As cápsulas de L-Glutamina Crazy Muscle Keto Friendly de 1000mg são um suplemento pós-treino projetado para impulsionar sua recuperação muscular, diminuir a dor muscular tardia e reforçar os ganhos de força. Com uma fórmula de alta qualidade e sem efeitos colaterais, essas cápsulas são ideais para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que desejam maximizar seus resultados.
A L-Glutamina é um aminoácido essencial para o crescimento muscular. Durante exercícios intensos, o corpo pode ficar sem glutamina, o que pode levar à interrupção da construção muscular. Ao tomar suplementos de glutamina, você garante que seu corpo tenha os nutrientes necessários para a recuperação muscular adequada, permitindo que você continue a construir músculos e alcançar seus objetivos de condicionamento físico.
Além de impulsionar o crescimento muscular, a L-Glutamina também ajuda a reduzir a dor muscular tardia. Nada é mais desmotivador do que sentir-se dolorido e cansado após um treino intenso. A glutamina auxilia na reparação dos danos musculares causados pelo exercício, permitindo que você se sinta mais forte e pronto para o próximo treino.
Outro benefício dessas cápsulas é o aumento de energia. Com tempos de recuperação mais curtos, você poderá atacar cada treino com intensidade e confiança. Não haverá mais necessidade de tirar dias de descanso desnecessários, pois você se sentirá mais fresco e rápido, sem o medo de overtraining.
As cápsulas de L-Glutamina Crazy Muscle Keto Friendly contêm apenas 100% de L-Glutamina pura, sem adição de enchimentos, açúcar ou sabores artificiais. Isso garante que você esteja consumindo um produto de alta qualidade, sem ingredientes desnecessários que possam prejudicar seus resultados.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Supercharge o crescimento muscular: As cápsulas de L-Glutamina Crazy Muscle Keto Friendly são essenciais para impulsionar o crescimento muscular, garantindo que seu corpo tenha os nutrientes necessários para a recuperação adequada.
- Reduza a dor muscular tardia: Nada atrapalha mais um treino do que a dor muscular tardia. Com a L-Glutamina, você pode acelerar a recuperação muscular e reduzir a dor, permitindo que você se sinta mais forte e pronto para o próximo treino.
- Tenha mais energia: Com tempos de recuperação mais curtos, você terá mais energia para atacar cada treino com intensidade e confiança. Diga adeus à fadiga e aproveite ao máximo seus treinos.
- Treine mais: Não há mais necessidade de tirar dias de descanso desnecessários. Com a L-Glutamina, você se sentirá mais fresco e rápido, sem o medo de overtraining. Continue treinando e alcançando seus objetivos.
- Sem efeitos colaterais: As cápsulas de L-Glutamina Crazy Muscle Keto Friendly contêm apenas 100% de L-Glutamina pura, sem adição de ingredientes desnecessários. Isso garante que você esteja consumindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
- Recuperação muscular acelerada, permitindo treinos mais frequentes e intensos.
- Redução significativa da dor muscular tardia, melhorando a motivação e o desempenho.
- Aumento da energia e resistência, resultando em treinos mais produtivos.
- Fórmula pura e segura, sem aditivos prejudiciais à saúde.
- Facilidade de uso, com cápsulas práticas que se adaptam à rotina de qualquer atleta.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas de L-Glutamina Crazy Muscle Keto Friendly de 1000mg após o treino. As cápsulas podem ser ingeridas com água ou suco. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, garantindo assim que você esteja fazendo a escolha certa para suas necessidades individuais.
Avult –
After trying to figure out why my recovery time was not optimal I read that a possible solution would be to get some glutamine. I read the body gets depleted rather quickly when working out and can take days to recover. Since I am on what feels like a perpetual weight loss journey I am always on a caloric deficit so I guarantee I am not getting enough glutamine as part of that. In steps this product. After a couple weeks I can already tell recovery time has improved. I know it won’t be perfect since I am under on calories, but before I was seeing recovery taking 3-4 days. Now I can tell you with certainty I am ready to go back at it on the same muscle group 2 days later (if I wanted to). I am not a huge fan of the size of the pills but it is what it is. I’ll deal with it. The price for the quality and quantity I get is hard to beat.
