Descrição do Produto: Country Life Betaine Hydrochloride com Pepsina 600 mg – 250 Comprimidos
O Country Life Betaine Hydrochloride com Pepsina é um suplemento alimentar projetado para otimizar a digestão e promover a saúde gastrointestinal. Cada comprimido contém 600 mg de betaine hydrochloride, um composto que atua como uma fonte de ácido clorídrico, essencial para a digestão adequada dos alimentos no estômago. A presença de pepsina, uma enzima digestiva natural, juntamente com papain e bromelain, proporciona um suporte adicional à digestão, facilitando a quebra de proteínas e melhorando a absorção de nutrientes.
- Betaine hydrochloride – Ajuda a suportar a digestão no estômago, fornecendo uma fonte de ácido clorídrico.
- Ajudante digestivo – Fornece as enzimas pepsina, papaína e bromelina para apoiar a saúde digestiva.
- Suplemento alimentar – Deve ser tomado com refeições que contenham proteínas.
- Certificado – Certificado como livre de glúten pela GFCO.
Este produto é ideal para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades digestivas, especialmente após refeições ricas em proteínas. A combinação de betaine hydrochloride e enzimas digestivas não apenas melhora a digestão, mas também pode ajudar a reduzir o desconforto abdominal e a sensação de inchaço, proporcionando uma experiência alimentar mais agradável e saudável.
1. Melhora da Digestão: Aumenta a acidez estomacal, facilitando a digestão de proteínas.
2. Redução do Desconforto: Ajuda a minimizar sintomas como inchaço e gases após as refeições.
3. Suporte Enzimático: A presença de pepsina, papaína e bromelina melhora a quebra de alimentos, promovendo uma melhor absorção de nutrientes.
4. Praticidade: Fácil de incorporar na rotina, basta tomar com refeições que contenham proteínas.
5. Certificação de Qualidade: Produto livre de glúten, garantindo segurança para pessoas com intolerância.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 comprimido de Country Life Betaine Hydrochloride com Pepsina 600 mg junto com refeições que contenham proteínas. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para determinar a dosagem adequada, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Cliente de Amazon –
La tomo 20 minutos antes de comer y me ayuda con el reflujo
amazon-regular-customer –
I have been sick for months now with horrible acid reflux, sore throat, not able to sleep, afraid to lie down at night, afraid of losing my vocal chords… feeling tired all the time… and now… just one week after purchase… and swallowing one of these before I eat anything… I’m a BRAND NEW PERSON! I’ve been suffering with this for so long now…. on and off for years… and I’m SOOO PISSED OFF that my doctor didn’t recommend this. How horrible is THAT!?!?!?
I had to read about it from an online poster and take the chance of buying a product I know nothing about in the hopes it didn’t make me worse… and in the end… this little bottle of pills has SAVED MY LIFE! In every sense of the word. THANK YOU COUNTRY LIFE!!!
Just for other readers that might be suffering like me… I am also taking very strong DIGESTIVE ENZYMES PAN 10x and I’m also taking NAC – and I’m eating chewable DGL and at night before bed I always put a teaspoon of slippery elm into hot water to make a tea and add raw honey to it and I’m using that to coat my throat at night. With all of these products I have turned a horrible situation in my life around. I really thought I was finished! I saw myself getting throat cancer and losing my vocal chords… I cannot say enough good things about this product. I was really afraid to take it at first because it is acid and I thought I had too much acid… but as everyone else on the Internet claims, you need acid to fix the acid reflux… so I guess really, my acid was too low.
I hope my good new found health continues. Good luck to any readers with the same issues.
PattRicks –
Muy bueno el producto
lpar98 –
This is a great product at a great price! I have been using Country Life Betaine HCL for years–as I suffer from reduced HCL production. So in addition to my prebiotics/probiotics and digestive enzymes, whenever I have a protein meal, I usually try to take one tablet of Betaine HCL with my meal as it does aid my digestion (the bottle says to take two, but two is too much for me). I can actually feel the difference once I take the tablet. Mind you, my protein intake is about 5 ounces of fish or meat (I can’t digest chicken that well) per day (but not every day), so I am not eating a lot of protein, per say. The digestive enzymes that I take also include protease to breakdown the protein, but the HCL provides an additional boost to my ability to break down the protein into amino acids. Anyway, my amino acid profile is pretty good according to my labs, and I think that this product as well as the digestive enzymes have helped.
Once of the reasons that this is a well-rounded product is that in addition to Betaine (912 mg), it also contains Pepsin (36 mg), Papain (10 mg), Bromelain (10 mg) and Calcium (103 mg). Actually, I’m not really sure why the calcium is included (calcium carbonate) because it’s not listed as a filler. It’s actually a substantial amount. I would drop the calcium carbonate, if I were the manufacturer. The rest of the stuff is awesome digestive power!
desmond1639 –
I bought this as an experiment to conform a suspicion about my body. At the age of 36, I was noticing that I was loosing strength, but I didn’t know why. I wasn’t recovering from my workouts and always seem to have sore muscles all the time. I couldn’t run up the stairs anymore, and my legs seem to be always in pain. I hear a commercial from a company called Maximize Living that specialized in correcting the cause in the body so it can heal itself instead of medicating the symptoms. They had a guy on the show that had the same problem I had but worse and it turned out that he wasn’t digesting the proteins he was eating because of low stomach levels. I searched the web to find out if I could purchase something that could increase my stomach acid. I saw the apple cider vinegar solution and even though it did produce positive results, I found it a little impractical, not to mention disgusting. Then I found that you can increase the stomach acid using hydrochloride supplements. I have tried other brands but this one seems to yield the best results for me. My legs don’t hurt anymore, and I can run up the stairs again. And I am recovering from my workouts much better. I guess the saying is true, It isn’t what you eat, it is what you adsorb that makes a difference.
C. L. Swearingen –
I don’t know the chemistry, nor have any health officials recommended this for me. However, it does work for me.
I’ve had acid reflux all my life. It’s hereditary. I even get it on an empty stomach if I just drink water. I’ve been on a lot of prescription and OTC medicines. A few years back I had a stomach issue that felt like I wasn’t able to digest meat well. I did a little research online and someone suggested because I was eating red meat so infrequently and only eating healthy, lean foods, that my digestion didn’t know what to do with it. They suggested using Betaine HCL. I found some at the local store and started taking it. Within a day, it had worked. I took it for a couple weeks and was able to ween myself off of it.
Fast-forward several years and I started having similar symptoms, though my diet was much worse and my acid reflux had been controlled very well. I started taking this again and it helped right away. I stopped taking it after a week or so.
I don’t know if I suffer from chronic “low-acid” stomach because of the meds I take and if that causes my upset stomach. I don’t know how this product works, if it really increases stomach acid and I can’t prove it does anything at all…except make me feel better.
It seems like this product may provide temporary increased stomach acid to help digest food. And then my normal meds keep my stomach acid lower when I haven’t eaten to help prevent ulcerating my esophagus, etc. I do not think it is a simple psychosomatic cure, but I’m also uncertain how exactly it is helping.
Bottom line, if you’re having issues, ask your Dr. If they tell you to give it a try, go for it.
Jaime R Galdamez –
Its a good product I will recommend it