A Loção de Cicatrização Intensiva para Eczema Cortizone 10, com 100ml (3,5 onças), é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para quem sofre com os desconfortos do eczema. Este produto foi desenvolvido para proporcionar alívio rápido e duradouro, aliviando a coceira e a irritação que frequentemente acompanham essa condição. Sua fórmula de ação rápida contém hidrocortisona, um ingrediente ativo que atua diretamente na fonte da coceira, proporcionando um alívio quase imediato. Além disso, a loção é enriquecida com 7 hidratantes e um complexo botânico que não apenas acalmam a pele, mas também ajudam a restaurar a barreira protetora natural da pele, promovendo uma aparência saudável e revitalizada.
A textura suave e de fácil aplicação da loção permite que ela deslize com facilidade sobre a pele, garantindo que o produto seja absorvido rapidamente, sem deixar resíduos pegajosos. Isso a torna ideal para uso em diversas áreas do corpo, incluindo rosto, corpo e até mesmo nas unhas, oferecendo alívio para irritações e inflamações leves. O eczema pode ser uma condição desafiadora, afetando não apenas a saúde da pele, mas também a autoestima. Com a Loção de Cicatrização Intensiva para Eczema Cortizone 10, você pode recuperar a confiança em sua pele, desfrutando de um alívio eficaz e de uma aparência mais saudável.
– Alívio da Coceira: A fórmula com hidrocortisona proporciona um alívio rápido e eficaz da coceira causada pelo eczema.
– Fórmula Calmante: Contém 7 hidratantes e um complexo botânico que ajudam a acalmar a pele e restaurar sua aparência saudável.
– Fácil de Espalhar: A textura suave permite uma aplicação simples e rápida, garantindo um alívio intenso e duradouro.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser aplicada em todo o corpo, incluindo áreas sensíveis como o rosto e as unhas, para tratar irritações leves.
– Melhora na Aparência da Pele: Ajuda a restaurar a saúde da pele afetada pelo eczema, promovendo uma aparência mais uniforme e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique a Loção de Cicatrização Intensiva para Eczema Cortizone 10 diretamente na área afetada da pele. Massageie suavemente até que a loção seja completamente absorvida. Utilize conforme necessário para alívio imediato da coceira e para ajudar na restauração da saúde da sua pele. É importante consultar um médico antes de usar o produto em crianças menores de 2 anos.
Amanda N –
I was diagnosed with eczema last year and was prescribed a topical cream. I got a huge flare up again this year and asked my dr for an rx refill. She wanted to see me before filling the rx (understandably) but I didn’t have time to go in for a while. I did some research and bought this product. I used about 2-3x a day for a week and the results are amazing!!! I also used a cold washcloth the very first day to keep my foot moisturized and that, along with this, worked wonders. It stopped the itch and healed my skin in one week! My foot was red, cracked, itch, and oozing. Using this 2x a day for a week completely healed me. I am still using it as it’s not 100% healed (still a little red and dry) but you can see the difference in my foot/leg in my pictures. I would highly recommend!!!
Mike D. –
My 17month old daughter has always had Eczema but this month out of nowhere she suffered a horrible flare up. Both of her little legs and arms looked burned and she was miserable. Nothing was working and I actually made her an appointment with her pediatric dermatologist but bought this and two other new products to try while waiting on her appointment. I received this in the mail this morning and immediately put it on her. I noticed almost I instantly that she wasn’t digging as much. By her next diaper change her legs looked 50% better after that initial application. I did it again this evening and I’m just amazed at the difference in her skin. I’ve already ordered more and could have saved so much if I would have found this sooner. I will continue to buy this until she no longer needs this. AMAZING!!!!
SlimJim –
My 22 month old son has been suffering from Eczema ever since he was a few months old. We’ve tried Aquafor, Desitin, natural remedies, Eucerin, pretty much everything you could think of. I noticed just minutes after applying the cream on his skin he wasn’t itching anywhere near as much as he was before and he would itch sometimes until he bled. I noticed too the next day it wasn’t as red as it would normally be due to the immediate relief. It’s been 3.5 days and I’m noticing excellent results. It’s a smaller tube, price is worth it and you do go through it quicker but I will keep buying this product if it means my son is getting relief from itching and the Eczema isn’t as apparent.
AmandaAmazon –
I have eczema and have used cortisone products for decades. This works the best of them all.
Shan –
Helps so quickly
Amanda T. –
I have had a rash on two of my fingers for months. I don’t have eczema so I didn’t know how I got the rash. It kept getting worse and I kept saying I was going to go to the doctor but I really didn’t want to. I decided to at least give an over the counter cream a try before I went to the doctor. The reason I bought this product was because it said healing on it. I didn’t just want temporary relief. I wanted the rash to go away. In less than a week my rash was gone and it hasn’t been back. I have had the rash for months and months and now my fingers look like I never had a rash at all. I also gave it to my mom because she had a little patch of dry skin by her ear and nothing she was using fixed it. She used this for a week and it was gone. This product really works.
Amanda N –
Little to no greasiness. The smoothness of this product is great!!
Mike D. –
Literally the best thing for my eczema prone skin. The only product I know that will heal any cracked skin overnight, especially on my hands.
If your skin is especially cracked, it may burn for a moment when first applied, but I promise it works so well.
It’s closer to a cream in consistency than a normal body lotion, and you need such a tiny amount to start.
I’ve also used it *very* sparingly near my eyes when I suffered from eczema there for over a year before using it, and it cleared it so quickly. Now all I use is my facial moisturizer (without steroids) consistently. Now only if I get a deep itchy feeling will I use the tiniest droplet on both my eyelids, and it soothes it immediately.
Pro tip: I didn’t realize for many years dealing with eczema that you should continue to put a steroid based product (like this) on skin once the itchiness is gone but it is still red, so the irritation doesn’t come back (similar to finishing a full course of antibiotics). Changed my life once I found that out.
Lea –
So I have had eczema all my life but in more recent years I’ve had it specifically on my hands. This product is the only thing besides prescribed steroid cream, that gets my flare ups under control. It’s super hard to control eczema on your hands since you’re constantly washing them, thus stripping away any moisture. I love this lotion because compared to Eucerin (which is actually recommended by dermatologist for eczema) it’s not greasy or heavy and it works right away. There’s no scent or perfume to irritate your skin. Everyone’s eczema flare ups are different so I can’t guarantee this will work for you and other areas of the body. But I definitely would recommend that if you have scaly, dry hand eczema like me, that you try this product out.