Descrição do Produto: “No Bull” Creatine Powder
Descubra o poder puro e inigualável do “No Bull” Creatine Powder da Raw Barrel, um suplemento de creatina monohidratada que promete elevar seus treinos a um novo patamar. Com uma fórmula limpa e rigorosamente testada em laboratório, este produto é a escolha ideal para quem busca resultados reais sem aditivos desnecessários. Com a garantia de ser não transgênico, cetogênico, sem açúcar, sem glúten, sem soja e sem cafeína, você pode confiar que está consumindo um suplemento que prioriza a sua saúde e desempenho.
Ao incorporar a creatina em sua rotina, você experimentará um aumento significativo na força muscular. Este suplemento é conhecido por regenerar o ATP muscular, fornecendo a energia extra necessária para treinos de alta intensidade. Com “No Bull”, você poderá ultrapassar seus limites e levantar pesos mais pesados, alcançando suas metas de fitness de forma mais eficaz.
Além disso, a creatina monohidratada é um aliado poderoso na ampliação do volume muscular. Este aminoácido atua promovendo a hidratação e a nutrição das células musculares, resultando em músculos mais cheios, grandes e volumosos. A transformação do seu físico está ao seu alcance com este suplemento, que melhora a aparência muscular geral.
Diga adeus à fadiga muscular com “No Bull”. Este produto atua como um amortecedor contra o acúmulo de ácido lático durante os exercícios, permitindo que você complete mais repetições e séries. Seja você homem ou mulher, este pó de creatina é o suplemento ideal para antes ou depois do treino, tornando sua rotina de fitness mais eficaz e produtiva.
Na Raw Barrel, sua satisfação é nossa prioridade. Formulado e engarrafado nos EUA em uma instalação certificada pela GMP, garantimos que você terá uma experiência positiva. Se não observar os resultados desejados ou não estiver satisfeito por qualquer motivo, entre em contato conosco e faremos o possível para resolver. Com “No Bull”, você tem a certeza de qualidade.
– Aumento da Força Muscular: Melhora significativa na performance durante treinos intensos.
– Volume Muscular Aumentado: Promove músculos mais volumosos e definidos.
– Redução da Fadiga Muscular: Permite realizar mais repetições e séries, aumentando a resistência.
– Fórmula Limpa e Segura: Sem aditivos, ideal para quem busca um suplemento puro e eficaz.
– Satisfação Garantida: Compromisso com a qualidade e resultados, com suporte ao cliente disponível.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o “No Bull” Creatine Powder, recomenda-se misturar uma colher medida (aproximadamente 5 gramas) do pó em 200-300 ml de água ou sua bebida favorita. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente após o treino, para maximizar a recuperação muscular. Em dias de não treino, a ingestão pode ser feita a qualquer momento do dia. Para resultados otimizados, combine o uso do suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios adequado.
Fred Baker –
Wow. And I do mean wow. I’ve been using Raw Barrel’s Creatine (powder) for around 10 days now, and the results are flat-out impressive.
A bit of backstory: I’m closing in on 73 years of age, a former professional athlete (rodeo bull rider) who’s stayed more or less in shape over the decades. Our lifestyle (off grid by choice) is hardly sedentary, and with my wife’s health failing, any heavy lifting–five gallon gas cans, water jugs, building the house in the first place–all falls to me. Which is a good thing for my physical condition, at least. But I’d recently become aware of two problems: (1) My left arm was partially incapacitated due to some serious muscle strain (long story), and (2) a glance in the mirror one day showed me the horror of trapezoid muscles that had atrophied to a ridiculous degree.
Well then. Off to do research on the Internet and design myself a “shoulder fixer” workout routine, which ended up including light weights (15 pound dumbbells), multiple sets of shrugs, and single sets of half a dozen other maneuvers. To my shock on Day One, that left arm was worse than I thought: Even without any weights in hand, I couldn’t lift the arm sideways (wing flap move) more than about 10 degrees away from the body. The shrugs, however, fixed that almost instantly; within 3 or 4 days, the arm once again had full range of motion with minimal discomfort.
Enter creatine…which I’d never used before, but No Bull’s product information and Amazon reviews convinced me it was the one to try. By the time the containers arrived (I ordered two), the traps were “showing” once again (so there was a rounded slope from neck to shoulder point, not a freaking dip) and I was able to do one or two standard, clean-form pushups without “pushing to failure”–which did not seem a good idea, as the left arm still needed to heal a bit more.
