AZO Bladder Control com Go-Less®: A Solução para o Controle da Bexiga
O AZO Bladder Control com Go-Less® é um suplemento inovador que oferece uma abordagem natural e eficaz para o controle da bexiga, especialmente para aqueles que enfrentam vazamentos ocasionais ao rir, tossir, espirrar ou durante a prática de exercícios. Este produto se destaca por sua capacidade de fortalecer os músculos da bexiga, proporcionando uma sensação de confiança e liberdade para viver momentos de alegria sem preocupações.
Formulado com ingredientes de origem natural, o AZO Bladder Control é composto por extrato de semente de abóbora e extrato de gérmen de soja. O extrato de semente de abóbora é conhecido por ajudar a manter a força muscular da bexiga, enquanto o extrato de gérmen de soja atua relaxando a bexiga e apoiando os músculos responsáveis pelo controle do fluxo urinário. Essa combinação poderosa não apenas melhora a saúde da bexiga, mas também promove um estilo de vida mais ativo e sem constrangimentos.
Além disso, o AZO Bladder Control contém CQR-300, um ingrediente clinicamente estudado derivado da planta cissus quadrangularis, que apoia o equilíbrio da serotonina e promove a saúde metabólica, contribuindo para a gestão saudável do peso. O produto é livre de drogas, glúten e cafeína, tornando-se uma opção segura e acessível para todos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula três vezes ao dia — pela manhã, ao meio-dia e à noite — durante as duas primeiras semanas. Após esse período, a dosagem pode ser reduzida para uma cápsula duas vezes ao dia, pela manhã e à noite. O AZO Bladder Control é seguro para uso diário quando tomado conforme as instruções, mas não é indicado para gestantes ou lactantes.
– Redução de vazamentos ocasionais, permitindo maior liberdade em atividades diárias.
– Fortalecimento dos músculos da bexiga, promovendo maior controle e confiança.
– Ingredientes naturais que suportam a saúde da bexiga sem efeitos colaterais indesejados.
– Contribuição para a gestão saudável do peso, apoiando o bem-estar geral.
– Produto livre de drogas e glúten, adequado para diversas dietas e estilos de vida.
Para um uso eficaz do AZO Bladder Control com Go-Less®, inicie com uma cápsula três vezes ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, ao meio-dia e à noite, durante as duas primeiras semanas. Após esse período inicial, ajuste a dosagem para uma cápsula duas vezes ao dia, mantendo a rotina matinal e noturna. É importante seguir as orientações de uso para garantir a segurança e a eficácia do produto. Lembre-se de que este suplemento não é destinado a mulheres grávidas ou que estejam amamentando.
LV –
Issues: On average, I was waking up 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom. During the day, I RUN to the bathroom because of the urgency. I do have had UTI often so I do know UTI symptoms well. My urgency was not from UTI, the doctor thinks it’s mental. Regardless, often I leak and as a result, I had a yeast infection.
Self Medicated: Bought Monistat 7, Azo Bladder Control, and Azo Cranberry two weeks ago. I started all three products right away, where I was taking both Azo twice a day.
Results: First night, I slept through the night. I was not RUNNING to the bathroom during the day. I still hurried to the bathroom, but I did not had to excuse myself in the middle of a meeting to run to the bathroom. Too good to be true I had thought. So I paid close attention to the amount of water I drank, amount of water drank before bed, and rush of bathroom visits. I did notice that I am not as thirsty, I didn’t drink much water before bed, and my urine was still clear even with less water drank.
Unlike other times, Monistat 7 did not help with the yeast this time. I was going to buy a different yeast treatment product but decided to give the Azo Cranberry a chance. By day ten, 95% of the yeast symptoms are gone.
Side Effects: I was able to sleep through the night but the sleep was not quality deep sleep. I dream lots and woke up tired even after eight hours of sleep. Most alarming, at the doctor’s office today, my blood pressure was 133/99!!! I tested again at home and it read 129/92. Those numbers are ridiculously high for me, I normally read around 110/70.
