Descrição do Produto:
A Promixx Pursuit Shaker Bottle é a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e estilo em um único produto. Com capacidade de 18oz, esta garrafa de aço inoxidável isolada na elegante cor Ocean Calm Blue é perfeita para manter suas bebidas na temperatura ideal, seja quente ou fria. Seu design ergonômico e leve facilita o transporte, tornando-a uma companheira indispensável para o dia a dia, seja na academia, no trabalho ou em passeios ao ar livre. A tecnologia de mistura Vortex™ garante que seus shakes de proteína e outras bebidas sejam misturados de forma homogênea, eliminando grumos e proporcionando uma textura suave. Além disso, a tampa à prova de vazamentos e o bico de fácil abertura tornam o uso ainda mais prático, permitindo que você se mantenha hidratado sem preocupações.
1. Isolamento Térmico: Mantém suas bebidas quentes ou frias por mais tempo, ideal para qualquer clima.
2. Mistura Eficiente: A tecnologia Vortex™ garante uma mistura perfeita, eliminando grumos e proporcionando uma experiência agradável.
3. Design Portátil: Leve e fácil de transportar, perfeita para levar à academia, trabalho ou viagens.
4. Durabilidade: Fabricada em aço inoxidável, é resistente e livre de BPA, garantindo segurança e longevidade.
5. Fácil Limpeza: Pode ser lavada na máquina de lavar louça, facilitando a manutenção e o uso diário.
Para utilizar a Promixx Pursuit Shaker Bottle, comece adicionando a quantidade desejada de líquido (água, leite ou bebida vegetal) na garrafa. Em seguida, acrescente o pó de proteína ou outros ingredientes de sua preferência. Feche bem a tampa e agite vigorosamente por alguns segundos para ativar a tecnologia Vortex™. Para garantir uma mistura ainda mais homogênea, você pode utilizar a função de mistura contínua, que permite que a bebida seja misturada enquanto você se movimenta. Após o uso, basta enxaguar ou colocar na máquina de lavar louça para uma limpeza rápida e eficiente.
Big Red Atl –
Truly love how this fits in my hand and keeps my water cold for a long time. Opening is easy to flip up with a finger, yet stays in place even when I’m moving about with it in my hand. Doesn’t accidentally pop open.
My only issue is that the first (and only) time I dropped it on the tile floor, a hairline crack formed in the top, so now it leaks a little if I’m drinking from a full container. Not a huge deal, but wish the top was sturdier than that.
Ganesh –
Sturdy build quality and super easy to clean and use . Very good for protien shake and it looks great. Not too heavy .
JOY A. –
Nothing but good things to say! Mixes powder well and keep the liquid cold. I have a protein shake in the morning and then this is my water bottle, keeping the contents cold for hours.
It’s a solid, well built bottle and no mixing ball, that gets lost, required.
Easy to clean with the removable screen.
matthew –
I had planned to buy one of the super expensive ones, but compared to the others I’ve had, this one is much easier to clean and seals perfectly. I’ve always spilled my shakes because the lid wasn’t on tight, but I haven’t had that issue with this one. The top goes on smoothly, and I highly recommend this budget-friendly alternative.
matthew –
Es resistente, si mantiene la temperatura, no guarda olores, el batidor se puede separar para lavarlo bien, no tiene fuga y es silencioso al mezclar
Micah –
My husband bought a large Pack of plastic shaker cups, and I returned them to purchase two of these for us instead. At first, I was really excited about the stainless steel cup as I wanted to introduce less plastic into my food/drink. The bottle itself is sleek looking and has a great design. The mesh looking plastic area doesn’t break up Protein shakes as well as my husband and I would like and it is well, made of plastic. Upon using this shaker cup for maybe the 20th time the top suction part of the lid closure fell off into the mesh portion of the cup. It seems to be unretrievable as it is inside the cage. Without this suction closure shaking the shaker cup, would cause its contents to go everywhere. It is now useless. I expected a lot more from such an expensive cup. I absolutely would not buy again and I would not recommend this cup to anyone.
Shelby S –
I was originally shopping for a blender bottle when I found this product and was intrigued how different their bottle design is to blend powder in the bottle. I added quite a bit of powder to my bottle! I was surprised to find that it blended all the powder very well into the water, no clumps. Also no loud noise from a whisk ball shaking in the bottle. The bottle is very nicely made, seems durable and I love the blue color. I say it’s a good value for the money.
Micah –
I liked this at first to keep my protein smoothies cold but the seal sucks and causes leaks.
Big Red Atl –
I really like the design of this shaker bottle without the typical shaker ball. The dome shaker piece is removable and is very easy to clean. I use it to mix my Spark powder and water and it completely dissolves and mixes well in this shaker bottle. The lid has a rubber seal to prevent leaks while shaking but I hold it down just in case. I like that this is a stainless steel insulated bottle to keep ice longer. I wish it was bigger or that they had multiple size options. The only thing I don’t like is that I worry about the liquid on the open lid dripping on my face or clothes when I drink and the lid doesn’t open flat so there’s a bit of an awkwardness to avoid touching the lid when you drink. It would be better if it opened completely flat or if the oval-shaped drinking spout was oriented the other way so you could put the lid to the side instead of up by your nose. It’s hard to describe what I mean here. Overall, I really love it and use it every day.
Jason P –
I was so tired of cleaning my shaker with wire ball that got stuck in my sink grate every day. This shaker was so well thought out as it provides the necessary design to mix my protein shakes without that pesky wire ball. It is super easy to clean and keeps my shake cold for a few hours. I can also toss it in my purse as I’m running out the door with no leaking!