BoxNutra Single-Ingredient Creatine: A Revolução na Suplementação de Creatina
A BoxNutra apresenta sua creatina monohidratada em pó, um produto de alta qualidade que promete transformar a sua rotina de treinos e potencializar seus resultados. Este suplemento é especialmente formulado para aumentar o desempenho muscular durante exercícios de resistência de alta intensidade e curta duração. Se você é um atleta ou simplesmente um entusiasta do fitness, a creatina da BoxNutra é uma adição valiosa ao seu regime de treinamento, especialmente para aqueles que levantam pesos ou praticam ciclismo.
Além de promover o crescimento muscular, a creatina também desempenha um papel crucial na saúde óssea e articular. Ela estimula a atividade das células responsáveis pela formação dos ossos, contribuindo para um esqueleto mais forte. Os benefícios da creatina para os músculos também se estendem à saúde das articulações, proporcionando um suporte adicional durante atividades físicas intensas.
A BoxNutra se destaca por sua certificação cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practice), que garante que todos os processos de fabricação e as instalações utilizadas na produção da creatina sejam rigorosamente monitorados e controlados. Isso assegura que você está consumindo um produto de qualidade superior, desenvolvido tanto para homens quanto para mulheres.
– Aumento de Performance Muscular: Melhora significativa na força e resistência durante treinos intensos.
– Saúde Óssea e Articular: Fortalece ossos e articulações, reduzindo o risco de lesões.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produto fabricado em instalações certificadas cGMP, assegurando pureza e eficácia.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Ideal para atletas de diversas modalidades, incluindo musculação e ciclismo.
– Apoio à Saúde Geral: Contribui para a saúde do sistema imunológico, pele, cabelo e memória.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a creatina BoxNutra, recomenda-se a ingestão de 5 gramas (uma colher medida) diariamente, preferencialmente após o treino, misturada em água ou em sua bebida favorita. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar a suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver grávida ou amamentando. Mantenha o produto fora do alcance de crianças e armazene em local fresco e seco.
Travis –
This is my go to brand for creatine! It doesn’t have a flavor so I can mix it with anything, and it dissolves like a charm. Great product that I’ll continue to use. Love that they’re finally available on Amazon now too!
Ian Moran –
I ran out of the creatine I normally take and have been taking this for a month now. I’m still getting the same gains as I was, and it’s got double the amount of servings per container as what I was buying for the same price before. Definitely can’t beat it!
Travis –
I was surprised to see a bag inside the product bag. I would rather have the creatine inside the main bag so I don’t need to open two bags to reach the product. The internal bag is thinner so I worry it will puncture easily. The other thing I noticed is there was no scoop included. I realize the recommended 5g dose is a weight however they do convert it to about 2 tsp. I with they would have thrown in a 2 tsp scoop so I don’t need to dirty a teaspoon every time I use it. The creatine does dissolve well in water and has no taste but I wish the packaging was better.
Bianca Melendez –
I love that this bag of creatinine monohydrate is literally only that. No added fillers! To me, this is high quality!
The outside bag is very large for the much smaller bag inside of powder. This was strange to me and I ended up repackaging it into a jar.
It mixes in well into my smoothies and is tasteless. The texture is grainy, but I can’t tell the texture after my blender has done its mixing.
Overall, I really like this creatinine and recommend it.
Sleewok –
This creatine powder is what I would expect. It mixes and dissolves with little settling at the bottom. It will last you a LONG time. Their products are cGMP which is the best you can get for manufacturing products in the USA. I was unable to find any information regarding third-party testing.
Box Nutra has a website where you can find additional information regarding their products.
How I rate supplements
Testing and manufacturing is critical for supplements to ensure you are getting what is in the bottle. I deduct a star for each of the following:
– No (current) cGMP manufacturing. GMP is good but current is the best and products should be rewarded for using it.
– Lack of third-party testing
* I exclude extracts and pure ingredient supplements from common foods
RunningMom –
Getting the 200 servings for a little over $30 is great value for creatine. The creatine itself is flour like and the “creatine taste” was particularly strong. I’d recommend putting it in something that’ll mask the taste like milk or a smoothie. The Sheer amount you get will leave you set for a long time with negligible costs.
$0.15 per 5g serving and strong taste.
Stephanie Baldini –
This stuff is awesome! I don’t know why I buy overpriced creatine from supplement companies when you can buy it in bulk from professional companies like this one. Great price, will buy again!
Zeke –
I’ve been using BoxNutra Creatine Monohydrate for a few days now, and I’m really impressed with the results. It mixes easily in my post-workout shake and has no noticeable taste. I appreciate that it’s a straightforward, high-quality product without unnecessary additives. If you’re looking to enhance your performance and muscle growth, I highly recommend giving this creatine a try!