Descrição do Produto: Dr. Mercola Pure Power Creatine Monohydrate
O Dr. Mercola Pure Power Creatine Monohydrate é um suplemento de alta qualidade que se destaca no mundo da nutrição esportiva. Com 500 g em um frasco, cada porção contém 5 g de Creatina Monohidratada em um pó sem sabor que se dissolve rapidamente, proporcionando uma maneira prática e eficiente de aumentar seu desempenho atlético. Este produto é especialmente formulado para repor os níveis de ATP, a molécula que suas células utilizam para energia, promovendo força inigualável, desempenho atlético superior e construção muscular, especialmente durante treinos de alta intensidade.
Além de apoiar o crescimento muscular, o Pure Power Creatine Monohydrate também eleva os níveis de proteínas e hormônios poderosos que são essenciais para manter seu corpo forte e magro. A certificação “Certified for Sport” pela National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) International garante que o produto contém apenas o que está impresso no rótulo, oferecendo segurança e confiança aos atletas e entusiastas do fitness. Ao elevar o padrão em nutrição esportiva, o Pure Power fornece ao seu corpo os ingredientes certos, permitindo que você se torne a versão mais forte de si mesmo.
– Aumento significativo da força e desempenho atlético durante treinos intensos.
– Suporte ao crescimento muscular e manutenção de um corpo forte e magro.
– Fórmula sem sabor que se dissolve rapidamente, facilitando a mistura com outras bebidas ou suplementos.
– Produto certificado pela NSF, garantindo pureza e qualidade.
– Ideal para atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas que buscam maximizar seus resultados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (5 g) de Dr. Mercola Pure Power Creatine Monohydrate em água ou sua bebida favorita, consumindo uma vez ao dia. Para maximizar os benefícios, é aconselhável utilizar o produto antes ou após o treino, garantindo que seu corpo receba a creatina necessária para otimizar a recuperação e o desempenho muscular. Mantenha uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do suplemento para potencializar seus efeitos.
Enes Thalami –
There’s really nothing to judge when it comes to creatine powder – they all look and taste the same. It’s a matter of ensuring you’re getting a quality product that actually is what it says it is. With this brand, I feel confident that I am getting a quality creatine product.
T.Goodrich –
This is good creatine however I have found it takes forever to fully dissolve in water. I typically add the creatine directly into a store bought water, give it a good shake, then let it sit for about 10 – 20 minutes before consuming. During the 10 – 20 minutes before consuming I will periodically give the bottle several good shakes. What I found is that the first initial shake dissolves most of the creatine however there is always a lot of almost translucent creatine crystals floating around in the water that do not want to dissolve. The last creatine I used did not do this. Instead that creatine would fully dissolve after about 10 minutes. The last creatine I used also immediately made my mind feel sharper and made me feel more awake. With this creatine I do not notice any cognitive change at all.
Muscle wise I do feel I get the same benefit as the last creatine I used so it is definitely good in that area.
Overall it seems to be a good product and I have always trusted Mercola products however I do not think it is as good as some of the other creatine supplements available.
Lisa R Kaminski –
My husband has definitely noticed an improvement in his workouts. Says he has a lot more strength!
Están Bonitas y suaves son cómodas 🥰estoy muy contenta medida exacta –
En verdad está creatine es muy buena
T.E. –
I use creatine powder in my post-workout drinks. This product mixes in well with room temperature water and protein drink powder (mostly whey). This actually mixes in a bit better than the one I use regularly. There is less grit and crunchiness with this powder. It is ground pretty finely and mixes in better. I don’t notice any negative effects from this product compared to the one I usually use and it seems to work just as well. It is also a good value so I think I will switch to this one going forward!
Pesan –
It seems to be of great quality. I just don’t find it mixes well in my drink though.
mark tech –
If you are looking for benefits of creatine, you can find much more doing online research than you would read from my review here. So let’s talk about the details of this product. The dosage at 5g is good, and while some suggest you only need 3g a day, its nice that you can measure a scoop out and eyeball 3g to save a bit of product and stretch out your supply. What I don’t really like is that its recommending 12 ounces of water to drink with. While its true that an upset stomach can occur if you don’t consume this with enough water, I wouldn’t mind an easier method to ingest this…like a gummy or a capsule. But if you are okay with powders, this isn’t a bad one to look at.
Jay W. Ammon –
I’ve never taken Creatine, personally, prior to trying it out, in the case of purchasing this product, off of Amazon, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, although I guess, I was somewhat seeking to observe fitness results, since I’d hit a slump, over the years, as far as gaining mass, or “something,” anything, I suppose – I’d been staying largely the same body type.
Now, since I’d been taking this product, several times, over weeks, I’d most recently done a workout that significantly challenged me, which I felt I had sufficient energy and muscular potential in me, to suit the tasks at hand, and, in this case, it felt like an extended session (or, amore youthful take on an extended workout), and I feel like I got an all-over (my body) exercise in, through which, I’m working myself up, a size, or so. Since I was taking this supplement while that happened,
I figure that the product must work – I’d heard about Creatine, from my school days’ peers’ workout chats, amongst themselves.