A VOLTRX Electric Shaker Bottle – VortexBoost é a revolução que você esperava para suas bebidas proteicas e shakes de substituição de refeições. Com um design inovador e tecnologia de ponta, esta garrafa misturadora elétrica transforma a maneira como você prepara suas bebidas, garantindo uma experiência suave e sem grumos a cada uso.
- O Fim dos Grumos: A VortexBoost da VOLTRX coloca um poderoso misturador portátil na palma da sua mão. Esta garrafa shaker de vortex é a próxima geração em tecnologia de bem-estar, forte o suficiente para eliminar qualquer grumo e transformar seu shake proteico em um momento de indulgência aveludada.
- Limpeza Fácil: O corpo avançado e à prova d’água IPX7 da VortexBoost significa que limpar sua garrafa shaker nunca foi tão fácil. Basta enxaguar a VortexBoost sob a torneira sem se preocupar em molhar a base. Melhor ainda, você pode ativar o misturador sob água corrente para uma limpeza mais rápida (a base não é segura para lava-louças).
- Cores Impressionantes: Impressione amigos e familiares ao levar seus shakes proteicos a um novo nível com a VortexBoost. Nossa garrafa shaker elétrica possui uma base iluminada colorida que ilumina o copo e transforma seu shake na cor que você desejar enquanto mistura.
- Para Pó Mais Espesso: Ao contrário de copos misturadores elétricos mais fracos, a VortexBoost da VOLTRX é forte o suficiente para lidar com pós mais espessos e suplementos proteicos de consistência mais pesada. Projetada para misturar facilmente 14oz (450ml) de leite ou água e até 5 colheres de pó, a VortexBoost é a solução perfeita para shakes aveludados a cada vez.
- O Que Está Incluído: Nosso kit completo contém tudo que você precisa para aproveitar ao máximo seu shaker proteico premium. Incluímos uma garrafa shaker elétrica VOLTRX VortexBoost, um cabo de carregamento rápido USB C, embalagem animada VOLTRactiveX, garantia de 12 meses e atendimento ao cliente de classe mundial de uma equipe de especialistas VOLTRX.
1. Mistura Perfeita: Elimina grumos, garantindo shakes suaves e agradáveis.
2. Fácil Limpeza: Design à prova d’água que facilita a limpeza, economizando tempo.
3. Estilo e Diversão: A base iluminada adiciona um toque divertido e estiloso às suas bebidas.
4. Versatilidade: Capaz de misturar pós mais espessos, ideal para diferentes tipos de suplementos.
5. Pronto para Uso: Inclui tudo que você precisa, desde o carregador até a garantia, proporcionando uma experiência completa.
Para utilizar a VOLTRX Electric Shaker Bottle – VortexBoost, comece adicionando a quantidade desejada de líquido (água ou leite) na garrafa, seguida do seu pó proteico ou suplemento. Feche bem a tampa e pressione o botão de mistura. A tecnologia de vortex irá ativar o motor, criando um movimento circular que garante uma mistura homogênea. Para limpeza, basta enxaguar sob a torneira ou ativar o modo de mistura sob água corrente. Lembre-se de não submergir a base na água e evite a lava-louças para preservar a durabilidade do produto.
Decent till update needed then no longer works –
Works perfectly and worth the money
Mike –
The fact that the TWO bottles I bought did not have a little weight lifting man as the spinner Is really upsetting.
other than that the bottles do work great
SG –
tl;dr Powerful enough to mix protein powder and creamy nut butter but battery life requires more frequent charges than expected. Would recommend for portable mixing!
+ The motor base is quite compact and charges quickly with USBC
+ There’s enough power to mix multiple scoops of protein powder in almond milk and creamy nut butter
+ The vortex is quite visible and it’s quite pleasing to see your ingredients get mixed in
+ RGB lights a plus
– Battery of the motor will likely need to be charged after around 20-30 uses. Realistically, I use about 2-3 30 second mixes each time since I’m mixing multiple ingredients (protein powder, fiber powder, nut butter etc). So after 10 sessions, I need to recharge. The good thing is the base recharges very fast. Approx 15 min gets me back to full.
