had these gummies for about 2 weeks and been taking them for 13 days. These Alliwise Creatine Monohydrate gummies taste good (Pineapple flavor), the gummies do not stick together (I shake the bottle a few times to make sure the gummies are separated), and the texture is what you would expect.
It is good to note that they have a seal on both the outside AND the inside of the bottle cap and if you refer to the photos you can see why this is a good thing. The bottle was delivered with the lid slightly askew and I assume that happened during delivery. Well, if I had received any supplement like that and it did not have those safety seals – I would not use them. However, since the seals were still intact, both the top and the seal under the cap, I was confident they were fine and simply that one in a million ‘bump’ that knocked the cap off a bit. So, safety seals = definite plus.
The Alliwise Creatine Monohydrate I find are much easier than to carry around powder and a shaker bottle as I look for something to mix my creatine with. In gummy form, just so much easier to bypass the powders altogether. There are 60 gummies total and at a recommended two a day (4mg total) that is a 30 day supply. Also per the label each serving contains Ashwagandha 200mg, Magnesium (in the form of Magnesium Glycinate) 25mg, Zinc (as Zinc Citrate) 5mg. My only real criticism is that when priced at $30.00 per bottle price starts to become a factor and it is something I would recommend considering as individual expenditures, that they find acceptable for supplements, certainly varies. I hope this review is of help to you. Thanks.