Descrição do Produto:
A Garrafa de Shaker de Proteína – Preta é a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na preparação de shakes e bebidas proteicas. Com um design moderno e portátil, esta garrafa é perfeita para ser levada a qualquer lugar, seja na academia, no trabalho ou durante viagens. Fabricada em material resistente e livre de BPA, garante segurança e durabilidade. O seu sistema de coador interno permite uma mistura homogênea do pó, evitando grumos e proporcionando uma textura suave. Com capacidade de 700ml, é ideal para preparar porções generosas de suplementos, shakes de proteína ou até mesmo bebidas energéticas. O fechamento hermético evita vazamentos, enquanto a alça de transporte facilita o manuseio.
1. Mistura Eficiente: O coador interno garante que o pó se misture completamente, resultando em uma bebida sem grumos.
2. Portabilidade: Compacta e leve, a garrafa é fácil de transportar, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
3. Material Seguro: Feita de plástico livre de BPA, assegura que suas bebidas estejam livres de substâncias nocivas.
4. Fácil Limpeza: Pode ser lavada na máquina de lavar louças, facilitando a manutenção e o uso diário.
5. Versatilidade: Além de shakes de proteína, pode ser utilizada para misturar outras bebidas, como smoothies e sucos.
Para utilizar a Garrafa de Shaker de Proteína, adicione a quantidade desejada de pó de proteína na garrafa. Em seguida, acrescente água ou leite até a marca de 700ml. Feche bem a tampa e agite vigorosamente por cerca de 30 segundos. Para melhores resultados, utilize a coqueteleira em movimentos circulares. Após o uso, lave a garrafa com água e detergente neutro ou coloque-a na máquina de lavar louças. Evite deixar a garrafa exposta ao sol por longos períodos para preservar a qualidade do material.
Valerie –
I love this bottle. It mixes well and cleans up easily. I like that it doesn’t require a separate whisk ball like some other options. I have used a variety of protein powders and other supplements in this bottle with no problems. The price is reasonable, and I like that it is BPA-free.
Laura –
The shaker seems to work well. No leaking and relatively easy to figure out. It washes just fine in the dishwasher. Great all around.
zhu –
What an ingenious design. It works exactly as advertised. The best part for me is there’s no way I could break this by simply shaking it as I’ve done with traditional ball bottles.
Clumping still can happen, but it is much less frequent with this design since it filters out huge chunks. I personally just keep shaking it a bit between sips, and it eventually reaches perfect consistency.
Had this for about a year now , great quality bottle and because it has a curved base inside you never get bits of protein shake stuck in corners. Very easy to clean. Dropped it a few times and hasn’t broke. So far, the best shaker Iv had. Would like them to do a smaller 500ml size bottle though as it is abit bigger than my usual choice.
Amazon Customer –
This shaker bottle for protein shakes and other powdered drinks mixes up the powder it water really well. The operation is simple and it is easy to open/close with no issue. It has not leaked, but it usually gets used at home. This is a better product than the clanging metal ball kind: it is less noisy and there is no concern the ball is chipping off little chunks of plastic every time it gets used. Part of the reason the ZoopScoop was chosen is because it has the highest standards of manufacturing being made in the EU with the most up-to-date guidelines on BPA and chemical testing to insure its safety for food use. The red is slightly easier to see the contentions when filling it up, but the smoke color is easy to read when filling. A good shake session with warm water and soap along with hand washing has made it scent free without any aftertaste. Recommended and very reasonably priced for a functional part of the everyday routine.
Mathew R. –
I’m a big fan! I have only had it a couple of days but I’m impressed with how efficient it is for mixing, there are no loose parts floating around, and the spout is easier to keep clean. Truth be told it also looks great and worth the price.
KG –
First off, I love the look of this shaker bottle. It has a very high tech, cool style to it. But my first time drinking from it I discovered one big problem. Not sure that if I received a defective bottle or not but the cap snaps twice. The first click sounds like you have sealed the bottle with the lid, but it is not securely on. I have to push extra hard to until I hear the second click. I almost spilled a full drink because of the loose first click of the lid. I can’t recommend it based on this issue.
zhu –
As far as the purpose of this bottle, it works great. I want to give it 5 stars. The bottom shape makes it easy to clean. The material is also easy to clean, hold, like it. the shaker part is also a good innovation. It mixes powder well. BUT the flip top part is way too hard to open and close. The grip line is so good at gripping close that I need to hit the flip top against a corner to open it and if the bottle is full there is spillage. Maybe will get better/easier to open with more uses. I’ve only used it 4 times.
Mathew R. –
Pleasantly surprised with how well it worked for mixing. No leakage and loved the appearance
Alles bestens