– If you don’t have enough liquid, the vortex creates a gap in the middle (see last picture) where your ingredients will not mix. Not really a con, just gotta pay attention.
– Cap feels very cheap
SG –
Gimmicky piece of plastic that I so BADLY wish actually WORKED because I hate the whisk ball blender bottles. The product claims to be able to mix up to 14 oz of liquid with 5 scoops of protein powder. Hahaha, no. Even on a full charge this thing struggled to mix 12 oz of almond milk with 30g (1 scoop) of whey protein powder. The result was lumpy and worse than even mixing it with a spoon. Attempting to mix 45g of protein powder (1.5 scoops) and the product would clog, causing the vortex to stop entirely, not even attempting to mix the powder. I gave it a shot for an entire 2 weeks, trying to feed the powder in verrrry slowly while the vortex was spinning, but it didn’t matter. The problem didn’t occur if I tried to mix something very thin like creatine into water. It’s way too weak to replace a BlenderBottle – at best it might save you 10 seconds of using a spoon to stir some thin powder into water, maybe an electrolyte powder or something. Will be returning.
Lucid Louis from Outer-Space –
Muy funcional y práctico.
Markofoz –
I do really like this shaker. Mix super well, the style is amazing and very good quality. Long lasting battery and leak proof. Easy to wash. I also give a 10/10 for customer service because I accidently broke a small part in my lunchbox (the spinner hit a metal tool) and they sent me another immediately because of the warranty. I ordered a second for my wife and it will probably be my #1 gift choice for my coworkers / friends.
austin wills –
I bought this right at a year ago. The shaker has worked really well for me. I typically use cold brew coffee and a scoop of chocolate protein powder with some crushed ice.
When new the motor would power right through without issue. I bought two more for family members. A couple of months ago (10ish months of ownership) my motor didn’t have the power it used to and the battery would not hold a charge. The other two shakers still work like new.
I went to Voltrx web site. I sent an email to customer service explaining my issue. They responded the next day. They asked me to fill out the online warranty form. I asked for a replacement motor. I received a new shaker a couple of days later. No questions asked, they just replaced it.
Lid snaps shut tight. Make sure you put the o-ring/gasket in the bottom of the lid or it will leak. The carry ring broke easily on mine. It doesn’t bother me, but it may be a deal breaker to others. I would definitely buy again.
Nsiddons –
Like everyone else who’s reading this? I saw this on Instagram and Facebook. I’ve been drinking protein shakes and anything else you can mix up in a shaker bottle since I’m 16 not going to disclose my age, but let’s just put it this way It’s been a long time. I really thought this thing was a gimmick. I really thought how much simpler can you make shaking something up. This vortex thing is definitely not a fad. Anything I put inside their powder wise it mixes right up. Anybody who’s been doing protein shakes for long enough has had that clump of protein powder that hits the back of their throat the mixer didn’t do its job. I’ve been using this for weeks with no issues. I even used it to mix up my BCAA. I love how the unit is chargeable on USB-C so I don’t gotta worry about changing out Batteries are plugging into walls. I’ve taken it on three trips now. And the wife laughed at me for buying it. Now I always see her using it. Definitely need to pick up two more for the home so that everybody has their own Because this thing gets so much use, I find myself charging it at least once a week now. When I was using it by myself, I never charged it. Once everyone started using it we are now charging every week.
The Other Guy –
I like this bottle. I tried cleaning it by hand cause if I left it in the dishwasher my kids would probably try it and break it. Used a thin, long handled scrubby and it was just kinda hard to get down to the bottom and scrub. The plastic mixer seems VERY flimsy so I didn’t scrub hard. But I clean usually right away after using. I think it might be dishwasher safe but again, if I left it with the rest of our dishes one of my kids would probably break it. Pour your water first, cause otherwise it has a hard time spinning.
In all, I might look for a sturdier plastic built in mixer, but for now I’m happy with it. I hope it lasts.
anjali bhutani –
I use this daily for my preworkout before the gym and works wonders with protein powder after your sessions so easy to use. Battery life is good for multiple uses and mechanics feel good enough to get each job done. Love the look and feel of it.