Conjunto de Presente para Banho e Corpo Masculino – Glacier Absolute – Ideias Premium de Presentes para o Dia dos Pais, Aniversário e Natal para Ele – Kits de Cuidados com a Pele para Homens em Bolsa de Couro com Itens em Tamanho Real
O Conjunto de Presente para Banho e Corpo Masculino – Glacier Absolute é uma coleção completa de produtos de cuidados pessoais projetados especialmente para o homem moderno. Este conjunto inclui um Gel de Banho em tamanho real, uma Loção Corporal em tamanho real, um Shampoo e Condicionador 2 em 1 em tamanho real, um Esfoliante Facial em tamanho real, um Desodorante, uma esponja de banho e uma elegante bolsa de toilete em couro sintético na cor azul-gelo.
Este conjunto é perfeito para presentear homens em diversas ocasiões, como aniversários, aniversários de casamento, formaturas, Natal ou Dia dos Pais. É uma escolha luxuosa e atenciosa para qualquer homem em sua vida, garantindo que ele se sinta especial e bem cuidado. É um maravilhoso conjunto de presente para maridos, pais, filhos e qualquer homem que você queira presentear.
O destaque deste conjunto é a fragrância exclusiva Glacier Absolute, uma mistura cativante dominada por uma sensação refrescante e gelada misturada com uma explosão de frescor do oceano. Refrescante e revigorante, essa fragrância foi formulada para durar o dia todo, mantendo você energizado e cheirando muito bem.
Além dos produtos de alta qualidade, este conjunto também inclui acessórios de viagem de luxo. Acompanhado por uma esponja de banho de qualidade premium e uma elegante bolsa de toilete em couro sintético na cor azul-gelo, este conjunto é perfeito para homens que viajam. A bolsa de toilete mantém os itens de cuidados pessoais organizados, tornando-a ideal tanto para viagens curtas quanto para férias longas. Este conjunto foi criado especialmente para o homem moderno que aprecia sofisticação e qualidade em sua rotina de cuidados pessoais.
Nossos produtos são feitos com os melhores ingredientes naturais, cuidadosamente selecionados para nutrir a pele e o cabelo. Livres de produtos químicos agressivos, eles são adequados para todos os tipos de pele e foram desenvolvidos para hidratar e proteger, proporcionando uma limpeza completa e uma sensação de frescor duradoura.
- 1. Conjunto completo de cuidados pessoais para homens, simplificando a rotina de cuidados diários.
- 2. Fragrância exclusiva Glacier Absolute, refrescante e revigorante.
- 3. Acompanhado por uma elegante bolsa de toilete em couro sintético na cor azul-gelo.
- 4. Feito com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, adequados para todos os tipos de pele.
- 5. Presente perfeito para diversas ocasiões, garantindo que o homem em sua vida se sinta especial e bem cuidado.
Para obter os melhores resultados, utilize os produtos deste conjunto diariamente durante o banho. Aplique o Gel de Banho no corpo molhado, massageando suavemente para criar espuma. Em seguida, enxágue completamente. Após o banho, aplique a Loção Corporal em todo o corpo, massageando até que seja absorvida pela pele. Use o Shampoo e Condicionador 2 em 1 para lavar o cabelo, massageando suavemente o couro cabeludo e enxaguando bem. Use o Esfoliante Facial uma vez por semana, aplicando-o no rosto úmido e massageando suavemente em movimentos circulares. Enxágue bem. Por fim, aplique o Desodorante nas axilas para se manter fresco e protegido ao longo do dia.
Jeff –
This Yard House Bath and Body Men’s gift set is a terrific gift for any guy. I’ve ordered this one to give my son. Everything smells wonderful. There is an aluminum-free deodorant, body wash, body lotion, 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, a tube of facial scrub, a shower pouf (I don’t know how many guys will admit to using these), and a matching ice blue dopp bag to neatly store it all. Bonus points for every liquid item having a seal – nothing leaked. The deodorant is not sealed. My set had some minor cosmetic imperfections because it appears that the packet of desiccant beads ruptured, leaving some sooty colored residue on some of the items. However, that is a minor issue that was easily remedied. This set will be perfect for traveling, as everything fits perfectly inside the dopp bag.
TheMaven –
Product: Yard House Bath and Body Mens Gift Set
I think a dedicated toiletry bag makes a huge difference in how men travels. Ever since he’s got a toiletry bag, things are finally not in a grocery or ziplock bag and scattered around in the suitcase. The color might not be most men’s taste (this brand also sells in other colors like brown and green), but it’s understandable in terms of matching the theme. Otherwise, this set really captures what a man needs. Of course, there must be at least one 2 in 1, and he would argue that a 3 in 1 would have been even better – less is more in men’s world to my knowledge. The body wash and lotion are useful, and the scents are crisp and masculine, and overall smells very nice in my opinion. He doesn’t really care about the deodorant nor the shower puffy ball. Overall, I think it’s a well rounded gift set for the price, minus the deodorant and shower puff but those are easily replaceable.
McKenzie –
This is a super-nice men’s travel kit with all the ingredients you’ll need to keep fresh on the road.
The fragrance is clean and light but not overpowering in any way.
The kit comprises a combined shampoo and conditioner, body wash, facial scrub, body lotion, deodorant and one of those scrunchy puff-balls for applying everything with.
Wrapped in a light teal colored carry case, this will make an excellent purchase for your personal use or a great gift for the man, or men, that like to stay fresh in your life.
Jeff –
The stuff in it is pretty good sized, it smells really good too, I’m excited to give to my boyfriend for birthday.
My Paradigm –
The facewash is something I immediately gravitated towards – the scent of everything in this kit is great but not overpowering in any of the applications. I don’t really use random deodorants due to issues with perspiration, so I didn’t test that. But everything else is great. Overall, this is a great kit and comes with a cool blue dopp kit bag for travel or other items as needed. The facewash will run out soon and I will miss it the most!
PlantOwl –
There is everything you need in this little travel bag for men-shampoo, body wash, loofah, deodorant and more! The bag itself is nice and holds all of these well and it is good to get for yourself, or give as a gift as well. Definitely a fan of this!
JM –
This all-in-one toiletry set includes everything you need when traveling such as body lotion, shampoo, facial scrub, deodorant, a shower pouf, and body wash. I like that everything fits into the bag that matches the color of the products. The scent is fresh and lasts for a couple of hours. The body wash lathers well. The 2 in 1 shampoo & conditioner work well for short hair. It’s a nice gift set for a man who goes to the gym or travels so that he can keep all the toiletries handy.
My Paradigm –
The set is great from the standpoint you also get a bottle of facial scrub. Usually it’s just the typical shampoo conditioner, body wash, lotion, and or deodorant. So basically it’s very complete for what a guy would need. Even a scrubber mesh ball is included in fact.
Loving the scent it’s crisp, kinda icy cool smelling, and masculine. The imitation leather drop kit feels velvety soft and mimics leather actually very well. Not really keen on the color of it maybe lol but it gives and keeps a consistent feel to the set which I’m sure is the intent obviously. In any case you could continue to use it for traveling long after you use the products up. Speaking of which ONE thing about the deodorant I had a hard time with and disliked. After applying it as my body temp rose while I was exerting more energy it constantly was making me aware it was on my pits in a not exactly pleasant way. It just well feels cooler sort of like when you first apply deodorant that initial sensation. Only it continued to do it every time I heated up. Personally I just didn’t like the sensation at all.
I think most guys would appreciate receiving this as a thoughtful gift on their birthday, father’s day, or other sspecial occasion. The products aren’t trial sized so he actually gets to enjoy using them more than once.