Creatine Monohydrate Powder – 500g
A Creatina Monohidratada em pó é um dos suplementos mais populares entre atletas e entusiastas do fitness. Com 5g de creatina micronizada por porção, este produto é ideal para quem busca aumentar a massa muscular, melhorar a energia e a resistência durante os treinos. A creatina é um composto natural encontrado em pequenas quantidades em alimentos como carne e peixe, mas a suplementação com nossa creatina em pó pode proporcionar benefícios significativos para o desempenho físico e mental.
- Para Massa Muscular – A Creatina Monohidratada é amplamente utilizada para quem deseja ganhar massa muscular magra. Ao adicionar nosso pó de creatina sem sabor à sua rotina diária, você pode obter suporte adicional para o crescimento muscular, potencializando seus treinos e resultados.
- Para Energia e Resistência – O pó de Creatina Monohidratada ajuda a aumentar a energia disponível para os músculos, melhorando o desempenho durante os exercícios. Nossa creatina micronizada permite que você tenha mais energia ao longo do dia e pode auxiliar na recuperação entre as séries, permitindo que você treine mais intensamente e por mais tempo.
- Creatina Pura e Sem Sabor – Ao contrário de outros suplementos, nosso pó de creatina monohidratada é micronizado, o que facilita sua absorção pelo organismo. Além disso, é isento de sabores artificiais, permitindo que você adicione facilmente à sua bebida pré-treino sem alterar o gosto.
- Suplemento para o Seu Treino – Consuma nosso pó de Creatina Monohidratada puro e sem sabor diariamente para apoiar seus treinos. Cada porção contém 5g, aproximadamente 2 colheres de chá, e nosso produto é livre de glúten, laticínios e soja, ideal para quem possui restrições alimentares.
- Alta Qualidade – Todos os produtos da Brain Bean são fabricados de acordo com os padrões cGMP, garantindo a mais alta qualidade em fabricação, embalagem, rotulagem e operações de armazenamento. Realizamos testes de terceiros em nossa creatina vegana em várias etapas de produção para assegurar conformidade e consistência.
1. Aumento da Massa Muscular: Ideal para quem busca hipertrofia e definição muscular.
2. Melhora na Performance: Aumenta a energia e resistência, permitindo treinos mais intensos.
3. Recuperação Acelerada: Ajuda na recuperação entre as séries, reduzindo a fadiga muscular.
4. Fácil Integração: Pó sem sabor que pode ser adicionado a qualquer bebida, sem alterar o gosto.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Produzido sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, com testes de terceiros.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma porção de 5g (aproximadamente 2 colheres de chá) de Creatina Monohidratada em pó diariamente. O produto pode ser misturado em água, sucos ou shakes pré-treino. Para maximizar os benefícios, é aconselhável consumir a creatina em um período próximo ao treino, mas também pode ser utilizada em dias de descanso para manter os níveis de creatina no organismo. Certifique-se de manter uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do suplemento.
For many years, I have been taking creatine as part of my supplement regimen.
I’m constantly looking for the perfect version so I’ve tried so many different brands over the years.
When I came across this, I liked everything I read about it so I went ahead and placed an order for it.
I have been using it for the past week or so and I am so very pleased.
First and foremost, the ingredients are very impressive and clean for the most part Definitely higher quality than I have been using.
It dissolves wonderfully inside of a protein shake or even just in water.
I also like the fact that it has very little to almost no taste whatsoever.
Sometimes the stuff can taste pretty nasty, so it was quite nice to not have that issue.
As far as overall results, I just started taking it but typically I wait until I go through entire container of product and then I can give them more accurate review.
So, after I’m finished, I will revisit this review and make any changes if needed.
It is a bit higher price but you definitely get what you pay for and the high quality is certainly here!
I hope my review helps you to make a more well informed decision.
