Restaure e rejuvenesça com o Creme Restaurador Total para os Olhos da Cosmedica Skincare, 20ml – Creme Anti-Envelhecimento para os Olhos com Hidratação Intensa e Ativos que Estimulam o Colágeno para Firmar e Rejuvenescer os Olhos Delicados
O Creme Restaurador Total para os Olhos da Cosmedica Skincare é um tratamento rejuvenescedor e restaurador que atua diretamente nas olheiras, bolsas nos olhos, olhos inchados e pés de galinha. Este creme oferece uma solução eficaz para iluminar, firmar, hidratar, levantar e tonificar a pele delicada ao redor da área dos olhos, proporcionando um olhar mais jovem e vibrante.
Com uma fórmula de alta qualidade, o creme é enriquecido com ingredientes naturais que promovem a hidratação ativa, como Óleo de Jojoba, Óleo de Semente de Uva, Esqualeno, Prímula e Aloe. Esses componentes trabalham em sinergia para revitalizar a pele cansada e sem brilho ao redor dos olhos. O Chá Verde, conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, aumenta a circulação e acalma a vermelhidão ou descoloração, contribuindo para um aspecto mais saudável.
A fórmula também é enriquecida com Vitamina C e Peptídeo Coenzima Q10, além de Ácido Lático e MSM, que atuam na renovação celular, oferecendo benefícios anti-envelhecimento que combatem e reduzem a aparência de linhas finas e rugas. Este creme é ideal para peles sensíveis, pois não contém Parabenos, corantes artificiais ou fragrâncias artificiais, garantindo um cuidado seguro e eficaz. Fabricado nos EUA, o produto vem com uma garantia de satisfação completa, permitindo que você experimente sem riscos.
O Creme Restaurador Total para os Olhos da Cosmedica Skincare é, sem dúvida, o melhor creme anti-envelhecimento para os olhos, proporcionando resultados visíveis e duradouros.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Reduz olheiras e bolsas nos olhos
- Hidrata e revitaliza a pele ao redor dos olhos
- Estimula a produção de colágeno para uma pele mais firme
- Reduz a aparência de linhas finas e rugas
- Fabricado nos EUA e livre de substâncias prejudiciais
O Creme Restaurador Total para os Olhos oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Ele não apenas reduz olheiras e bolsas, mas também proporciona uma hidratação intensa que revitaliza a pele ao redor dos olhos. A estimulação da produção de colágeno resulta em uma pele mais firme e tonificada, enquanto a redução de linhas finas e rugas contribui para um olhar mais jovem. Além disso, por ser fabricado nos EUA e livre de substâncias prejudiciais, você pode usar o produto com confiança, sabendo que está cuidando da sua pele de forma segura e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade do Creme Restaurador Total para os Olhos ao redor da área dos olhos, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, após a limpeza e tonificação da pele. Massageie suavemente com a ponta dos dedos até que o creme seja completamente absorvido. Evite o contato direto com os olhos. Para resultados otimizados, recomenda-se o uso regular do produto.
Keith McCoy –
Great moisturizer, doesn’t break you out which for me is great because I break out easily, but was not that impressed with this eye cream because it didn’t do anything noticeable, however I’ve only been using it a few days and haven’t seen any change in my crows feet…yet. I am a huge fan of this companies hyaluronic acid, I’ve bought both their 4 ounce and 8 ounce sizes. I highly recommend those for they work and can see results instantly. I am thirty years old and have a bad case of crows feet around my eyes and general sagginess in the cheekbone area and wrinkles from many years of early on smoking. I put the hyaluronic acid on first which always does wonders and then put this cream on. I was truly hoping for another miracle like with the hya, however for me this was not an instant result. However, it’s very smooth and light and moisturizing. I suppose it is nice as far as a moisturizer and it didn’t seem to break out my skin which is good, however it didn’t do anything for my puffiness. I had allergies pretty bad a few times and bad puffiness and quickly got the jar, and it did not work. I will buy this again as an overall moisturizer, its light and doesn’t break out the skin. I guess I need to give a bit longer if it’s going to give noticeable results.
