Descrição do Produto: Jacked Factory Creatine Monohydrate Powder 150g
O Jacked Factory Creatine Monohydrate Powder é um suplemento de creatina de alta qualidade, projetado para maximizar o crescimento muscular, aumentar a força, melhorar a produção de energia e potencializar o desempenho atlético. Cada porção contém 5000mg de creatina monohidratada pura e sem sabor, que se mistura facilmente em praticamente qualquer líquido, tornando-se uma adição versátil à sua rotina de suplementação. Este produto pode ser combinado com seus suplementos favoritos, como pré-treinos e BCAAs, para um efeito sinérgico.
A creatina monohidratada é reconhecida como o padrão ouro entre os suplementos de creatina, respaldada por centenas de estudos que comprovam sua eficácia em atletas, fisiculturistas e frequentadores de academias. É a forma de creatina mais estudada e a única que demonstrou, de maneira inequívoca, ser eficaz para melhorar o desempenho atlético, a construção muscular e a recuperação.
A suplementação com creatina é uma estratégia comprovada para aumentar a força, potência, resistência e hipertrofia muscular em atletas e indivíduos que se dedicam a treinos intensos. Devido às suas propriedades ergogênicas e versáteis, a creatina monohidratada é um suplemento indispensável para praticamente qualquer pessoa ativa.
É importante ressaltar que o Jacked Factory utiliza apenas matérias-primas de alta qualidade, evitando os pós de creatina feitos com ingredientes baratos e cheios de impurezas. Nossa creatina monohidratada é rapidamente absorvida e não causa desconforto gastrointestinal, ao contrário de outras formas “modernas” de creatina.
Todos os produtos Jacked Factory são fabricados em instalações certificadas cGMP, garantindo rigorosos padrões de controle de qualidade para assegurar a pureza e potência do produto. Esta fórmula é completamente isenta de produtos químicos agressivos, enchimentos e corantes alimentares artificiais.
– Aumento de Força e Potência: Melhora significativa na capacidade de levantar pesos e realizar exercícios de alta intensidade.
– Melhoria na Recuperação Muscular: Acelera a recuperação após treinos intensos, permitindo treinos mais frequentes e eficazes.
– Aumento da Energia: Proporciona um aumento na produção de energia, essencial para treinos prolongados e exigentes.
– Facilidade de Uso: Mistura-se facilmente em qualquer líquido, tornando a suplementação prática e conveniente.
– Qualidade Superior: Produzido em instalações certificadas, garantindo um produto livre de impurezas e aditivos indesejados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir uma porção de 5g (1 colher medida) de Jacked Factory Creatine Monohydrate Powder, diluindo em água ou em sua bebida preferida, antes ou após o treino. Para maximizar os benefícios, é aconselhável manter uma ingestão diária consistente, mesmo em dias de descanso, para saturar os músculos com creatina. A combinação com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de treinamento adequado potencializa ainda mais os efeitos do suplemento.
Beaverbrook –
Dissolves in an instant, gains in a month for me.
toone9 –
I’ve had more energy, better recovery, and more strength ever since I started taking this about 2 weeks ago, even just with the recommended 5mg. I guarantee this has had an impact on all that.
Added a pen for scale, it’s not that big but it’s enough and good for value.
Tastes like nothing, I just add to water. I’m trying to put on mass so inconclusive if this has had a direct impact on my weight on top of everything else i do, though muscle water retention is a known effect. No issues or negative side effects to report.
toone9 –
After 3 months of using optimum nutrition creatine, I tried it for the first time.
On the first day I used it with cold water and my stomach was acting like crazy! I went to the bathroom 6-7 times on the same day.
I thought ok, this product is bad, but then I my friend told me to take it with hot water (coffee or tea) and since then, after 3 weeks of using it I never had a problem, on contrary this product is a blast!!
I managed to break every personal record in the gym, even those that I was struggling with for the past 2-3 months.
This is crazy stuff!!
