Cortador de Comprimidos para Vários Comprimidos de uma Vez, Divisor de Comprimidos para Comprimidos Pequenos e Minúsculos, Cortador de Comprimidos para Comprimidos Pequenos ou Grandes, Divisor de Comprimidos com Lâmina Oculta em Aço Inoxidável Afiado
O Cortador de Comprimidos para Vários Comprimidos de uma Vez é a solução ideal para quem busca eficiência e praticidade no dia a dia. Com a capacidade de cortar múltiplos comprimidos simultaneamente, este dispositivo inovador transforma uma tarefa muitas vezes demorada em um processo rápido e descomplicado. Após rigorosos testes, comprovamos que é possível dividir até 200 comprimidos pequenos em apenas 15 minutos, otimizando seu tempo e esforço.
O design ajustável do cortador permite que ele se adapte a comprimidos de diferentes tamanhos, variando de 5mm a 12mm, com pesos que vão de 2.5mg a 480mg. Essa versatilidade garante cortes precisos e eficientes, independentemente do tipo de medicamento que você precisa dividir.
Equipado com uma almofada antiderrapante e tiras de silicone, o cortador mantém os comprimidos firmemente no lugar durante o uso, evitando que se desfaçam e garantindo cortes limpos e sem desperdício. A lâmina oculta de aço inoxidável, afiada e segura, proporciona um corte eficaz, enquanto o design cuidadoso assegura que a lâmina permaneça protegida quando o cortador não está em uso.
Utilizar o cortador de comprimidos é extremamente simples. Basta organizar os comprimidos na área de corte, ajustar suas posições e pressionar o cortador para realizar o corte. Cada detalhe foi pensado para tornar o processo ainda mais prático e acessível.
- Agiliza o processo de corte de comprimidos, economizando tempo.
- Design ajustável que se adapta a comprimidos de diferentes tamanhos.
- Almofada antiderrapante e tiras de silicone garantem cortes precisos e seguros.
- Lâmina afiada de aço inoxidável proporciona cortes limpos e eficazes.
- Fácil de usar, tornando o dia a dia mais prático e eficiente.
Para utilizar o Cortador de Comprimidos, siga as etapas abaixo:
- Organize os comprimidos de forma ordenada na área de corte, garantindo que estejam alinhados corretamente.
- Ajuste a posição dos comprimidos conforme necessário para assegurar um corte preciso e uniforme.
- Pressione firmemente o cortador para baixo, aplicando uma pressão constante para realizar o corte dos comprimidos.
- Retire os comprimidos cortados com cuidado e armazene-os adequadamente em um recipiente apropriado.
It worked well to split pills, but was not wide enough to easily hold wide oblong pills. I had to split the oblong pills at an angle.
Connie –
Loaded my small pills, and pushed down. All were perfectly cut.
Doug Parks –
Can easily line up pills evenly by using little wheel. Excellent
Feet are in clouds –
My wife has to take 1 1/2 of this type of pills. They are pre-scored so one can be cut in half. To make cuts faster, and easier, I ordered one of these. Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to line up the pills perfectly straight so you inevitably end up with mangled, or unevenly cut pills with lots of pill “dust” along the way. I used it a few times, gave up, and returned it.
Joyce Emerick –
I had the smallest pills to cut in half and this worked beautifully!! After purchasing one from the store and getting very poor results I checked Amazon. This cutter out performed the one I previously bought! I would give it 10 ⭐️’s if I could!!!
Susan –
you can cut 5-6 small pills and the they all cut evenly
Daniel Grenier –
It works but not accurate for small pills.
Jill M Nixon –
Still leaves quite a bit crumbs from pills. Sometimes doesn’t make a clean cut.
Feet are in clouds –
My cat was recently put on Prozac. The pills are tiny and almost impossible to cut by hand. This product makes it super easy to chop her pills in half. I don’t have a photo of the pills in it, but here’s a photo of her before she tried to murder me for shoving a pill down her throat.
Dirk Fretz –
Versus the wobbly imprecise Walgreens pill cutter I’ve been using lately, this pill cutter is immensely better. First of all, the cutting razor cover isn’t wobbly because there’s not a lot of side to side back and forth motion on the cover hinge. The left and right insides of the top outer cover fit very snugly against the top inner left and right sides of the base, leading to near zero wiggle.
When it comes to getting used to how this pill cutter works, don’t practice with your prescription medication pills. Practice cuts with inexpensive over the counter (otc) pills like 81 mg aspirin, 325 mg aspirin, or 200 mg ibuprofen. A quick hand slap, finger poke, or knuckle rap on the cover end will give a good cut. Slow cutting actions will lead to pill crumbles and bits. Although, some pills might cut cleaner than others based on their material composition and the pressing process used to create the pills. So, not every pill cut is going to be perfect, but good technique will be helpful.
You don’t have to align the pill score mark with the middle of the cutting pad to get nearly 50/50 perfect pill cuts. Instead, turn pills over to the non-scored side and cut from that point. I’m not sure if it’s necessary to make sure pills are as flat as they can be against the cutting pad after adjusting the slider bars against any pills. To be safe, pressing your finger over the top of a pill or a set of pills should be enough to seat them properly against the cutting pad. When everything seems flat, you’re ready to cut.
Now, the cutting razor might flatten any tilted pills against the cutting pad during contact and negate the need to do it manually, or it might cut tilted pills at an odd angle instead. Then again, maybe tilted pills are a non-existent issue. I’m only thinking tilted pills are plausible if they are inadvertently tilted by contact with the closing slider bars and nearby pills while the adjustment wheel is tightened. So, I don’t know the answer, particularly since I cut pills one at a time on an as needed basis. If nothing else, you can experiment with otc pills to see what happens.
1/4 pill cuts are a little trickier. Do the best you can to align the 1/2 pill between the two slider bars first. As you adjust the slider bars towards and against the 1/2 pill, it may start to roll up or down on the cutting pad. When the pill starts to roll, you’ll have stop moving the adjustment wheel and then use your index finger, pinky finger, or something else to nudge the 1/2 pill to the best centered position. Afterwards, tightening the adjustment wheel from that point will usually lock that 1/2 pill in that best centered position for cutting.
There may be better ways to do these types of cuts than I’ve described. So don’t lock yourself into one way of thinking. Think outside of the box.