UPDATE: Year later, no results. Just a good moisturizer
Amazon Customer –
I have been using this product since June and I have definitely seen a LASTING improvement around my eyes.(I am sorry, but I do not have personal before and after photos that I am willing to share online). I took a chance on some of the other Cosmedica skin care products, such as the vitamin C serum, and Retinol, and more, and I am ecstatic over the results! I have used, Clinique, Estee Lauder, and more, and the Cosmedica products have surpassed the high end names, without the high end prices. I also had a question about how to use the products, and the order in which I should apply, and got a call back response within 12 hours and a representatives personal cell to return the call.Although I have only been using since June, I still have ample amount of product left, I just recently reordered some because I want to continue use! I have had great products that I have used in the past suddenly disappear from the market and I hope that is not the case with Cosmedica!! And please, Cosmedica, don’t raise your prices because of my raving review!
Stephanie Grasman –
I really like this product and think it is very effective, I even started using it all over my face, not just around my eyes. I’ve noticed it makes a big difference with fine lines, pore size, and overall skin texture (I think it’s the glycolic acid that does it, mainly). However, sensitive skin types may not be able to use this every day (they do warn you of this fact on the label as well). Around my eyes I can really only use it every other day, but I still see the results from this. I actually wish they’d offer it in a slightly larger size.
Bellabella –
I bought this in June and didn’t start using it until this month so I can’t return it…my bad. I don’t know why but this irritated the heck out of my eyes – really bothered my contacts. My skin isn’t especially sensitive so not sure what the problem is.
buyer –
As a gal with “Mature” skin 😉 I have had issues with fine lines, puffiness under my eyes and dark circles . There has been quite a few products that I have tried to minimize these issues throughout the years and have found that this product has started to provide results in the first week of using it. I apply it in the morning ( reduces the puffiness!) and in the evening. The fine lines are not as prominent and the discoloration of the dark circles has improved . I noticed by the end of the week I was using less cover up under my eyes which is a huge plus! This a new staple for me to use in my eye area !
I am in my early 40’s and regularly have gotten botox and laid off for a while. The eye area is my biggest concern and this cream goes on and you can feel it working. It has a cool feel. I live in a warm climate so I may even stick it in the fridge and then apply to help aid with the puffy eyes. A trick that I learned in beauty school. You can also use this and other eye products with others. I use the olay roller ball eye and will use this with it at night and during day this if it is not too heavy. It seems to absorb well. I am trying it today for the first time. But instant reaction is that it works because you can feel the acid going to town exfoliating. I have sensitive skin so going to see how it goes. Probably why the directions say every other night – it may cause redness. I will update after I use it for a month.
Amazon Customer –
I really like this brand and use all 3 of their serums, which are great. I was excited to get the eye cream as I’ve been searching for a long time for one that has what I need- lots of moisture, and targets dark circles. The container I received had some product separation when I opened it, which could have been normal extra heat during shipping. Expiration is 2023 so it’s a newly manufactured product. I decided to try to remix the product. It’s a bit chunky but it does smooth easily when smoothed between my fingers. I’m just not sure this is the typical texture or if the product has been compromised. I’ve tried contacting the company directly and they are not responding to me. It doesn’t sting my eyes or anything and it glides on pretty well. It head a slight smell, kind of sour/acidy but the label says it contains AHA so that could be the smell. I wish I could figure if this is all normal or not.
Susan K. –
I just started using this cream and have found it to be very good for the tiny and fine lines that appear around my eyes. I use it under makeup and definitely before I go to bed each night. It seems to work a lot better than anything that I have tried “over the counter”. Also, it isn’t greasy and obvious if I use it around my eyes when I don’t have makeup on so I can use it all day long. If it works this well all the way through my first jar, I will definitely be ordering another jar for continuing use.