CoolComfort Almofadas de Limpeza Pessoal com Hamamélis Orgânica e Aloe Vera
As CoolComfort Almofadas de Limpeza Pessoal são a solução ideal para quem busca alívio rápido e eficaz dos desconfortos causados por hemorroidas. Com uma fórmula inovadora que combina hamamélis orgânica e aloe vera, esses lenços umedecidos naturais oferecem um conforto refrescante, aliviando a queimação, coceira, dor e inchaço de forma prática e segura. Cada embalagem contém 100 lenços, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão uma opção confiável para o cuidado da sua saúde íntima.
Os lenços CoolComfort são projetados para serem rápidos e eficientes. Sua suavidade permite uma limpeza delicada em áreas sensíveis, enquanto os ingredientes naturais trabalham em sinergia para acalmar e reparar tecidos inflamados ou danificados. Além disso, são ideais para cuidados pós-parto, proporcionando um alívio necessário em momentos delicados. A elegibilidade para reembolso FSA/HSA torna esses lenços uma escolha ainda mais acessível para quem busca gerenciar o desconforto de maneira prática.
A combinação dos lenços CoolComfort com o creme para hemorroidas Alleviate potencializa a recuperação, oferecendo um tratamento completo. Com um aroma agradável e suave, os lenços são livres de parabenos e ingredientes químicos agressivos, garantindo que você esteja utilizando um produto seguro e eficaz. A missão da CoolComfort é proporcionar soluções confiáveis e baseadas em plantas para os problemas mais sensíveis da vida, sempre priorizando a qualidade e a naturalidade dos ingredientes.
– Alívio instantâneo para queimação, coceira, dor e inchaço das hemorroidas.
– Lenços suaves e refrescantes, ideais para cuidados pós-parto e hemorroidas inchadas.
– Feitos com ingredientes naturais, como aloe vera e hamamélis, sem parabenos ou ingredientes prejudiciais.
– Combinação perfeita com o creme para hemorroidas Alleviate para maximizar a recuperação.
– Produtos da mais alta qualidade, feitos com óleos essenciais naturais e materiais orgânicos.
Para utilizar as CoolComfort Almofadas de Limpeza Pessoal, comece limpando suavemente a área afetada com um lenço. Aplique o lenço com movimentos delicados, permitindo que os ingredientes naturais atuem na pele. Após a limpeza, aplique o creme para hemorroidas Alleviate diretamente na área afetada para maximizar os resultados. Repita o processo conforme necessário para garantir alívio contínuo e promover a recuperação.
Rusty P –
My biggest complaint is the cost. But, let’s be honest, they know you’re paying to feel better, so they’re taking advantage of that.
These worked well. They felt nice.
Will I purchase again when they run out. Not sure, the cheaper brands work ok also.
AshtonLC –
I tried these for their intended use as well as on my face as an astringent. It made me feel sick when I used it on my face but when I used it for its intended purpose, it worked so well! The discomfort and swelling went away completely and stayed that way for at least a week. I’ll continue to use this for that purpose as needed. I’m impressed.
Tatum Nicole –
Highly recommend if you’re having a baby. I chose these for my second child over witch hazel pads from the drug store, I couldn’t have made a better decision.
Frequent Flyer –
Simple product leave a cool refreshing feel without any burning. Did not notice much help though
Barbara Pixley –
There aren’t the least expensive but seem to work better with the added ingredients.
Danielle –
It seemed like overnight I developed an anal fissure and severe hemorrhoids with edema. I had tried several herbal ointments and remedies for 2 weeks and no relief from the excruciating pain I was in. Felt like I was pooping out glass every time I had to go to the bathroom. I could hardly walk or sit as well. I knew there had to be something out there that was Natural and could help with healing. I received all of Naticura products for Hemorrhoids including their Cool Comfort Wipes, Alleviate Menthol Ointment, and Hem Control pills the night before going to a GI Specialist/Surgeon. With just one use I was already feeling some relief. Fast forward a few days later, I was feeling much more functional and not in the kind of pain I was in before. I also bought Forces of Nature Fissure Control and combining the Alleviate with this homeopathic medicine has worked wonders in healing my anal fissure and giving me much needed cooling pain relief. After 2 weeks of use and lots of prayer, I no longer need to have a sphincterotomy. Thank you Naticura for these great natural products! They are the natural remedies I was looking for and are a game changer with my healing. I have already been recommending your products to others.
TC –
Well, I didn’t think I’d be writing a review on this type of product lol, but I feel compelled to say that I’m very happy I tried these pads. I really love that they don’t contain toxic ingredients (like parabens) as other, more mainstream products do. They do a great job of cleaning and soothing, and I use them by themselves and before applying non-toxic creams and gels. I feel that they are a bit spendy and should be priced a few dollars less, but they do work well. This is my second purchase of the wipes, and the first one lasted a long time. Wish I didn’t need them, but as long as I do, and as long as the price does not increase, I will buy these again!
Betty J. Payne –
Only problem is they are not flushable – I will try to buy TUC’s next time as I do like to flush.