Personne –
The L-Glutamine CrazyMuscle is effective and worth the price although, a slight annoyance is that the pills are only 1000mg (1g). The L-Glutamine that I was previously taking gave me 5g in a powder form, so it’s kind of annoying to swallow 5 pills whereas I could simply mix a powder in my post-workout drink. All in all, despite this small annoyance, the L-Glutamine is top-notch quality and each bottle comes with 100 pills. The recommendation is 3 pills per day, so this bottle will last anywhere from 20-33 days depending on how many pills you take on a daily basis. I’ve already noticed a big difference between the powder and the pills, and you definitely are getting a high-quality L-Glutamine with CrazyMuscle.
My wife also takes these pills as the other ingredients do not interfere with her dietary needs, whereas other powders and pills often have ingredients that she cannot take.
Bianca Lovi –
bensauto8 –
I think I have leaky gut youtube told me I did.. So I ordered this which is supposed to help. Not sure if it works yet only took a week but shipping great and timely. Product has not caused any negative side effects. Except for a raging hard on every night at 12 pm that lasts for 2 hours. Thank you Crazy muscle. It is supposed to heal your digestive tract and reduce soreness in muscles. I fell a little better but I am also doing aloe vera, coconut milk, curcumin, cutting out dairy and trying to taper off of sugar, soy, and wheat. Which is almost impossible unless you are vegan. The product is high quality and the owner offered to make it right if it was not. I will most likely buy from them again when it runs out. I may try the powder and other products next time to see if it absorbs faster or has some advantage. Purity and strength are the things I look for and honestly reviews like this one help. I will not buy a supplement if 70 % of users trash talk it. This brand and company have a good reputation that is what made the decision for me. Ouch! its 12 pm and Mr. Johnson just hit the keyboard slider.
Anastasia –
I have Leaky Gut Syndrome and this has really helped with my gut health. I also take this after my workouts and after meals to make sure my muscles have everything they need to build back stronger!
The really cool part about this small business is that the owner reaches out to you personally! I really liked seeing that and makes me feel good knowing that if I have any issues, I know I will get a response from a real person and not some automated cookie-cutter computer program.
Thanks guys!
Corina Darley –
So first off I want to say that I have not gotten any free stuff for ANY reviews I’ve written on any product. That being said, I don’t write reviews very often unless I feel they’ve exceeded my expectations. I have ordered other glutamine products but I have to say that it wasn’t until I tried THIS glutamine ( after being on it for about 2 weeks) that I Really noticed a difference! Let me explain how. I order l glutamine for leaky gut that I am treating. After taking this product for 2 weeks I noticed all my food allergies really diminish. My energy has picked up as now I notice I’m going to the gym with my son. Before it was more of a chore and I’d make excuses not to go. I’m not saying this is a magic bullet for leaky gut. Having leaky gut is a multi layered problem and when taking glutamine, one needs to incorporate quercetin with it because they both work together synergistally to repair the gut lining in 2 ways so don’t forget that. That being said, I really recommend, if you’ve tried other glutamine products and not seen a difference in your leaky gut, please try this. It works!!! If you want to find out the right dosage for glutamine for leaky gut, go to Dr. Josh Axes sight. He recommends 3-5 grams ( so 3-5 pills where I was only taking one). He says if you take a higher dose you have to make sure you’re taking a b12 to help regulate it. Me, being a safety girl, I only took one pill a day so as to avoid getting too much glutamine.
Alan Simon –
Taste- Again, tasteless, no problems here, all the tablet pills are fantastic taste wise, not chalky, no aftertaste at all, and they are not tough to swallow in terms of being sticky.
Ease of consumption- Perfect, one small pill.
Efficacy- In tandem with the other supplements, I found it very effective. These particular supplements are hard to isolate in their efficacy but it has helped me shed fat while maintaining lean muscle mass and strength, which is great.
No drawbacks.
Overall- 7/10, only 7 because I think most people just want to get their Glutamine intrinsically stacked into their Creatine, pre-workout or protein. So a separate Glutamine pill may be a hard cell, though of course hardcore supplement users will get it. But a BCAA+Glutamine stack may sell better.