COSRX Acne Blemish Spot Drying Lotion 1.01 fl. oz / 30ml – Tratamento para Manchas de Acne
A loção COSRX Acne Blemish Spot Drying é o tratamento ideal para suas preocupações com acne! Com uma fórmula poderosa, essa loção é projetada para tratar e secar as espinhas, cravos e manchas, proporcionando uma pele mais clara e saudável.
- Tratamento de Manchas de Acne: Essa loção é perfeita para tratar suas preocupações com acne. Basta aplicar diretamente nas áreas afetadas para obter resultados eficazes.
- Calma e Secagem: Para espinhas e cravos profundos ou superficiais, aplique a loção para acalmar e secar as impurezas da pele.
- Ingredientes Chave: A loção contém 12% de Calamina, 6% de Óxido de Zinco, 1.500 ppm de Ácido Salicílico e Vitamina B12 (Cianocobalamina), que ajudam a tratar e prevenir a acne.
- Livre de Manchas e Imperfeições: Deixe a loção agir e faça seu trabalho para limpar sua pele, deixando-a livre de manchas e imperfeições.
- Padrões COSRX: Todos os produtos COSRX são formulados com ingredientes que são suaves para a pele e aliviam irritações. Além disso, são hipoalergênicos, testados por dermatologistas, livres de testes em animais, parabenos, sulfatos e ftalatos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Tratamento Eficaz: A loção COSRX Acne Blemish Spot Drying é altamente eficaz no tratamento de manchas de acne, proporcionando resultados visíveis.
- Fórmula Poderosa: Com ingredientes como Calamina, Óxido de Zinco, Ácido Salicílico e Vitamina B12, essa loção possui uma fórmula poderosa que combate a acne e promove uma pele mais saudável.
- Marca Confiável: A COSRX é uma marca renomada no cuidado da pele, conhecida por seus produtos de alta qualidade e eficácia comprovada.
- Segurança Garantida: Todos os produtos COSRX são dermatologicamente testados, hipoalergênicos e livres de substâncias prejudiciais, garantindo segurança e cuidado para a sua pele.
- Resultados Duradouros: Com o uso regular da loção COSRX Acne Blemish Spot Drying, você poderá desfrutar de resultados duradouros, mantendo sua pele livre de manchas e imperfeições.
– Para obter melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade da loção diretamente nas áreas afetadas pela acne. Deixe secar completamente antes de aplicar outros produtos de cuidados com a pele. Use diariamente, de manhã e à noite, para obter melhores resultados.
Snow Aiko –
I didn’t start getting acne until after my second child at 27 years old. Now every month, a few days before my cycle I get painful, inflamed, red cystic acne that is IMPOSSIBLE to hide. I’ve tried zit stickers- the ones by peach slices worked the best but still not good enough. It’s embarrassing and people stare at it while talking to me.
I decided to look up some more products and I couldn’t find too much info on this product but the few reviews it has sounded promising.
Let me tell you- my stubborn cystic acne was almost completely gone the next morning. I used it again the second night and when I woke up they were FLAT. NOT PAINFUL. You could still see where they were, and it did dry out the area but that’s the point. Whatever gunk was inside of those pimples was completely gone in two days and my skin started healing and shed a new layer in less than 48 hours.
So if you suffer from this type of acne I highly recommend using this product. I am 30 now and for three years I haven’t found a single thing to work for these problematic pimples.
Kailey –
I bought this spot drying lotion thinking it would make my acne shrink, but it doesn’t really make too much of an impact. My spots stay the same size and don’t change even with repeated use of the lotion. It also weirdly flakes and falls off of my face after it dries, which is a bit annoying. I will say that the reusable q-tip is convenient though.
Lizzie Villevenue –
I’ve dealt with acne more than half my life, and while it’s mostly a good diet, vitamins, drinking lots of water, a silk pillowcase, and washing face towels frequently that’s improved my acne, I still get spots occasionally, and drying them out with this stuff as soon as they start to come up really helps. The liquid hardens pretty quickly after you put it on your spot, and you just sleep with it on and wake up with less redness. Super handy stuff, and it’s worked well for me.
It does say not to shake the contents so the powder and the liquid don’t mix, but if you do, it’s not a big deal, it will separate again in time. Obviously it will get mixed up in the process of being delivered to you, but it settled down in time for me to use it the night I got it.
💛 –
Samantha –
First off, it comes with a reusable almost rubber-like cotton swab! It works well on my problem spots. make sure you read the instructions It tells you not to shake it … the first time I shook it lol would buy it again its lasted for a while
IP –
Wanted to find more natural products and having used M. Badescu before, thought would give this a try. Ok overall but not as quick working as patches and sulfur based mask/creams.
Bridget Vetter –
I don’t usually write product reviews, but this is worth the effort. I get hormonal cystic acne that nothing can touch. Not retin-a, not regular salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide barely makes a dent. THIS STUFF WORKS. I started getting a monster pimple on my chin last Thursday and treated it with this spot treatment promptly. Normally these things will just sit underground for a couple weeks before taking their final form as a stubborn red spot. But by Saturday afternoon and after 2 overnight applications (this is gross, but bear with me), this baby was ready to pop. And boy did it, reducing the bump to about 1/3 the size. I kept applying nightly and by yesterday morning (Tuesday), the spot was almost flat and only a little pink. Today the bump is completely gone and so is probably 95% of the redness. This stuff did in under week what other stuff can’t do in a month. I haven’t used it on smaller spots yet but I’d be willing to bet it would clear them in a day or two. If they ever discontinue or change this I will simply perish. A GODSEND.
AlwaysUpEarly –
Easy to use, dip straight to the bottom of the glass bottle, tap the excess, then apply. Use a small makeup brush to apply product from the reusable silicone swab if you want to wear under makeup. You will want to use a remover or soap/water to get it off…I tried to use a wet clothe one morning after sleeping with it on, and it was not doing the job lol.
CJ –
This product gave me like a breakout so bad and nearly a chemical burn. So frustrated because my face was finally clearing up and I just had to try another COSRX product. Well they’re not all good products now I know. Maybe for someone else’s skin type definitely not mine. These blemishes bled when trying to rinse this product off and got my skin so irritated and red still! It’s been four days already left real scars on me that look like scabs it’s gross!