Descrição do Produto: Gummies de Creatina Monohidratada 8000mg
As Gummies de Creatina Monohidratada 8000mg são a escolha ideal para quem busca maximizar seu desempenho físico e melhorar a recuperação muscular. A creatina monohidratada é uma forma amplamente reconhecida e facilmente absorvida de creatina, com uma taxa de absorção próxima a 100%. Este suplemento tem sido utilizado por atletas e entusiastas do fitness para aumentar a energia muscular, melhorar a resistência, aliviar a fadiga e potencializar o desempenho atlético.
- CREATINE MONOHYDRATE GUMMIES —— A creatina monohidratada é a forma de creatina mais escolhida e facilmente absorvida, com um histórico de uso para impulsionar a energia muscular, aumentar a resistência e melhorar o desempenho atlético.
- EXTREMAMENTE EFICAZ PARA A ENDURANCE MUSCULAR —— Quer levar seus treinos para o próximo nível? Essas poderosas gummies são repletas de 8000mg de creatina monohidratada por porção, ajudando a aumentar a energia disponível para os músculos durante o exercício, o que melhora a força e a resistência muscular, especialmente em exercícios de alta intensidade.
- CREATINE MONOHYDRATE GUMMIES PARA HOMENS E MULHERES —— A creatina pode melhorar a recuperação após o exercício e reduzir lesões e dores musculares, aumentando a energia disponível para os músculos e ajudando a prevenir lesões durante o treinamento.
- FÁCIL DE CONSUMIR —— As gummies de creatina monohidratada Lickshine são formuladas para uma absorção superior e um sabor agradável, superando o pó de creatina, comprimidos ou cápsulas. Com essas gummies, você obtém creatina de forma fácil e deliciosa!
- Satisfação de Qualidade —— Cada uma de nossas gummies de creatina é produzida em instalações certificadas cGMP, com os mais rigorosos padrões de controle de qualidade. Todos os lotes passam por garantia de qualidade em cada etapa da produção.
1. Aumento da Força Muscular: As gummies proporcionam um impulso significativo na força, permitindo que você realize treinos mais intensos e eficazes.
2. Melhora na Recuperação: A creatina ajuda a acelerar a recuperação muscular, reduzindo a dor e o desconforto após os treinos.
3. Facilidade de Consumo: O formato em goma torna a ingestão do suplemento prática e saborosa, ideal para quem tem dificuldade com pós ou comprimidos.
4. Hidratação Muscular: A creatina melhora a hidratação nas células musculares, contribuindo para um melhor desempenho e redução do risco de desidratação.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Produzidas em instalações certificadas, as gummies oferecem segurança e eficácia, com controle de qualidade rigoroso.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gummies de creatina monohidratada Lickshine por dia, preferencialmente antes ou após o treino. As gummies podem ser ingeridas com água ou sozinhas, proporcionando uma experiência saborosa e prática. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do produto e combinar a suplementação com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios regulares para maximizar os benefícios da creatina.
One iv the cables for the leds weren’t working –
i have been using these for a while
now, works well, good taste, but for the first time there was a strain of blackish hair going thru the sticker and out, you can see the outline from when i pulled it out. no hate in this comment just a message to the producers.
Rick –
These gummies are ideal for anyone looking to add creatine to their regimen or looking to switch from creatine powder. The taste is great and they are easy to chew. They definitely taste like blue raspberry. For the price, I would say these are definitely worth considering.
Misha –
These offer a bit more than the typical 5mg dose at 8mg. This could be an issue for those with stomach issues or those sensitive to higher doses of creatine, but for me I am thankful for this.
The taste is really good and easy to chew and swallow.
There is a slight issue with them sticking together at times, but this is the case with any gummy that does not have the sugar coating to protect against this. Personally I am happy these omit the sugar, its worth the slightly bigger hassel, but really it is not an issue at all.
Mia –
I have been taking 5g of creatine daily, mostly in the form of power. These gummies add the convenient since I am on the trips a lot. Serving size is a bit much (4 gummies) compares to some other brands that you need to take 2 gummies to get the same 5g. The flavor is very good (if you like it super sweet). I love the berry flavor. The bottle is well sealed. It is on the higher price if you compare to powder form, so I will not take it as a main source but rather keep it in my on the go supplement bag.
One iv the cables for the leds weren’t working –
These are great! I recently decided to add creatine supplements to my diet and exercise routine, but I am not big on shakes and powders etc. so, when I saw these I got excited and jumped on them. They taste really good, and because it’s not some gross powder that I have to mix with water and drink, I actually take them consistently. I actually WANT to eat them everyday. I do not take the recommended 4 a day because I’m a small female that doesn’t need a huge dose. I started with just 1 a day for the first few days then bumped it up to 2 a day and I am now at 3 a day. I don’t have anything to compare these too since this is my first time taking creatine, but I do feel my performance has definitely improved. I’ve been hitting strength and weight PRs in my workouts regularly for the past 3 weeks. I also noticed my energy levels are steady throughout the day, even after working out. Before taking these I would get tired after lunch or after working out, but not anymore.
Based on this, I’d definitely recommend these gummies.
Customer Review –
These creatine gummies work well. They taste good and provide a good amount of creatine per gummy, although I can imagine many prefer more. The price is reasonable given what you get, so the value for the money is good. I have not had any adverse effects from taking these, that is already a plus; as for results, I can’t say that I have experience significant boosts from these or anything out of the usual from my work outs, but there does appear to be somewhat of a difference. If you are looking to try creating in gummy form at a reasonable price and want a good tasting gummy, then this may be the one for you.
Charlitos –
These gummies have been a lifesaver for me in the fitness world. I intake the serving size every day after my workouts and the muscle building process has been seamlessly for ease. The taste of these gummies have also been one of the best i’ve ever tasted, and will continue to buy and use these for my fitness muscle growing goals.
Alex ♔ –
Creatine is a staple in my supplement regime but I hate having to rely on a powder – they’re messy, hard to transport, and dosing isn’t always accurate. I recently got on the “gummy Creatine” wagon and I’m thrilled about it! I swear they work just as well. These gummies in particular taste awesome and are surprisingly low cal (for those who care). I will say, 8,000mg is a little high for me (I like to stick to 5,000) but it’s apples to oranges really. I like how these don’t have anything else added like b12 and how they’re monohydrate instead of the other forms of Creatine. Such an awesome product!