Highly recommend!
Calvin –
The product works, and has great reviews. This may not be important all. It comes with a measuring cup – huge plus! This may sound trivial but; My hands are medium in size when the container is half-full I am unable to get the power out of the narrow container without tipping it over. I will look for another creatine with great reviews and a short wide container – cheers!
JD –
Since I bought this product, I have had noticed the change in my muscles growth, and a bit of a pain reduction. I work out really hard, and been trying to find the right product that helps with my muscle growth, and a little pain reduce. It never fails to keep my muscles pumped, like I got muscles. Lol. It tastes really bland, but I’m not too fussy since it’s not suppose to taste sweet. No problem after each loading-phases of use. GREAT PRODUCT!! 👍
Jacob Allen –
It mixes really well. I feel like it’s working as far as helping with workout results. Not sure what it’s supposed to actually do but I seem to be getting bigger. I don’t look puffy, and bloated
Jesse whitley –
At age 72 I find it really hard to build muscle having lost a lot of muscle mass from covid infection. I heard about creatine supplements and having looked at several research papers decided to give it a try. It has been reported that the Jacked Factory brand has been third party tested so I decided to give it a try. It has been one week using only 1 scoop per day and I am amazed at the difference in my muscle strength. Yesterday I was able to double the speed at which I usually walk without feeling at all fatigued but instead extremely energized. Not yet seeing changes in muscle mass but confident that too will come. Next week I plan to increase to 2 scoops daily. As you can glean, I am very excited about the possibility of rebuilding my muscles. BTW I do light weights and exercise bands routines daily.
Felisha –
I am a loyal Jacked factory buyer. Good product for a reasonable price. Have noticed some extra burst energy and size since I’ve started buying their creatine. never had a bad delivery or tampered product. If your lucky they have a free product offer inside the container which you can redeem for one of your choosing. Will buy again.
Jonas V Savickas –
Excellent product at a superb price. I take generous amounts and it doesn’t deplete my wallet. It is entirely tasteless, which I don’t really like – even though I’m glad it’s only creatine and glutamine with no additives – but I often mix it in when an emergenc, protein shake, or cold green tea with fresh lemon or lime.
I exercise daily even if it’s just a little bit and work a very active job. This blend supports that lifestyle and my personal fitness goals. I’ve never been slimmer, more muscular, vascular, and stronger than I am this year. I’ve even felt the difference on days I’m particularly tired. Whenever I take the scoop and a half serving I use, I feel a difference in mentally clarity, physical strength, and increased motivation…without the stimulating effects of some products (I rarely even drink coffee for that reason).
Lastly I’ve noticed a decrease in days I feel off or fatigued from 16 hour work shifts. This product directly helps in staying active, working, and recovering.
In comparison to PMD Creatine/Glutamine (a great product, sour taste which I kind of like, but much more expensive) and the Jacked Factory standalone Creatine (which I also buy and interchange with), the Creatine/Glutamine mix cannot be beat on price, taste, and efficacy.
Worth a try and I’m confident you’ll see why
E.M –
I recently purchased this Creatine Monohydrate and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed! Right off the bat, I could tell this product was the real deal. The quality is evident from the first use, and it mixes well with my drinks without leaving any odd aftertastes – just as it should be, since pure creatine monohydrate is tasteless.
One of the most remarkable aspects of this product is the sheer number of servings per container. It’s quite economical, especially for those of us who use creatine regularly as part of our fitness regimen. This aspect alone makes it a valuable addition to my supplements shelf.
The fact that it doesn’t have any taste is a huge plus for me. I can easily mix it into my pre or post-workout drinks without affecting the flavor, which is fantastic. It’s all about getting those gains without compromising on taste!
Given my experience, I’d definitely buy this product again. It checks all the boxes for what I look for in a creatine supplement – purity, effectiveness, and value for money. If you’re in the market for a high-quality creatine monohydrate that delivers on its promises, look no further. This one is a keeper!