Descrição do Produto: Legal Limit Labs Alphagen – Clean Athlete Complex
O Legal Limit Labs Alphagen é um complexo inovador desenvolvido para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam maximizar seu desempenho e promover o crescimento muscular magro. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto combina ingredientes de alta qualidade que atuam sinergicamente para oferecer resultados excepcionais. Cada porção contém:
- 4 gramas de Creatina Monohidratada Micronizada: A creatina é um dos suplementos mais estudados e eficazes para aumentar a força e a potência muscular. A forma micronizada garante uma melhor absorção e solubilidade, permitindo que os músculos se beneficiem rapidamente de seus efeitos.
- 3 gramas de HMB (Beta-Hidroxi Beta-Metilbutirato): O HMB é um metabolito da leucina que ajuda a reduzir a degradação muscular e promove a recuperação após treinos intensos. É especialmente benéfico para atletas que buscam preservar a massa muscular durante períodos de déficit calórico.
- 2 gramas de L-Leucina Instantizada: A L-Leucina é um aminoácido essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na síntese proteica. Sua forma instantizada facilita a absorção, promovendo um aumento na recuperação e no crescimento muscular.
- 750 mg de Ácido Fosfatídico: Este fosfolipídio é conhecido por sua capacidade de ativar a via mTOR, que é fundamental para o crescimento muscular. O ácido fosfatídico também pode ajudar a melhorar a força e a resistência durante os treinos.
Com 30 porções em cada embalagem, o Legal Limit Labs Alphagen é a escolha ideal para quem deseja otimizar seu regime de treinamento e alcançar novos patamares de desempenho.
1. Aumento da Força Muscular: A combinação de creatina e HMB proporciona um aumento significativo na força, permitindo que você levante mais peso e realize treinos mais intensos.
2. Melhora na Recuperação: O HMB e a L-Leucina ajudam a acelerar a recuperação muscular, reduzindo a dor e a fadiga após os treinos.
3. Preservação da Massa Muscular: Ideal para quem está em dieta de emagrecimento, o produto ajuda a manter a massa muscular magra, evitando a perda indesejada de músculos.
4. Aumento da Síntese Proteica: A presença de L-Leucina estimula a síntese proteica, essencial para o crescimento e reparo muscular.
5. Suporte ao Crescimento Muscular: O ácido fosfatídico ativa a via mTOR, promovendo um ambiente anabólico que favorece o crescimento muscular.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção (scoop) de Legal Limit Labs Alphagen em 200-300 ml de água ou sua bebida preferida. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente após o treino, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes e promover a recuperação muscular. Para resultados otimizados, combine o uso do produto com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de treinamento adequado.
Sarah –
I have always preferred the micronized creatine. It mixes into juice or water really fast and easy. It doesn’t settle out as fast. This one also has the added benefit of HMB. The dosages are perfect for my body type too. It’s truly unflavored so I can mix it with pretty much anything. The only thing I’m not sure about is where it’s made. I would like it if they listed that information.
joshjohn77 –
When I received this, the very first thing I did was read through the ingredients…but there were none! I was shocked to see that this powder 100% consists of the four active ingredients listed on the front–and nothing else at all. Wild to see that these days. It’s purely micronized creatine, HMB, leucine, and Phosphatidic Acid (not sure what this ingredient is, but I like the others). My only complaint is that the serving size just says “1 scoop,” and doesn’t list the weight of the serving, but it’s pretty easy to figure out as you can either add up the weights of the four ingredients or divide the net weight by the # of servings.
Looks like it’s selling for $45 for a 30-serving container, which isn’t a price I would pay as I’m mostly interested in the creatine, but last I checked on HMB (which was years ago) this would seem like a pretty decent price to me.
Frederick –
I’ve tried using this product, both in water, and in my smoothie, which is a milk-based mix, and both cases (over multiple instances) there is a foam that is produced from this product. And when I have used other parts of this product, I have found that Lucien is the culprit for this kind of presentation. That said it’s the right ingredients and I think that’s a good quality product in itself. But what I find displeasing is that it creates this foam that actually creates a discomfort when I ask when I there is a foam that is produced from this product. And when I have used other parts of this product, I have found that Lucien is the culprit for this kind of presentation. That said it’s the right ingredients and I think that’s a good quality product in itself. But what I find displeasing is that it creates this foam that actually creates a discomfort when ingested. I always finish my protein shakes, but in this case, the last time I used this product, I could not finish it. And when I woke up the next morning to see it still there, the foam still had not broken down. So ultimately while good ingredients, it doesn’t mix well or as well as I would’ve liked.
MM –
I do like the ingredients list to support my regular and fairly intense workout program. But, I don’t like that it only has 4 g of creatine per serving….that’s not a huge deal, especially if you’re under 150 lbs…but, I prefer a full 5g of creatine per serving for my size. The price is decent.
Tony C –
The effectiveness was awesome it was a great value for my money. It also had a great taste and did not make my stomach upset
AMZN Reviewer –
I use Alphagen for 3 week now, and I feel more strong in my workout. The creatine and HMB help me with my muscle recovery, and I notice less soreness after gym. I also feel like my muscle is growing little faster, which is nice.
The taste is ok, not best but not bad, and it mix good with water. The powder dissolve quickly, so no problem there. I like that it have clean ingredients for athletes, no extra bad stuff.
One thing I not like so much is the price—it a little expensive for only 30 serving. But the quality is good, so I think it worth it if you serious about your fitness.
Overall, it a good product for building lean muscle and help recovery. I give 4 star because price is high, but result are good. I recommend to try it if you want better performance in gym!
speedkills –
Micronized creatine is great but there are probably better alternatives out there.
It’s surprising to say this, but out of the bottle, this creatine has a strange “wet towel” smell. If I wasn’t trying this at home, I’d think it was something else from the gym. Very unusual. Maybe I received a bad batch.
Also worth noting that once mixed in with water, it is not “unflavored.” It’s a mild taste and not unpleasant. It’s almost a coconut water flavor, if I had to describe it.
These items aside, everything else seems okay for a pre-workout creatine.
Jay –
This powder combines creatine, HMB, leucine, and phosphatidic acid, which are well-researched for muscle recovery and growth. It’s unflavored, so it mixes easily into shakes or smoothies without changing the taste.
I like how the ingredient list is clean, with no fillers or extras. It dissolves well and doesn’t leave clumps behind. The only downside is the price which is a bit high for 30 servings, but the quality and blend make it worth considering if you’re serious about your workouts.