Descrição do Produto: RESCUE Nighttime Sleep Aid Bundle, 3Pk
O RESCUE Nighttime Sleep Aid Bundle é a solução ideal para quem busca uma noite de sono tranquila e reparadora. Este conjunto inclui três produtos cuidadosamente formulados para atender às necessidades de diferentes faixas etárias e sensibilidades, garantindo que todos possam desfrutar de um descanso de qualidade.
- Inclui (1) Bach Rescue Sleep Kids Dropper: Uma mistura homeopática de essências florais e um suave auxílio ao sono sem melatonina, indicado para crianças a partir de 2 anos e adultos sensíveis à melatonina.
- Inclui (1) Bach Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts: Cápsulas de rápida dissolução com uma mistura homeopática de essências florais. Com sabor natural de laranja e baunilha, ajudam a aliviar o estresse e acalmar pensamentos repetitivos. Livre de melatonina.
- Inclui (1) Bach Rescue Plus Melatonin Sleep Gummies com 5mg de melatonina por dose: Gomas com sabor natural de morango, veganas e sem sabores ou cores artificiais. Para uso exclusivo de adultos.
- Bem-estar noturno para sonhos doces: Ajuda a proporcionar alívio suave para a insônia ocasional durante a noite.
- Confiável em todo o mundo há mais de 85 anos: Feito com a tintura original RESCUE REMEDY, além do Bach White Chestnut – a mistura de essências florais naturais de Dr. Bach, colhidas à mão em seus jardins originais no Reino Unido.
- Satisfação garantida: Coberto pela Garantia de Satisfação de 45 dias da Nelsons. Termos adicionais se aplicam. Veja abaixo para mais detalhes.
1. Solução Personalizada: O conjunto oferece opções para crianças e adultos, atendendo a diferentes necessidades de sono.
2. Ingredientes Naturais: Formulados com essências florais naturais, proporcionando uma alternativa segura e eficaz aos produtos químicos.
3. Sem Melatonina para Crianças: O Bach Rescue Sleep Kids Dropper é ideal para crianças e adultos sensíveis à melatonina, evitando efeitos colaterais indesejados.
4. Alívio do Estresse: As gomas e cápsulas ajudam a acalmar a mente, facilitando a transição para o sono.
5. Confiança e Tradição: Com mais de 85 anos de história, a marca é reconhecida mundialmente pela sua eficácia e qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o RESCUE Nighttime Sleep Aid Bundle, siga as instruções de uso específicas para cada produto. Para o Bach Rescue Sleep Kids Dropper, administre a dose recomendada diretamente na boca ou diluída em água, antes de dormir. As cápsulas de Bach Rescue Sleep Liquid Melts devem ser colocadas na língua e deixadas dissolver completamente, também antes de dormir. Para os adultos, as gomas de Bach Rescue Plus Melatonin Sleep devem ser consumidas conforme indicado, garantindo que sejam ingeridas cerca de 30 minutos antes de se deitar. Mantenha todos os produtos em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
ciara sheridan –
Taste nice and works quickly to help dift off asleep
C Annie –
I have been in the alternative health business for over 30 years and Rescue Remedy by Bach Flowers has been one of the staples for helping clients. I have a lot of experience with the products and I have personally used the Sleep Melts that are in this bundle with great success on myself. I really do find that they help with repetitive thoughts that keep you awake. I recommend it to my clients for that very reason because I found it to be very successful by kind of making those thoughts go to sleep so I can go to sleep.
These remedies would be very effective with children and that is why there are some kids formulas in this bundle. There is so much ADHD, and other disorders that children are being treated for that, frankly, they need to have some help getting to sleep. Some doctors give children straight melatonin, but I’m not sure about the idea of giving children hormones, which melatonin is, and the jury and research are still out on that question. I do like the idea of these formulas with their homeopathic approach.
This is a good value in the bundle. Do not be put off that some are labeled for kids. Just take them because homeopathic medicine is different and you should just try them to see the results for you. The gummy is pleasant tasting, but certainly not delicious like candy. It’ll do. Just try these. You may be pleasantly surprised in your sleep and your child’s sleep.
Louie DC –
I have been a fan of Bach’s other homeopathic products, so thought I would give these a try. The gummies are nothing more than Melatonin, and a weak formula at that. It takes two gummies to get 5mg of Melatonin. Most Melatonin gummies have 5 mg per gummy. These work OK, but it usually takes me 10mg+ to see any effect. I will say that these are probably the best tasting Melatonin gummies I have tried.
The sleep liquid melts are interesting. It is a tiny liquid-filled bead that immediately dissolves when you put it in your mouth. The contents are a proprietary homeopathic blend of flowers and other things. It contains no melatonin. These seemed to help, but did not make you feel drowsy. Instead, they sort of kept the mind from wandering so your body could do its thing to make you fall asleep.
Finally, the kids drops. I did not try these yet, but I will the next time my granddaughter comes over and has to take a nap. She’s at that age where she does not want to go to sleep no matter how tired she is.
Overall, mild results for me and, like most Bach products, comes at a premium price. I do trust the quality of Bach and understand that these may work better for some than others, so I give it 4 stars overall. It does come with a 45 day guarantee, so it does not hurt to give these a try.
RebeccaF –
This is a nice bundle of three different sleep products from a great company know for all natural herbal remedies. I really like the different Rescue Remedy products and usually purchase them at Whole Foods. I had used the Sleep liquid melts before so I knew what to expect. They are tiny balls filled with liquid that burst on the tongue. I like that fact that they do not contain melatonin. I have never found the liquid melts to make me wake up groggy and they are also not habit forming.
Even thought the liquid product is marketed toward children, I noticed that it has the same ingredients as the liquid melts. I often prefer liquid products for sleep because they tend to work faster. The liquid product was easy to take. I do think it is a small bottle and will be used up quickly. I found the taste to be lightly sweet with a slight vanilla scent. It wasn’t too strong and didn’t have an aftertaste. I did not try the melatonin product because I am trying to stay away from any products containing it after having a bad experience with melatonin.
Overall, this is an excellent purchase price wise, as the price alone for the kid’s liquid and the liquid melts add up to more than the price of the bundle. I’m glad I got to try the liquid product and will keep my eye out for future sales.
Aiden –
I got these because I was interested in trying different sleep aids besides melatonin as it makes me groggy sometimes. While not as effective as melatonin, the drops and the liquid melts did help me get to sleep. They all have a candy like strawberry flavor, a bit like fruit rollups, so I think kids would love them!
The gummies have a bit of a gritty texture, but not in a negative way. They’re somewhat soft and chewy, but not squishy or so chewy that your jaw gets a work out lol.
The drops are very simple to use. You just put the amount of drops needed for your dosage under your tongue and that’s it.
The liquid melts do melt quickly and I never had an issue with accidentally swallowing it whole while it dissolved.
Overall these have been great, and I’m sure even better for kids!
beth –
I give my kids melatonin some nights to help them sleep- they are on meds that sometimes make falling asleep difficult. The strawberry flavor was delicious.
I was skeptical about the melts, but was pleasantly surprised. They taste delicious ( I am always surprised when meds do not taste vile), and helped me fall asleep.
I struggle with falling asleep and staying asleep. There are some sleep aids that do not work for me. Different nights I have different needs for sleep aid strength.
These were quick to work. I will keep these in my mix of sleep help.
I am glad I found these.
Rafael Fernández –
Works for me.. i sleep soundly.