D. Ashley Cohen, Ph.D. –
I’ve been taking creatine on and off for a couple of decades. I keep coming back to it more because of the science behind it than any personal empirical evidence. I usually drift away from its use because I grow weary of failed attempts to get it to dissolve. My most recent ritual is to start with mixing it (along with glutamine and sometimes carnitine) with a quarter glass of hot water, then tossing in an ice cube to cool the mixture before filling the glass with orange juice. I still end with a slurry of undissolved creatine when I get to the bottom of the glass. I then chase this with a can of sugar free Monster, pored in small amounts into the glass in an attempt to have its effervescence carry away the gritty sludge. That helps, but never carries it all away. You can see why one can grow weary of this routine, but it is one I’ve maintained for several years now.
I’ve tried a number of different formulations of creatine, but none have showed all that much difference in solubility. So I usually buy what has the best bulk price. Finally running low on my current supply, I availed myself of the opportunity to try this version—really not expecting much difference. Well there is a difference, and it is not subtle. I’ve tried three days of my usual ritual but without the added glutamine, and now 5 days with this new powder, and there is at least a 2/3rds reduction in gritty sludge after the orange juice, and I can eliminate almost all of it with the Monster chaser.
So I’m going to stick with this version for a while, despite its added expense. I’m sure the physical difference won’t be as noticeable when I add the glutamine back in, but I can’t help to believe the bioavailability will be increased anyway. Unlike many that use the term micronized, including what I have been using, the process used with this is somehow different, at least in my morning glass.
I include creatine monohydrate as daily part of my supplement stack. It is packaged similar to other creatine products. The date and manufacturing traceability codes are clearly marked. The expiration date is far enough out to allow time to consume the contents. It did have tamper resistant and safety seals. The bottle does mention 3rd party testing, manufactured in the USA and GMP facility compliance. The plastic tub contains 500 grams or 100 5 gram servings. It includes a convenient 7.5cc scoop for measuring one serving. They seem to be marketing this more as an enhancer for the brain function, but it is the same creatine used for improving workout performance as well.
The powder is fine white powder and comparable to other micronized creatine products. I mixed it in a plain glass of filtered water. Similar to other creatine products, it doesn’t dissolve in cold water. As for the taste, it tastes like any other creatine powder. It will dissolve in warm juice, coffee, or other liquids.
Prior to taking this brand, I am already loaded on creatine. There was no need to go through a loading phase. I have been using this for a few days now and believe I have noticed an improvement in my muscle fatigue and recovery during workouts. I haven’t really noticed an increase or decrease in my workout gains or reps. I haven’t noticed any major gains in my mood or memory. I haven’t experienced any stomach upset or bloating. With a product like this, it is difficult to determine the quality. Based on my personal experience with many other creatine monohydrate products, I would say this brand is better than most other creatine monohydrate products available.
Russell Lyons –
It will not dissolve in cold water, but the particles are tiny and have no taste, so it is not a problem. They do dissolve in fairly warm water.
Cristina CG –
I’ve been using this Brain Basics Creatine Monohydrate for a few weeks. I felt like I was getting the benefits described especially focus but also memory support and some energy. I wasn’t necessarily concerned about muscle recovery since I technically dont work out although I get out for walks daily. I read that Creatine might help me with that in a big way so I gave it a try. It was easy to mix with my juice although i let it sit for awhile to let it dissolve real well. There was no taste and no GI distress. I ‘m a ‘senior’ adult so my body does not adjust as quickly as it did when I was younger, so I started out with 1/2 scoop the first week and then went to 3/4 scoop. Do check with a Medial Professional familiar with Nutrition to make sure any supplement you are thinking about using is good for you and your lifestyle and most importantly educate yourself on nutrition and all supplements before you use them. Otherwise, my opinion is that Brain Basics has a good product and I’m glad to have tried it. This Creatine is 3rd party tested and manufactured in a GMP facility. I do recommend Brain Basics by Creatine rain Bean!