Cortador e Divisor de Comprimidos – Corta Pílulas
O Cortador e Divisor de Comprimidos é uma ferramenta essencial para quem busca praticidade e precisão no corte de pílulas, vitaminas e tabletes. Com uma lâmina de aço inoxidável de alta durabilidade, este produto garante cortes limpos e exatos, facilitando a administração de medicamentos. Além disso, ele vem acompanhado de um recipiente de armazenamento, permitindo que você mantenha seus comprimidos organizados e seguros. Disponível em cores variadas, o cortador combina funcionalidade e estilo, tornando-se um item indispensável na rotina de cuidados com a saúde.
- Design Ergonômico: Facilita o manuseio e proporciona conforto durante o uso.
- Armazenamento Seguro: O recipiente embutido mantém os comprimidos protegidos e acessíveis.
- Corte Preciso: A lâmina de aço inoxidável assegura um corte exato, evitando desperdícios.
- Compacto e Portátil: Ideal para levar em viagens ou para o dia a dia, ocupando pouco espaço.
- Durabilidade Garantida: Construído para resistir ao uso frequente, mantendo sua eficácia ao longo do tempo.
O Cortador e Divisor de Comprimidos oferece uma série de vantagens que podem transformar a sua experiência com medicamentos. Primeiramente, ele proporciona um corte preciso, permitindo que você ajuste a dosagem de acordo com as suas necessidades. Em segundo lugar, o armazenamento seguro dos comprimidos evita a perda e garante que você tenha sempre o que precisa à mão. Além disso, sua construção robusta assegura que o produto dure por muito tempo, economizando dinheiro a longo prazo. O design compacto facilita o transporte, tornando-o ideal para quem está sempre em movimento. Por fim, a facilidade de uso reduz o esforço necessário para cortar os comprimidos, tornando a administração de medicamentos uma tarefa simples e rápida.
Para utilizar o Cortador e Divisor de Comprimidos de forma eficaz, siga os passos abaixo:
- Abra o compartimento de armazenamento localizado na parte inferior do cortador;
- Insira o comprimido na área designada, posicionando-o sobre a lâmina de aço inoxidável;
- Feche o cortador firmemente, garantindo que o comprimido esteja bem posicionado;
- Aplique uma leve pressão sobre a tampa para realizar o corte;
- Abra o cortador e remova as partes cortadas, armazenando-as conforme necessário.
Stella Anthony –
Works well!
Reader –
My mom needed to halve her B/P pills when her dosage was reduced, and this worked perfectly. Easy, effective.
Beverly Robinson –
Easy to use.
Matthew –
To cut large pills
Bobby Lynn –
Nice cutter but the surface is very slippery so it is hard to use to cut the pill in quarters
Matthew –
Pro-tip: this works best on scored tablets and responds best to a rather gentle push and not a firm one during the tablet cutting process. In the first picture you can see it worked out pretty well. Second picture is an example of it not working so well. It’s kind of hit-or-miss but for an affordable option for my uses and mostly it does the trick. In all honesty though, the search for a good pill cutter may continue–even if this is, for its unpredictability, better than many others tried.
Amazon Customer –
the product is easy to use, I would recommend to anyone
The Yellow House –
Overall this is a pretty good item for my purposes, but there are pros and cons. I chose this cutter because I’ve been looking for one that doesn’t have the safety guards – it’s easy to accidentally get the piece of the pill trapped in the safety guard when you open it.
This one works pretty well for my purposes in terms of being sharp and cutting cleanly. However, I don’t need to cut them perfectly in half, and I know that’s a deal breaker for a lot of folks. The pills I take are also very hard, so the cutter is able to cut cleanly through them, even all the way down into super small pieces. However, the lack of “padding” on the cutting surface (usually silicone) means that the pill does slide around a lot, and pieces even flip out onto the floor if you open it too fast. Even though I don’t have to worry about it being cut perfectly in half, sometimes it slips to the point where only a tiny part of the edge gets shaved off. Ironically, even though it’s slippery, it’s very hard to turn the pill 90 degrees if you’re trying to cut into quarters. Lastly, there are two compartments, but both are so small/narrow it’s really hard to get the pieces out. You can turn it upside down to let them fall into your hand, but that means if you are using one of them for storage, those pills come out as well, creating a bit of a mess and more likely to spill the whole thing.
This does the job and will work for the moment, but unfortunately it looks like I’m still on the hunt for one that works best for me (with a silicone surface, no blade guard, and no extra compartments.)
Arlene R. –
This cuts the pills precisely in half without having any crumbles.
I used to have to cut bupropion in quarters for my dog (now just in half). This pill is not intended to be split, so it’s very thick. It broke two of my other pill cutters over time. This pill cutter cuts it with no problem! I also like this pill cutter for tiny pills like ondansetron because the blade is lower profile, as I called it. So it can reach the tiniest of pills to cut in half. I am a pharmacy technician at an animal hospital and I had my clinic switch over to these pill cutters instead of our old ones that we give out to clients. Really superior, basic pill cutter.