Descrição do Produto: Country Farms All-in-One Super Shake
Em um mundo onde a correria do dia a dia muitas vezes nos impede de manter uma alimentação equilibrada, o Country Farms All-in-One Super Shake surge como a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade sem abrir mão da qualidade nutricional. Este shake de reposição de refeição é uma verdadeira revolução para aqueles que desejam otimizar sua dieta, oferecendo uma combinação poderosa de nutrientes em cada porção. Com 15 g de proteína vegetal, 30 superalimentos orgânicos, probióticos e fibras prebióticas, ele se destaca como uma opção completa e saudável.
- PLANT-BASED MEAL REPLACEMENT SHAKE: Obtenha a melhor nutrição possível enquanto está em movimento com este All-in-One Super Shake! Cada porção contém 15 g de proteína, 30 superalimentos orgânicos, probióticos e fibra prebiótica.
- 30 ORGANIC SUPERFOODS: Cada porção possui uma mistura potente de 30 superalimentos orgânicos, incluindo beterraba, framboesa, açaí, manga, papaia e cogumelos que fortalecem o sistema imunológico.
- 15 g PLANT PROTEIN PER SERVING: Graças a uma mistura de proteína de ervilha, abóbora, chia, sacha inchi e linhaça, este All-in-One Shake é repleto de 15 g de proteína vegetal de alta qualidade.
- PROBIOTICS & PREBIOTICS FOR GUT HEALTH: Com um potente probiótico Bacillus coagulans e uma mistura de inulina de agave azul orgânica e fibra de ocácia orgânica, você pode melhorar a saúde microbiana intestinal para uma melhor digestão.
- CONVENIENT, READY TO USE & DELICIOUS: Basta misturar duas colheres de sopa do pó em água ou na sua bebida favorita para criar um delicioso e nutritivo shake de chocolate!
1. Nutrição Completa em Movimento: Ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada, proporcionando uma refeição balanceada em minutos.
2. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: A presença de superalimentos e cogumelos imunológicos ajuda a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
3. Saúde Digestiva: Os probióticos e prebióticos promovem um intestino saudável, melhorando a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes.
4. Proteína de Alta Qualidade: Com 15 g de proteína vegetal por porção, é uma excelente opção para veganos e vegetarianos que buscam aumentar a ingestão proteica.
5. Sabor Delicioso: O sabor de chocolate torna o consumo do shake prazeroso, facilitando a adesão a uma alimentação saudável.
Para preparar o Country Farms All-in-One Super Shake, adicione duas colheres de sopa do pó em um copo ou liquidificador. Misture com 240 ml de água ou sua bebida preferida, como leite vegetal ou suco. Agite ou bata até que a mistura esteja homogênea e aproveite um shake nutritivo e saboroso. Este produto é ideal para ser consumido no café da manhã, como lanche ou após o treino, garantindo que você receba todos os nutrientes necessários para o seu dia.
Bill B. –
I wasn’t eating very well before buying this, but I noticed a change in mood and energy right away. If you enjoy your meals, it might be difficult at first to use this as a replacement, but I’d recommend using it as a breakfast or lunch replacement and then having a normal dinner.
The taste is not incredible, but its not something that I find myself hating more and more as I drink it. If anything its been growing on me. Mixing it with almond milk gives it that real milkshake consistency and flavor, so I’d highly recommend that. Water works just fine though. Do not try to stir it, it won’t mix well. You should buy a tumbler or get a small electric drink mixer. There are some on Amazon.
Karen Abrams –
Love the calories and carbs. Love the ingredients. Love the price. Just a bit chalky. I added some vanilla greek yogurt, half a cup of water, ice and one sweet and low. Makes a great shake that is satisfying and filling. I can deal with the slight chalky issue.
Kelly Moll –
Product does not dissolve in any liquid. Tastes like chalk and very gritty. I don’t feel like it has done anything for me. I won’t buy again
Amazon Customer –
Didn’t realize this had Stevia when I bought it, but it’s one of the last ingredients so I figured it should still be okay. Honestly, while drinking it the taste is good! But the minute I finish drinking it, the strong acrid taste of stevia is all that remains. So now I just make a strong shake, chug it, and chase it with water or a snack to minimize the after taste. Wish they made a version of this with real sugar! Guess I’ll just have to try another brand.
Batman –
This stuff ia great with some vanilla almond milk and that PB Fit protein peanut butter mix stuff. Makes it into a chocolatey peanut butter type of drink (or a light chocolate milk with some peanut butter flavor in it) and it’s really good. Or you can do without the PB Fit stuff and just mix it with almond milk, oat milk, or regular milk, and it’s very good.
The flavor is very light, but very good. Don’t expect it to have as much flavor as Nesquik, which is loaded with sugar. But it has just enough flavor to get the job done and it does taste like legit chocolate powder. It tastes… Clean. It doesn’t taste like some crap that they made in a lab, which is great. Not chalky at all. I actually look forward to drinking it because it’s like I’m drinking chocolate milk or chocolate peanut butter milk when I mix the PBFit stuff with it.
The consistency is also very good. Nice soft, smooth powder. Not thick or chunky or clumped together at all. It’s the same consistency as baby powder, nice and smooth. Mixes very well, no clumps ever when I shake it a little. It’s such a smooth powder that it dissolves well. You can mix it with water very easily, but the flavor will be very light. You will want to add vanilla almond milk or something to give it a little more of a flavor boost. Which is why, again, I do that and also mix the peanut butter stuff and it’s just great.
Lastly, you get a great bang for your buck. Not only is it a great price ($16 for me as of the time of this review), but you get a lot of product in it. It was chock-full when I bought it, the container was literally at max capacity, almost up to the brim. Unlike some other companies that promote their product and give you a giant tub and it is only half full; which is definitely not the case with this.
R. Eason –
I met with a dietitian last week and showed her this, she looked at all listed ingredients. I have this for lunch many days. After looking at it she said it’s a good product with good ingredients and price is also good. So between this and another supplement I take I get 100% of the recommended daily vitamins, veggies, fruits, mineral etc. Was happy to hear it’s a good product because it tastes good in either vanilla or chocolate and mixes well with whatever liquid you use. I use any of these 1% milk or oat milk, water, blend with fruits.
Amazon Customer –
I love drinking Country Farms. I eat less in a day than most eat for Break Fast. Hahaha. No, I’m not joking. I drink it a lot in the spring, summer, and fall. Sincerely,
Pammy –
I’ve been buying this shake for a couple of years now. It was recommended by my healthcare provider. I am huge chocoholic and so it had to taste good. This shake does that. I mix with Almond Milk and a banana in my BlendJet with some crushed iced. Mixes perfectly. For those complaining about it not mixing well, buy a BlendJet or another small blender and you will be happy. I hope Country Farms will offer a larger size as the 12 servings one goes fast!