Descrição do Produto:
Apresentamos o Shaker Cup de 20 oz, a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na preparação de shakes de proteína, coquetéis e suplementos para emagrecimento. Com um design inovador e funcional, este shaker é totalmente à prova de vazamentos, garantindo que você possa transportá-lo com segurança na bolsa de academia ou na mochila, sem se preocupar com derramamentos. O copo possui uma capacidade generosa de 600 ml, perfeito para misturar suas bebidas pré-treino ou pós-treino, além de ser uma excelente opção para preparar coquetéis em festas e eventos. O material de alta qualidade é resistente e fácil de limpar, permitindo que você mantenha seu shaker sempre em ótimas condições. O bico de abertura larga facilita o consumo e a adição de ingredientes, enquanto a rede de mistura interna assegura que seu shake fique homogêneo e livre de grumos.
1. Praticidade no Dia a Dia: Ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada, permitindo preparar shakes rapidamente antes ou após os treinos.
2. Design à Prova de Vazamentos: Transporte seguro sem preocupações com derramamentos, perfeito para levar à academia ou ao trabalho.
3. Versatilidade de Uso: Além de shakes de proteína, pode ser utilizado para coquetéis e outras bebidas, tornando-se um item multifuncional.
4. Fácil Limpeza: Material resistente que pode ser lavado na máquina de lavar louças, economizando tempo e esforço.
5. Mistura Eficiente: A rede interna garante que todos os ingredientes sejam bem misturados, resultando em bebidas mais saborosas e nutritivas.
Para utilizar o Shaker Cup de 20 oz, comece adicionando a quantidade desejada de líquido (água, leite ou bebida vegetal) ao copo. Em seguida, acrescente a porção recomendada de proteína em pó ou suplemento de sua escolha. Para melhores resultados, adicione também frutas, vegetais ou outros ingredientes que desejar. Feche bem a tampa e agite vigorosamente por cerca de 30 segundos, garantindo que a rede interna misture todos os componentes de forma homogênea. Após o uso, lave o shaker com água e detergente neutro ou coloque-o na máquina de lavar louças para uma limpeza prática e eficiente.
Labbottomy –
I have a few shakers cups, but I wanted one that was smaller and fit my aesthetic better. This one is perfect! It is very sturdy and feels like really good quality. It mixes my electrolyte drink mix perfectly every time with very little effort. I like that this is only a 20 oz shaker cup because I typically only mix about 16 oz at a time and I felt like most shaker cups are far too big and a waste of space. I also really like that this one comes with a strap that makes it easy to carry!
Flower –
Used this for collagen powder and colostrum. Left no lumps, looks great, super easy to use, and it for in my cup holder! I love the silicone so it doesn’t slip and makes it easy to hold. The cup was super easy to clean too! No leaks and a nice click sound. Love it! Highly recommend for any pre workout or supplements. ❤️
Tessa –
I love the color combo and design of this mixer cup!! It works great with protein mixes, although I almost wish it had a slightly bigger capacity, as I tend to add more milk to my shakes than recommended. But it’s a great quality cup, easy to clean, and I love the colors. The lid locks in well to prevent accidental spills too. I’m really thrilled with the quality of the plastic and how cute it is! Definitely an upgrade to our old, cheap mixer bottles.
MissColeman –
I’m picky when it comes to shakers, and this one will remain my forever shaker. That is all.
It is a good size, durable (dropped it a few times and no marks), leak proof, and does what it states.
CD –
I’m so sick of the search engine here on Amazon!! I was looking for a GLASS protein shaker cup and this one showed up in my search, and I bought it.
Shame on me for not reading more closely that this is made of plastic like the rest and not of GLASS, like I wrote in the search bar. Ugh! Can’t comment on this plastic cup because I didn’t open it. Another return!
Gert Blansten –
I need a good shaker cup because I usually have to carry it around in my bag which also houses my laptop. I would hate for it to open somehow and spill liquid or powder all over my computer and books. This bottle meets that test for me. It is very strong and the seal is secure. I tested it out a bit before being willing to put it in my bag and so far it has had no issues at all! The yellow portions of the cup look like they should have some form of rubberized grip on them, but they don’t. I don’t see this as an issue, I just wanted to give you a heads up if that is what you were thinking it was (I was thinking that). The entire cup is made of hard plastic which seems to be very high quality. The opening portion of the lid doesn’t “click” into place when shut as some other brands of shaker bottles do, which disturbed me at first. I like to have a satisfying “Click” to know for sure that the cup is closed, but it certainly works and, even without the click, it does not open unless you pop it open intentionally. I also do like the colors of this bottle, it is fun and as a unique design compared to your typical shaker bottles. It comes with a string to attach to it, but the string is only really good to put it on a hook or to have it wrap around your arm. It is also very thick which is nice. Personally, i don’t see myself using the string at all, but it is a nice to have. Overall, I highly recommend giving this cup a try!
RSockwell –
I really like this shaker cup. It’s a great size and comfortable to hold. I really like the shape of the sip piece. It’s smaller than other standard shaker cups and more comfortable to drink from. The top seals very well.
R. H. –
This cup is great. It is well made. It is really good quality. Evenly mixes and easy to use. It is a good size for my 16oz shakes. Very nice to take with you to the gym and I also take it with me on hikes and bike rides. It has a good seal and Does not leak . The I like the way the shaker is made. IT IS PRETTY TOO – I AM VERY HAPPY WITH THIS PRODUCT