Add one teaspoon of creatine powder, late each evening, not just prior to a workout or anything, taken in a huge mug full of hot peppermint tea. The powder dissolves instantly in the hot liquid, and I Iove No Bull’s opinion that a single teaspoon is probably enough, with the rest being hype from sellers hoping to get customers to use more of the stuff.
The results have been remarkable, especially in the pushup area. I’m still not “pushing to failure,” just doing what seems fairly easy-peasy, and yet the pushup count is coming up almost magically. After the first day of creatine use, the count went up from 2 to 3 pushups. It plateaued there for 3 days, then “floated” right on up to 4 push-ups. (I’m not trying to increase the count by more than 1 per day.) It was at 4 for 2 days, then 5 for just 1 day, and this morning went to 6. Again, the “magic” to this is, in my opinion, the relatively effortless increase in count, with each pushup done relatively “slow and easy.” My old standard, during my competition days, was 50 pushups, and I have no doubt whatsoever that I’ll get back to that
level of fitness within another couple of months at most. And when road trips come up, as they do from time to time, you can bet I won’t leave home without it.
Additionally, my overall energy level leaped back into focus as soon as I started on the product. I hadn’t realized the old “pep in my step” was missing until I got it back.
GiGi –
This Raw Barrel creatine seems to mix very well and I have noticed extra reps and strength while using this product. I have only been taking this supplement for only two weeks but have noticed good gains. I am a 43 year old man that was in shape in my early to mid 20s while I was playing college football. Once I got married in my late 20s along with my career and kids my health dwindled down with no time to work out and I gained 50 pounds. After a divorce and a knee injury that put me out for 6 months I started working out again slowly changing my diet and have l Iost 40 pounds. I decided to add creatine back to my supplements since I had positive results from back in my 20s but the creatine powder then was really gritty and tasted awful. This creatine powder has no taste, mixes well and is in a very very fine almost puffy form. I have noticed faster results while being on this supplement for only two weeks. If anyone is intested in taking creatine for the first time or to start back up for a life change I would highly recommend this product.
v –
The best is tge Miney Back GUARANTEE, no one does this either any parallel product, tgdy respond quick to customers with questions…EASY TO MIX NO LUMPING,I just pour some water in cup add with protein and mix with FORK….it blends easy, no after taste, not gritty, etc. The value per Ounce is the same as tge massive bulk 5-10lb bags so you will not get any better price. All you cam do is TRY it to see results, too soon for me been 2 weeks only.
Stevemtexas –
I don’t have a way to measure how much is actually in or suppose to be in the container but I hate it when it arrives and it is only half full. Total B/S in my opinion. I guess when they sell it off the shelf, you think you are getting much more. I just started using it so not much more to say, except it sure does start things off bad for me.
John W. –
I have taken 5g of this product for about 30 days straight now, and I can tell a difference in my strength. Don’t expect to become the Hulk, of course, but for me I notice about 10-20% increased strength during heavy lifting. I don’t take any pre-workout–just creatine and proper nutrition (make sure your macros are on point)–and I am definitely growing and getting stronger. No need for a “loading phase.” I appreciate this company for dispelling many of the myths about creatine. It’s “No Bull”–just the good stuff. Heating the water (for better dissolving) is not practical for me, so using room temp water (about half or a little more of a bottle of water) and then drinking it quickly, stirring again after consuming half of it is acceptable. Some slight grit, but just drink and swish some more water to clear your mouth. No taste, no cramps (I always take it after something is in my stomach). I will order this again and take 5g/day for the foreseeable future.
Nate –
I wasn’t sure what to expect, but as many others have reported; this creatine product seems to work. I feel less fatigued and sore during my rest periods and stronger during my lifts. As an added bonus, my arms do look a little fuller. It’s not a huge amount of growth, but I certainly noticed it. The main reason I started taking this was that after 10 years of being vegan, I just wasn’t getting the results I really wanted, and I was feeling a little run down. And I’ve read a lot lately about how vegans should consider supplementing with creatine because the body only makes so much creatine on its own.
As promised, this product is tasteless. I just mix it into my protein shake. So far I am satisfied and plan on ordering again.