Descrição do Produto: CoQ10 200mg (Double Strength), 120 Cápsulas
O CoQ10 200mg (Double Strength) da NutriONN é um suplemento de alta absorção que oferece uma forma pura e natural de Coenzima Q10, reconhecida por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde. Cada cápsula contém 200mg de CoQ10, proporcionando um suprimento de 4 meses em uma única embalagem, o que representa uma excelente relação custo-benefício, especialmente quando comparado a outras marcas disponíveis no mercado. Este produto é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, seguindo rigorosos padrões de boas práticas de fabricação (GMP), garantindo a qualidade e a eficácia do suplemento.
A Coenzima Q10 é essencial para o funcionamento básico das células, desempenhando um papel crucial na produção de energia e na manutenção da saúde do sistema imunológico e nervoso. Com o avanço da idade e a presença de certas condições de saúde, os níveis de CoQ10 no organismo tendem a diminuir, tornando a suplementação uma opção viável para restaurar esses níveis e promover uma vida mais saudável. O CoQ10 também é conhecido por contribuir para a saúde da pele, aumentando a vitalidade e a resistência do organismo.
Com 120 cápsulas de alta absorção por frasco, o CoQ10 da NutriONN oferece o dobro da quantidade de miligramas e valor em comparação a outras marcas, tornando-se uma escolha inteligente para quem busca qualidade e eficácia. Além disso, a NutriONN oferece uma promessa de satisfação com garantia de devolução do dinheiro, assegurando que você tenha a melhor experiência de compra.
– Suporte ao sistema imunológico e nervoso, promovendo uma saúde geral melhorada.
– Aumento dos níveis de energia e resistência, ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida ativo.
– Melhora na saúde da pele, contribuindo para uma aparência mais jovem e vibrante.
– Suplementação eficaz para compensar a diminuição natural de CoQ10 com a idade.
– Garantia de satisfação com devolução do dinheiro, proporcionando segurança na compra.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de CoQ10 200mg diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição que contenha gordura, pois isso pode aumentar a absorção do suplemento. É importante seguir as orientações do rótulo e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Lilac –
COQ10 was prescribed my daughter as a supplement\medication, he felt it would help her along with her memory function and focus. I have found that my daughter does and she seem to have more focus, she also seems to have more energy, and her schoolwork does seem to be improving as well. So I have reordered this for a second time and do plan on it to order it again in the future! I do feel that this product is worth the money that you pay for it and it came in the mail very quickly!!!! I would recommend this product!
I was contacted by one of the representatives and she was very nice over the phone she asked me if I had any concerns or any issues with the product I explained to her that I did not and that I do like the product very much and I appreciated her calling me to ask me how it was going! Thank you again to her for contacting me and making sure that this product is doing well for my daughter. 🙂
Mark –
Honestly not sure that I feel any different after taking it every day for two weeks. I should have been monitoring my blood pressure daily but I have not. I FEEL like it helps me recover quicker when my muscles are sore post working out, but that isn’t a reliable way to quantify anything. So I cannot attest to its efficacy for body, heart, energy, or mind. I am on the fence as to whether or not I will reorder when I run out, I mainly jumped on this due to a sale to give it a shot.
The package is clean, all of the pills are whole and easy to swallow. Not sure what more there is to say.
PeaceBeWithYou –
I think this is a very cost-effective way to get good quality CoQ10. I take CoQ10 for heart palpitations, along with magnesium, and I notice if I stop taking it for a while. This CoQ10 is delivering a good result, the price is right, and it came quickly with good packaging. Also, NutriONN is a small company so it’s nice to support them. Give it a try!
My extremely holistically healthy sister insisted that I take CoQ10 as I am taking a statin, much to her dismay. She instructed me to look for the CoQ10 in the ubiquinol form and that I should take 200 mg a day. I like this product because I can get the 200 mg in one pill so it is much more cost effective. I seem to be one of those people who hasn’t really noticed any positive effect from the addition of CoQ10 to my daily regime but there certainly aren’t any negatives either! I will continue purchasing this brand.
skeele –
this is a great product. I did my own research as to which product is the best for getting the highest quality CoQ10 as well as getting it in a usable form inside my body… this was the product that scored the highest. I recommend it to anyone who is health/heart conscience!
David Hamrock –
I have used this product for a little over a month. It has helped with my knee pain, I needed to wear a brace to help take pressure off my left knee and now both knees are doing so much better, and I hardly use brace now. I’m sleeping much better. Also not hitting that 4pm low energy feeling that us old guys get. I know there are less expensive products out there, but after doing some research I picked this and it has been wonderful and will become part of my daily supplement.
LSHuck –
I gave this item 4 stars because I do not know how you rate such an item. It is a supplement that I believe I should take at my age and condition. I take what it says on the package label as to its quality as being truthful, but I have no ability to scientifically attest to it’s truthfulness. I don’t feel any different if I take it or don’t take it but because I understand my body needs CoQ10 I take it. The product is shipped fast and the capsules are a pretty yellow. Don’t know what else to say.
Sisyphus –
Will buy again