I will continue to watch the next two weeks, if the blood pressure is still high, I will discontinue the Azo Bladder Control to see if it’s the cause.
UPDATE: Since my original review 3-4 months ago, I have been to multiple doctor’s visits, my blood pressure is back to normal for me which is around 110/70. Apparently, the high-pressure reading was a one day coincident.
I update my rating to 5 stars because since finishing the bottle, my symptoms of urgency day and night are no more. I now am able to sleep through the night and no longer do I run out in the middle of a meeting to use the restroom. THANK YOU AZO!!!
Fiona Lewis –
I am amazed. They really work. I’m writing this so other people can take advantage of this great product.
Ive been having problems with incontinence for over a year. And was thinking ‘well I am almost 70’. I was having to wear a towel 7 days a week all day. I was doing pelvic floor exercises, which helped slightly.
I didn’t have much money but
Thought it would be worth trying before going under the knife.
After a week of taking them I noticed a change, I wasn’t having to go to the bathroom as often, I could wait slightly longer.
I started sleeping through the night. Then I started to be able to stop my pee mid flow when I went to the bathroom.
In another 3 days and I’ve been taking these for 2 weeks.
I feel less ashamed, more confident and so happy.
The tablets are slightly large but I don’t find them had to swallow with water.
They contain ground Pumpkin seeds and Soy Germ.
I take three a day, morning, noon and night.
At the 2 week mark I can cut them down to 2 per day.
There are 48 tablets in the bottle and you do have to follow the instructions on the bottle.
They are so easy to take, have great health benefits.
I am so glad to write this as I thought my only option was to have an operation.
I could not wait to tell you about them.
It’s ok to be sceptical, but get over the scepticism and give them a try.
Another thing in the last 2 weeks I’ve lost 4 lbs and have not changed my diet, even though I should.
Thank you to the manufacturer for such a great product. It has changed everything for me in many ways.
Of course you should always talk with your doctor before taking them or if you have side effects.
Mingette –
This is helping me not wake up 5 to 6 times a night to pee but only wake up around once or twice to go pee
beachgirl –
This seems to slightly reduce urgency, but inconsistently. I have taken this for several months, but cannot go to taking it twice daily. There is no proof it works, and this is a supplement. The weight mamagement claim is false.
Jo-Ann –
AZO Bladder Control with Go-Less® & Weight Management Dietary Supplement Do NOT use if you have high blood pressure. I bought this supplement thinking it was “SAFE”, being cautious I did not take it 3 times a day for 2 weeks as recommended. I took it 2 times a day for 8 days. I noticed some edema in my feet and checked my blood pressure it was up to 193/83. I has a dentist appointment and my blood pressure was 163/130. I stopped taking the AZO for 24 hours and rechecked my blood pressure 125/52. All of the blood pressures were taken while still taking blood pressure medication. The bottle and amazon description do not mention anything about blood pressure. I suggest before taking any supplement you thoroughly check out its side effects and adverse reactions.
Dw999 –
Does the trick! You can now take long driving trips with AZO…or go to an outdoor fair for several hours & not worry about creepy outhouse-like-porta-station things. Lifesaver on so many days. Natural ingredients. Very thankful for this product.
Charles F. –
Azo controls bladder leakage but did not notice any weight loss. No side affects. I ordered this by accident and would not order this version. I will stick with the plain/original AZO bladder control.
Rachel M –
After 4 kids, I was miserable and leaked. I am in my very late 30s and was losing my mind feeling that way, and it gets worse around my period. This is the only product that helps, I can function like an adult and not worry about coughing or sneezing and leaking, helps control the constant urge to go as well. Helps with the bloating aspect of monthly issues as well, haven’t lost weight but I haven’t gained any and have maintained much better.. I prefer this one over the one that is just bladder control, I feel these are less harsh on my body if that makes any sense. Only wish they were a bit cheaper because im a broke bish.