Conjunto de Sabonetes Botânicos Florais Luxuosos – Duplo Pack para Esfoliação
O Conjunto de Sabonetes Botânicos Florais Luxuosos é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma experiência de banho indulgente e revitalizante. Com um total de 14g, este duplo pack é ideal para esfoliação, proporcionando uma limpeza profunda e ao mesmo tempo suave. Cada barra de sabonete é triplamente moída, garantindo uma espuma rica e cremosa que envolve a pele em um abraço de suavidade. A fórmula botânica floral não só limpa, mas também deixa uma fragrância agradável e relaxante, transformando o seu banho em um verdadeiro ritual de autocuidado.
Os sabonetes são especialmente formulados para peles sensíveis, sendo livres de óleos essenciais e fragrâncias sintéticas. Isso garante que mesmo as peles mais delicadas possam desfrutar dos benefícios da esfoliação sem irritações. Enriquecidos com ingredientes naturais premium e pó de nozes finamente moído, esses sabonetes esfoliam suavemente enquanto nutrem a pele, deixando-a macia, suave e revigorada. Com um peso total de 14g, as barras são generosamente dimensionadas e projetadas para durar, permitindo que você as utilize no rosto, corpo e cabelo, aproveitando ao máximo sua versatilidade.
A fragrância sutil e elegante, resultante da mistura de extratos de plantas, proporciona uma experiência de limpeza refinada e sensível ao perfume, ideal para aqueles que apreciam um toque de sofisticação em seus cuidados pessoais.
1. Experiência de spa em casa: Desfrute de um banho luxuoso e relaxante sem sair de casa.
2. Ideal para peles sensíveis: Fórmula livre de óleos essenciais e fragrâncias sintéticas, perfeita para peles delicadas.
3. Esfoliação suave e nutrição: Ingredientes naturais que esfoliam e nutrem, deixando a pele macia e revigorada.
4. Versatilidade e durabilidade: Uso adequado para rosto, corpo e cabelo, com sabonetes projetados para durar.
5. Fragrância sutil e elegante: Aroma delicado que proporciona uma experiência de limpeza agradável e reconfortante.
Aplique o sabonete diretamente na pele úmida, massageando suavemente até formar uma espuma rica. Enxágue bem com água morna. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente, permitindo que os ingredientes naturais atuem na esfoliação e nutrição da pele. Evite o contato com os olhos e armazene em local seco para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Raqci –
This pair of soap bars have a very luxurious look, like a boutique type of soap, perfect for having in your bathroom for special visits, to gift to someone and of course for yourself! I do have to say the perfume is very strong, I had to put them in a bag until it’s time to use them (one of them, the other I opened) because I couldn’t take the smell of the perfume lingering in the space I kept them. The soap lathers nicely leaving the skin feeling soft, the scent doesn’t linger on your skin for long.
Customer review –
I do like the smell of jasmine and have vines of it all over my house, but this soap is sweeter smelling and even has a sort of sunscreen scent to it as well that I can’t really put a finger on. I think it lingers a bit too. much for my taste.
If you LOVE a sweet floral scent and are a perfume enthusiast, I think you may love this soap because the lather is lovely and these are rally nicely milled soaps! But they’re going in my laundry closet for a few months to lose a bit of their potency before I break them out to use them.
Raqci –
While still in the wrapping, these bars of soap smell so good. I almost don’t want to open them because the packaging is so elegant. I have not used it in the shower yet but I have used to wash my hands and it leaves my hands smelling good and feeling really soft. You get 2 bars and they are quite large bars so they should last for a while, ( in my opinion)
nhrunner –
I’m not sure what I expected it to smell like. I usually like all floral scents, but this one is not great. The soap itself is fine but nothing very special, in my opinion (not worth the price). Also, the way the two bars are attached makes it impossible to gift just one without it being obvious that a wrapper was ripped off.
aining04 –
The bars have a very strong jasmine scent, which I love. They are also larger than your average soap bar and should last quite a while. They are packaged really nicely so as to look elegant and luxurious, but the bar itself isn’t anything mind blowing. These are good soap bars, but I don’t think they are worth the high price.
John Taylor –
First off, the packaging is gorgeous. It looks like it was wrapped by some artisan. If you like jasmine, you’ll like the smell. If you don’t, then you won’t like this. Lathers good, looks good for guests, and an easy gift for those who won’t be offended by gifting them soap.
Mama Shleee –
Smells more like lilac to me, but regardless smells scrumptious. I like the grit in the soap for extra exfoliation. No issues with rash or allergic reaction. Suds well and rinses clean. Very nice soap. Will look into purchasing more as boujie soap is one of my self care rituals.
Customer Review –
The soap I am reviewing was labeled as “Jasmine Botanical Soap Set” when I ordered it. It arrives beautifully packaged, and would make a wonderful gift. The aroma these bars give off is very strong – if you’re in the same room with it, you will know it! However, in use, the scent is not so overpowering – it leaves just a light (very nice!) floral scent, and works up a great lather. This two bar pack delivers a lot of soap.