Descrição do Produto: DNA Discover Natural Athletics Creatine HMB para Homens e Mulheres
O DNA Discover Natural Athletics Creatine HMB é um suplemento inovador desenvolvido para atender às necessidades de homens e mulheres que buscam aumentar a massa muscular e a força, além de melhorar a recuperação pós-treino. Com um sabor agradável de uva, este produto combina a creatina, um dos suplementos mais estudados e eficazes para o aumento de desempenho atlético, com o HMB (beta-hidroxi-beta-metilbutirato), um metabólito da leucina que tem demonstrado benefícios significativos na preservação da massa muscular e na recuperação.
A creatina presente na fórmula atua como uma fonte rápida de energia para os músculos, permitindo que você realize treinos mais intensos e prolongados. Isso resulta em um aumento na força e no tamanho muscular, essencial para quem busca resultados visíveis e duradouros. O HMB, por sua vez, é conhecido por suas propriedades anti-catabólicas, ajudando a reduzir a degradação muscular, especialmente em períodos de treinamento intenso ou em dietas restritivas.
Além disso, o DNA Discover Natural Athletics Creatine HMB é formulado com ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo que você obtenha o máximo de benefícios sem aditivos desnecessários. A combinação de creatina e HMB não só potencializa o desempenho atlético, mas também acelera a recuperação muscular, permitindo que você retorne aos treinos mais rapidamente e com menos dor muscular.
1. Aumento da Massa Muscular: Promove o crescimento muscular significativo, ideal para quem busca hipertrofia.
2. Melhora da Força: Aumenta a capacidade de realizar exercícios com maior intensidade, resultando em melhores resultados.
3. Recuperação Acelerada: Reduz o tempo de recuperação entre os treinos, permitindo um treinamento mais frequente e eficaz.
4. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de uva torna a experiência de consumo mais prazerosa, facilitando a adesão ao uso diário.
5. Fórmula Segura e Eficaz: Com ingredientes de alta qualidade, o produto é livre de aditivos prejudiciais, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o DNA Discover Natural Athletics Creatine HMB, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma dose de 5g (uma colher medida) misturada em 200ml de água ou sua bebida favorita, preferencialmente antes ou após o treino. Para maximizar os efeitos, é aconselhável manter uma rotina de uso contínuo, mesmo em dias de descanso, para garantir a saturação dos músculos com creatina e HMB. É importante também manter uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do produto e seguir uma dieta equilibrada que complemente seus objetivos de treinamento.
Randy Lance –
I would not recommend this product it taste like cough medicine. It also has a petroleum aftertaste..
Ali –
Creatine is a worthwhile supplement if you’re interested in improving your overall athletic performance and muscle growth. I trust DNA Discover Natural Athletics Creatin for my creatine supplementation. It’s not only third-party tested but also offers great value for its price. The purity and effectiveness are quite noteworthy, and it mixes well without leaving any gritty residue. Perfect for smoothies!!!
Michael J. Maher – Bestselling Author, Internationally-renown Speaker, and Top Trainer –
The flavor is just overpowering. Yes, I consistently added water to dilute somewhat but for the price and the amount, I wouldn’t purchase again. I’m going back to the basic, tasteless creatine and adding to my pre workout or post workout shake. I’m not sold on benefits of Creatine HMB va Creatine but have no research on that other than my anecdotal experience. Seems the same and not seeing additional power, punch, or duration (I do 2-hour workouts) but I hesitate to take this because of the flavor and I never want to feel that way about my Creatine supplementation. Now if Bang would just actually put real Creatine in their drinks we’d be set – haha.
I’m 56 and have always been a bit of a gym rat. Never had the hard core commitment to get big, but I’m solid. I’ve tested quite a few different creatine and I either felt nothing or my stomach reacted poorly. This one went down smooth, didn’t adversely affect my stomach, and I could feel a little extra in the gym. I drink it on my way, plus 20 oz of water, 41 minute drive to the gym (work is 3 mile from there) and during the workout (free weights primarily) I could feel extra endurance and strength. Not that I went from a 125 bench press to suddenly 285 (my 1 rep max is only 225) but rather I could perform more reps per set by 3 to 4. It lasted for the 75 to 80 minute workout. Basically it extended my point of failure by 3 to 4 reps, and I could add 2 to 3 more sets. Again, I’m not big by any stretch and don’t anticipate being big. I’m 15% BMI so hardly stage ready but I don’t have a big stomach…..nor a washboard. Friends say they can tell I work out, but at the beach I may get a little sand kicked in my face. But only a little. I’m lucky health wise and take no medication so I can’t tell you if it interacts with medicine. If your commitment and routine sounds similar to mine, I have no problem recommending it. I’m on my second container and based on results, will keep buying. Polo shirts are a little bit tighter I noticed……but that might be the dryer.
Alec –
Mixing: 10/10
Flavor (by itself): 8/10
Flavor (stacked): 10/10 the mango really pops
This product is a great addition to those looking to enhance their work out routines. After using the product consistently for about 2.5 weeks, I can say that I have noticed an increase in the performance of my workouts / recovery time.
As for customer service, DNA is excellent and responded to my questions extremely fast.
Improvements: I’d like to see some different flavors just change it up.
I would highly recommend this product and will definitely be purchasing it again!
Clint Fornataro –
I have used supplementation in the past and, although it helped, the results were very minuscule. I tried this supplement and instantly felt more energy and being able to do more in the gym while also decreasing my time for recovery afterward. The company says they have done careful research on what ingredients they put into this product and IT SHOWS. The mango flavor gives it a better taste than all other creatine I have tried in the past and it also is the most effective, I will not be buy another Creatine or HMB supplement unless it is produced by this company (DNA).
jordan whit –
I believe the product itself in terms of quality ingredients is good, but geez it leaves the worst after taste and mixes quite poorly. I have little problem forcing quality products down the hatch, thankfully. I hope DNA considers making a completely, unadulterated unflavored version soon that I can mix with my BCAA drink instead. Otherwise, I will be be ordering exclusively from Transparent Labs.
Kindlemat –
This is one of the best creatine out there and i recommend it highly to those workin out and looking for a creatine.