Descrição do Produto: CreHD – Advanced Creatine Blend Cofactors – 180 Cápsulas
O CreHD é uma fórmula avançada de creatina que combina quatro formas comprovadas de creatina em uma mistura sinérgica, projetada para estimular o crescimento muscular, aumentar a resistência e acelerar a recuperação. Cada cápsula contém uma combinação otimizada de creatina monohidratada, creatina etil éster, creatina malato e creatina citrato, proporcionando uma absorção superior e resultados visíveis. Este produto é ideal para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam maximizar seu desempenho e alcançar seus objetivos de forma eficaz.
- BUILD STRENGTH: CREHD provides 4 proven creatine forms formulated in a synergistic blend to stimulate muscle growth.
A utilização do CreHD não se limita apenas ao aumento da força; ele também desempenha um papel crucial na melhoria da resistência durante os treinos intensos, permitindo que você treine por mais tempo e com maior intensidade. Além disso, a fórmula avançada ajuda na recuperação muscular, reduzindo a fadiga e acelerando o processo de reparação dos músculos após os exercícios. Com o CreHD, você não apenas constrói músculos, mas também melhora sua performance geral, tornando-se um aliado indispensável na sua rotina de treinos.
1. Aumento da Força Muscular: A combinação de diferentes formas de creatina potencializa o ganho de força.
2. Melhora na Resistência: Permite treinos mais longos e intensos, aumentando a capacidade de desempenho.
3. Aceleração da Recuperação: Reduz o tempo de recuperação entre os treinos, permitindo um retorno mais rápido às atividades.
4. Fórmula Sinérgica: A mistura de creatinas proporciona uma absorção mais eficiente e resultados mais rápidos.
5. Suporte ao Crescimento Muscular: Estimula a síntese de proteínas, essencial para o desenvolvimento muscular.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o CreHD, recomenda-se a ingestão de 4 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente antes ou após o treino. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com uma quantidade adequada de água para garantir a máxima absorção dos nutrientes. Para resultados otimizados, combine o uso do CreHD com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios estruturado.
Kort –
I have never felt much of a benefit from creatine. Every now and then I try again. This one is more of the same.
I’m a little hesitant to rate it down, but if it doesn’t work for me, it doesn’t work.
The pill form is likely convenient to some.
Brandon –
I typically use powdered creatine, but thought I’d try it out in pill form.
It’s easy mode taking this instead of scooping out and mixing creatine powder into a beverage – no worries that you’re wasting any on the sides of your shaker cup this way. You are instructed to take it twice a day, but no problem there. I’ve had the same results that I have with powder. Recommended if your tired of powders.
CollectableKid –
Too much filler and not enough creatine. Seems like theu stuck the cheapest possible creatine in q blend and then fluffed it up with other ingredients. Pass
J. Snavely –
I have been taking creatine for awhile–I’ve done the powders and the pills and have found I would rather take a pill than a powder. The recommend dose on this is 3 capsules, but I usually only take 1-2. I’m a woman and think the serving size was geared towards a larger man, so I’ve just been taking 1-2 pills. The pills are easy to take and overall, this is comparable to other creatine products I’ve used in the past. I primarily lift weights and feel like creatine is an essential supplement for a weightlifter.
CollectableKid –
This has really given me a good edge in the gym, I use this before every workout and it seems to make a real difference. It recommends that you take 3 capsules 30 minutes before and after working out (6 total), but I have only been taking it before the workout and it seems to be having the same positive affect. The only reason I give it 3 stars is because I have gotten nauseous using this and pre-workout, but other than that this stuff is great!
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Kort –
I’m recently 50 years old and just got back into a fit lifestyle at the start of 2021. My body doesn’t work like it used to 30 years ago so I’ll take what help I can get in the nutrition department. I like that R+D Body’s CreHD – Advanced Creatine Blend + Cofactors combines four types of creatine, along with synergistic nutrients, to make a more absorbable and bioavailable product. I use it right before and after my workouts and I’m feeling the effects both in the gym and when recovering. I’m seeing gains in strength and lean muscle mass and I think my body repairing itself more quickly. On non-workout days I take with food in the morning and evening. As always with creatine, take with plenty of water.
The recommended dose is three capsules. They are large but I get them down easily enough. I have creatine powders, but sometimes this way is more convenient. After initially took the 3 per dose, but I now take two before and after and am experiencing similar benefits. I do wish R+D Body specified the amount of each of the four types of creatine, but I suspect the predominant one is monohydrate otherwise I’d expect the price to be higher. I’m pleased with the results I’m experiencing and will be getting CreHD again.
Made in the USA
~ Kort
E. Nelson –
If you fancy taking Creatine as a pill, this is a good source of it. A bit high at a 3 pill dosage though.
If you don’t like pills, taking a powder is a great alternative.
This gives you no cleanup, and smooth digestion of the Creatine. Helps make my muscles much more solid, especially after a workout day. Got rid of the flabby feelings I’ve been having as a newer gym goer.